Your Honor, I would first like to thank you, members of the Court, the Attorneys and the jury for your help in helping to establish justice in this case. Along with my family I would like to express our gratitude.

This senseless act of violence and greed did not take my life away…but it taken the most precious part of it, not just the ability to function without assistance, but the simple joy of the time that I could spend with my family and my children.

Both of the Defendants are parents and know that some of the biggest joys in life are contained in the smallest things with children, ourregular Sunday used to consist of getting the family together and going for a drive. Finding new places to see, visiting favorite places where the kids loved to go, and just talking about things that were important and laughing together. The music of that laughter is now only something I can visit in my memory. My son, Josh does not understand why his Dad is no longer able to tuck him into bed and night and reassure him that everything is fine, and always will be, and my daughter Tiffany want here dad to hug her back and she doesn’t understand why he can’t. And she misses the little things like the walks and talks around the neighborhood that was her special times with “Daddy”. One of the most essential joys of fatherhood, the ability to comfort my family is something that I can now only do by talking; the closeness of touch is something gone forever. My wife, Lisa, now has to do almost everything herself. I miss our time working around our home and I miss those rare time where we could just be alone together.

I know that a lot of people that are close to me are angry about the pain and sadness you have caused in my life, but I just don’t feel that way. To me, it feels more like something empty, a part of me that will always be missing for my family, and there is no way to fill that void.

I have heard some people say that the tragedies of life can make you a better person. I’ll be honest with you, I really don’t see how what happened to me can make me a better person, but I am determined to not allow myself to become a bitter person because of it. You have taken from me the ability to walk and move without help. But you haven’t taken away my capacity to appreciate life as I must live it now. And I am determined above all else to enjoy the big and the small joys …and to be there for my family and to share in their love. Their love is something you can’t take that away with a bullet or anything else…That was always the most important thing in my life, and it always will be.

Thank you, Your Honor. I would also like to thank the community for the concern that you have shown for me and for that help that you have given my family. On behalf of my wife Lisa and my children Josh and Tiffany, I would like you to know how much your thought and prayers are appreciated.