[Your Name, Clinic Name, Address, Contact Details etc.]

Comprehensive Functional Diagnostic

Medicine Lab Interpretation Report

[This is a sample lab interpretation report. Please use it as a guide for your own reports]

Patient: Jane Doe

Date of Birth: 05-17-48

Age: 60

Weight: 158

Height: 5’7

Blood Type: O

Date of Consultation: May 20, 2008

Primary Symptoms: [Either date started or duration]

1.  Fatigue (1987)

2.  Weakness (1987)

3.  Poor Memory (5 years)

4.  Confusion (5 years)

5.  Balance Problems (5years)

6.  Muscle stiffness

Clinical Summary of Lab Tests:

1: Lyme IgG and IgM were found to be negative

IgM levels usually peak 3 to 6 weeks after infection. IgG antibodies begin to be detectable several weeks after infection and may continue to develop for several months and generally persist for years.

2: CBC Differential

Elevated monocytes greater than 7 and elevated eosinophils greater than 3 are suspicious for intestinal parasitic infection. (Please see summary of parasitic infections)

3: Cortisol Levels

Your cortisol levels were low normal indicating a compromised stress resistance


Your DHEA was depressed indicating a compromised immune response

5: Secretory SigA

Your SigA was clinical depressed at less than 5 (optimal range is 25-60). This is a significant finding revealed that your primary immune function is compromised


Jane, based a careful review of your entire medical history and most recent labs, it is my opinion that you are suffering from a compromised immune function. This is evidenced by your depressed SigA of 5.

I have a strong suspicion that you have an active intestinal pathogen that has elicited your monocytes and eosinophils to react. This in turn will cause overlapping stress depleting your cortisol and DHEA levels. In turn, cortisol is responsible for the production of SigA.

Our goal is to first address the pathogen via an anti-microbial treatment. Ideally, it would be wise to accurately identify the exact pathogen so a more concise treatment can be rendered.

While the pathogen is being eliminated, treatment will be directed to improve cortisol and DHEA levels. Symptomatic improvement should be noted.