Your principal calls you in for a meeting, and you learn you are being disciplined.

What do you do?

Contact your Education Minnesota representative.

You have a right to have a representative present during any disciplinary-related meeting. If you do not know the purpose of the meeting and only learn of the discipline action at the meeting, ask for a delay so your representative may be present. If a delay is granted or even if it isn’t, immediately contact your building representative or call your Education Minnesota field staff.

• Don’t resign. A resignation could be used as evidence in civil or criminal actions. Also, a resignation could terminate your rights to fight the charge or receive certain benefits.

Don’t sign anything; don’t say anything. Don’t be pressured into signing anything. Indicate that you need time to think and consult with your Education Minnesota field staff. Do not say anything until you seek advice. Don’t take the chance of inadvertently incriminating yourself.

Ask for specifics. Whenever action is taken against you, ask that the specific reasons for the action be provided in writing. Share that information with your local building representative and Education Minnesota field staff.

Get everything in writing. Take notes on any conversations you have with school district officials and others. Insist that school district personnel provide you with written copies of any charges or proposals.


Employee Rights Information

If you are contacted by school district officials or law enforcement officials about any student accident or injury, or if any suggestions are made that you are, or may be under investigation for inappropriate conduct, or for any reason that may threaten your job, do not discuss the incident until you have contacted your Education Minnesota Representative. Anything you say or write can and will be used against you. Talk with your local or Education Minnesota Representative first.



Tell school district officials or law enforcement officers “I must meet with my representatives before I meet with you.” If you are contacted by law enforcement officials, say “I am an Education Minnesota member and have been advised that I am not to meet, or discuss this matter, with anyone until I have received legal advice.”

You should make contact with your Education Minnesota Representative at:

1-800-652-9073 or 227-9541