District 3 Meeting
Texas Library Association Annual Conference - Austin, Texas
April 15, 2015
In attendance: Angela Hall, Liliana Martinez Howard, Carolyn Casey, Margaret Warner, Kevin Lightfoot, Larry Koeninger, Sheila Ross Henderson, Morgan McMillian, Laurie Mahaffey, Cheryl Michulka, Selma Flores, Bethni King, Maggie Goodman, Jesse Javilloner
Meeting called to order by Angela Hall at 7:45 am
Introductions and acknowledgements of all those in attendance.
Introduction of new officers – taking office immediately after annual conference:
Chair: Jane Pan
Chair-Elect: Margaret Warner
Immediate past chair: Angela Hall
Secretary: Morgan McMillian
Treasurer: Cheryl Michulka
Councilor: Bethni King
Councilor Alternate: Kim Miller
Scholarship: Constance Matheny
Webmaster: Lisa Ancelet
Executive Board Liaison: Susan Mann
TLA Executive Director: Pat Smith
Minutes read by Selma Flores; copies not handed out – minutes are on the TLA website. Motion made by Laurie Mahaffey for minutes to be accepted and amended after being read.
Treasurer’s report was read by Cheryl Michulka. Ending balance $2290.66 through June 30, 2015
Motion made by Maggie Goodman to accept treasurer’s report.
Bethni King explained Councilor’s role – attend council meetings and vote for District 3. No voting at council meeting on April 14, 2015. Conference registration is up; currently 7200 attendees and 479 exhibitors for 2015 annual conference. TLA now has a YouTube channel for education. Sarah Ortiz is the newest TLA staff member in charge of public relations, media, and social media – will assist Gloria Meraz with legislative duties. Bethni will review summation of the April meeting at the summer assembly in July.
Liliana Martinez Howard and Maggie Goodman are the recipients of the 2015 TLA District 3 scholarships to TLA. Angela welcomed them and encouraged them to get involved in all aspects of TLA.
The social moderator for District 3 resigned Monday, April 13. Angela asked for volunteers to serve as District 3 social media moderator. Angela will also advertise position to all District 3 members.
Rita Painter is the District 3 representative to the Diversity and Inclusion summit. Report to be submitted by Rita.
Fall meeting planning – Angela asked for volunteers. Jane Pan, new chair, was unable to attend District 3 meeting so Angela asked members present to help plan the Fall meeting.
We need a theme, ideas – some topic ideas presented: Diversity and Inclusion for Librarians, Libraries of the Future. Angela suggested bringing library students to discuss their ideas on web design, interior design and architecture design. Current Cedar Ridge High School students will present their ideas to Dell in May 2015 for the Austin Public Library which is opening in 2016.
We can include builders and construction representatives that are building libraries to present at the Fall meeting.
We need exhibitors and presenters – if you have names, submit them to Jane Pan.
Possible locations for Fall District 3 meeting – Temple Chamber of Commerce, Eastview ACC campus
Fall District 3 meeting can be held anywhere in the District 3 area.
For our information, Julie Todaro is running for ALA president. Angela encouraged everyone to vote.
Also, remind all members to take selfies at the media booth set up by registration area.
Annual Assembly meeting will be held at Austin Hyatt Barton Springs location from July 7-11, 2015. There are numerous professional development opportunities.
Larry Koeninger is on the Houston TLA programming committee. Please let him know if you have program ideas. Theme for 2015 Houston TLA: Open Libraries/Open Opportunities
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.