/ Paper Review

Paper title


Your details will be published in the reviewer list of the conference Proceedings.

Your name will be remain confidential to comply with the double-blind peer review process.




Highest academic qualification:

Purpose of the review

Your review is important to ensure the academic and research quality and integrity of submitted papers. Papers should make a contribution to the body of scientific knowledge, and to academic debate.

Development and ICT

IDIA is a platform for debate and sharing of ideas about the role of technology in regions regarded as disadvantaged. Some contributors might also find themselves on the wrong side of the many divides. So we encourage you to consider such papers, offer advise on how such papers could be improved, and how authors of such papers could develop themselves.

Your review

Please add your comments in each section if need be.

A summary table of your score of the paper, and your recommendation follows further below.

The text we supply serve as explanation of the kind of comments for each section. You do not need to explicitly respond to each sentence below (they serve as guidelines).

1. Relevance to the field of ICT4D / Development Informatics

Does the paper fit into the discipline of ICT4D?

To what extent does the paper fit the conference theme?

2. Contribution to the academic debate

Will the paper contribute to the debate about technology's role in development?

3. Content – logic and structure

Does the content of the paper represent a scientific approach and logic?

Are ideas coherent and logical?

4. Appropriateness of Research Methodology

Is an appropriate scientific method used / explained?

Is this the most suitable method for the type of research conducted?

5. Academic English language usage

Is the use of English acceptable?

Is the language register scientific English?

Was spell check used?

Is the use of a language editor recommended?

6. Compliance with template requirements

Did the author(s) use the required IDIA conference proceedings template?

Is the typography used consistently?

7. Abstract

Does the Abstract adequately present the gist of the paper?

8. Keywords

Does the list of keywords reflect the major concepts covered?

9. Conclusion

Does the Conclusion show a logical conclusion of the main proposition(s) of the paper?

10. References

Is a References section included?

IDIA requires the

  • Harvard or
    APA reference system
  • No numbering system must be used (not e.g. the IEEE method)

Do references follow the chosen method consistently?

Are the references complete?

For example, are there no missing volume numbers, issue numbers, page numbers, publisher details, and other data required by the specific format?

Changes required

In case your view is that the paper requires changes before being accepted, please list them here.

Comments for the author(s)

Comments for the Editors


Yes / No
Paper accepted as is
Paper accepted with major changes
Paper accepted with minor changes
This paper requires a complete revision
This paper cannot be salvaged

Paper score

←- Poor
N/A / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / Relevance to the field of ICT4D / Development Informatics
2 / Contribution to the academic debate
3 / Content - logic and structure
4 / Appropriateness of research methodology
5 / Academic English language usage
6 / Compliance with template requirements
7 / Abstract: does this adequately present the gist of the paper?
8 / Keywords: does the list reflect the major concepts used?
9 / Conclusion: does it show a logical conclusion of the main proposition(s)?
10 / References