Continuation on minutes of 4th July 2017


Minutes of the 251stParish Council meeting held in the village hall on

Tuesday 4th July 2017 at 8.00pm

Present: Cllr R Price (Chair) Cllr R Baily (Vice Chair), Cllr S Folland, Cllr K Keatley, Cllr J Binks, F Lowe (Clerk), 3 members of the public










10)Public Questions Update regarding broadband was given. Phase 2 is going ahead and it is possible that most of Puddington will be included. £4m has been released by the Government for rural connection. Parishioners need to register their interest at David Lakeland gave the Clerk a completed application for a grant for cemetery upkeep which will be discussed at the November budget meeting of the Council. As cemeteries are the dual responsibility of the Parish Council and MDDC,Cllr Binks is to check if a grant is available from MDDC. Cllr Binks commented that the Fete had been a very enjoyable occasion and sends thanks to all concerned.

11)Apologies CCllr M Squires sent her apologies.

12)Declarations of Interest none.

13)Minutes. The minutes of the Annual Meeting andParish Council meeting of 2nd May 2017, were agreed as a true and correct record. Cllr Baily proposed signing and Cllr Folland seconded.

14)Matters arising from previous minutes. The defibrillator has been installed. No contribution from the Council is required. It was clarified that the defibrillator is the responsibility of the Village Hall and not the Council.

15)Correspondence. Cllrs confirmed that they had received the following correspondence:

  1. 26/04/17 PR: Free of Tiverton Town March - FREE PARKING
  2. 26/04/17 Neighbourhood Highway Officer (NHO) arrangements post elections
  3. 27/04/17 S106/ Public Open Space (POS) funding
  4. 27/04/17 Chairman - Mid Devon District Council
  5. 02/05/17 Neighbourhood Highway Officer (NHO) arrangements post elections
  6. 03/05/17 PR: Council issuing fixed penalty notices for littering and dog fouling
  7. 03/05/17 PR: Electric Nights Streetfood returns to Tiverton Market this Saturday!
  8. 04/05/17 Is the UK's Village of the Year in Mid Devon?
  9. 17/05/17 MDDC 10-year plan to de-fence children's play parks
  10. 22/05/17 May - Town and Parish Newsletter
  11. 24/05/17 PR: Mid Devon 'Litter Busters' to tackle littering and fly-tipping
  12. 24/05/17 PR: Affordable homes for rent
  13. 30/05/17 Community PDG Agenda
  14. 09/06/17 PR: Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension (EUE) consultation
  15. 09/06/17 Tiverton EUE Area B Consultation
  16. 09/06/17 P3 Spring/Summer Newsletter with Strimmer/Brushcutter dates for June/July 2017
  17. 16/06/17 Information regarding Play Areas
  18. 16/06/17 PR: 1940s late night shopping event at Tiverton Market
  19. 16/06/17 Devon Communities Together courses
  20. 18/06/17 PR: Success with empty homes - 44 returned to use in Mid Devon
  21. 18/06/17 PR: Tenant evicted for hoarding

Comment was made that the Play Park is the responsibility of MDDC and that the Rowcliffe Trust lease the land to them.

16)Current Business. A new P3 Councillor Co-ordinator is needed. Cllr Keatley volunteered to take on this role. The Clerk was asked to request an up-to-date map of the footpaths and will forward all documentation to Cllr Keatley. Cllr Binks advised that there is a footpath review regarding Thelbridge & Washford Pyne (paths 14 & 15) on 13th December 2017.

17)Councillors Reports. Cllr Price raised the issue of the Cllr vacancy. The Clerk was requested to put a notice in The Bell. Cllr Binks reminded the Cllrs that the TAP fund is available for joint Council applications. She suggested contacting Woolsery, Washford Pyne or Poughill to jointogether to produce an illustrated footpath map. The TAP fund is £1.10 per elector.


Payments for consideration

  1. Clerks pay £95 for 2 months, Cheque no 215; proposed by Cllr Baily, seconded by Cllr Keatley
  2. The Clerk has ascertained that retired Cllr Moore is still a signatory on the bank account. Cllrs Price and Bailey signed a mandate to remove her. Current signatories are confirmed as Cllrs Price, Bailey, Keatley and the Clerk.
  3. The Clerk advised that the current bank balance is £1,547.04.

19)Confirm dates of next meetings

  1. Planning meeting. Tuesday 2nd August 2017 (this will be cancelled if there are no planning applications)
  2. PCM on Tuesday 5th September 2017.

A parishioner then asked why a planning application had not been raised during the meeting. The Clerk said that no applications had been received. It transpired that the Planning Office had not advised the Council. Cllrs expressed their disgust that MDDC had wanted Puddington to retain a Parish Council, with one of the main roles being planning applications, and had then failed to advise the Council of such. Cllrs Binks immediately contacted Planning to put the matter right. The parishioner explained the application and following a discussion there were no objections from cllrs. The application has since been forwarded to cllrs for information. Ref: 17/01030/HOUSE proposing demolition of boundary wall and erection of replacement boundary wall andporch at The Old Forge, Puddington, Tiverton.

With no further business, the meeting was declared closed at 8.50pm

Chairman …...... Date …......