English Language Arts

Academic Code of Conduct 2016-17

9th grade students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Students are to act so that they are worthy of the trust bestowed on them by teachers and peers, conduct themselves honestly, and carry out their responsibilities with honor and fairness.

To act dishonestly is inexcusable. Students who engage in academic dishonesty should expect serious consequences. Consequences to academic dishonesty may include:

  • A written referral to the vice principal that goes on your record.
  • A ZERO on the assignment in question.
  • Multiple offenses may result in a “NO PASS” for 9th grade ELA


• Tell the truth

• Present your own work only

• Give credit for all sources


• Act in accordance with high moral principles

• Cooperate with efforts to maintain high moral principles

• Encourage high moral principles in others


• Consider each action as a chance to gain trust

• Create a community that values learning and learners

• Demonstrate self-respect


• Be willing to own what you do and say

• Embrace and advance the common good of our community

• Have the courage to do what is right

Each STUDENT will maintain and support academic integrity by:

• completing all assigned work, activities and tests in an honorable way that avoidsall cheating, lying, and plagiarizing

• understanding the school-wide academic dishonesty policy and individualteacher assignment guidelines

• clarifying with the instructor anything that may be unclear about an assignment

• encouraging other students to do their own work and not cheat

See Reverse

What is cheating?

1. To cheat:To violate or to intend to violate the rules deliberately for one’s owngain in academic, extracurricular, or other school work in order to (or with theintent to) gain an unfair advantage. With regard to academic performance, conduct thatconstitutes cheating or the intention to cheat includes, but is not limited to, casesillustrated by the following examples:

• Unpermitted group work on assignment, or work submitted by anystudent, including but not limited to papers, projects, products, reports, and homework.

• Using a cheat sheet marks/writing on body, note-card or notes, calculator/computer, cell phone, iPod, Blackberry, or any other technological device that would inappropriately enhance one’s work.

• Unauthorized prior knowledge and/or use of tests, quizzes, finals, or other assignments.

• Having another student do your assignment for you or copying their work.

• Sending or receiving unauthorized information through hand signals orother gestures, talking, text messaging, looking at someone else’s test,showing your own test.

• Plagiarism: The copying of language, ideas, thoughts, images,programming or computer code of another without properacknowledgement/citation.

• The purchasing and/or using of another’s work or thoughts as your own.

I have read the preceding policy on Cheating and Plagiarism. I understand the policy in full and agree to the terms listed above.

Student Name (print): ______Block: ____ Date: ______

Student Signature: ______

I have read the above policy with my student and have answered any questions that they had regarding the Cheating and Plagiarism policy.

Parent Name (print): ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______