
Class Period:

World War 1

Group Projects

  1. Directions:Using credible sources, your group will create a presentation that teaches your classmates about a topic of interest related to World War 1. You will have class time to work on your presentation, but some elements may have to be completed as homework depending on your group.I must approve your topic.

Your presentation must include the following elements:

  1. 40 Points - A spoken presentationthat:
  2. Is 4-6 minutes long
  3. One person may speak, or each member of the group can cover a different part. If you do not feel comfortable speaking, please make sure you contribute to your group in other ways as you help create the presentation.
  4. Make sure your speakers enunciate clearly, speak at an appropriate volume, and speak at a speed all can follow along with.
  5. Your presentation needs to:
  6. Cover key terms and definitions
  7. Provide a background/overview of your topic
  8. When possible, make the connection between your topic and information we covered in class
  1. 40 Points - A visual presentation that supports and helps organize your spoken presentation:
  2. This can be a PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Presentation, etc.
  3. Quality of your slides matters more than quantity.
  4. Consider bulleting key ideas to guide your audience – avoid paragraphs and large amount of texts.
  5. Your visual presentation should be clear and easy to see up close, but also from a distance.
  6. You may use maps, images, short video clips*, diagrams, etc. in your visual presentation

*video/audio clips can not be more than 20% of your presentation

  1. You must provide me a paper copy of your presentation including appropriate citations
  1. 20 points – teammate evaluation
  2. You will evaluate each member of your group on their participation, cooperation, and effort
  1. 10 points – Extra Credit
  2. Ten additional points are available for visual aides above and beyond your presentation. Examples of this would include: acting out a brief scene from a play, providing samples of a WW1 era recipe, wearing costumes, singing a WW1 era song. Be creative!
  1. Planning Guide

Time / Suggested Task Order / Task Assignment (Who is responsible for what?)
Day 1 / Research Topic
Day 2 / Prepare spoken presentation
Day 3 / Prepare visual presentation
Day 4 / Present Projects

NOTE: If you have problems with a group member because they aren’t contributing – please speak to me privately. You will be graded as a group, but an individual’s grade will be docked if they do not contribute or complete what they are assigned to do.

Orzechowski/USH – WW1 Presentation 1