A meeting of the City Council for the City of Canby, Minnesota was held on Thursday, July21st, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers.

Members Present: Nancy Bormann, Frank Maas, Nate Oellien,Denise Hanson, Jeff Varcoe

Absent: None

Visitors: Linda Blackwelder, Interim City Administrator
Gerald Boulton, City Attorney
Aaron Petersen
Allen Benz

Nicholas Johnson

Jody Olson

Ryan Feiock

Dan Nelson, MIDCO

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order.

Dan Nelson, a representative of MIDCO, attended the meeting and presented an option for high speed internet from his company. MIDCO intends to submit a grant application for high speed internet in Canby in 2016. To do this, they would need the endorsement of the local unit of government. Following discussion, it was decided to table this item until the August 2 council meeting.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Canby and the State of Minnesota through the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities on behalf of Minnesota West Community and Technical College, Canby Campus was discussed by council members. A motion was made by Maas and seconded by Oellien to approve the Memorandum of Understanding. All voted in favor. The motion was carried.

The council discussed the hangar project at the airport. A motion was made by Oellien and seconded by Hanson to approve the project with a local share up to $100,000. All voted in favor. The motion was carried.

A motion was made by Hanson and seconded by Varcoe to approve a payment of $5,619.50 to Fairchild Construction for work completed on the city garage addition. All voted in favor. The motion was carried.

A motion was made by Oellien and seconded by Maas to approve a payment of $2,099.00 to GCC for concrete for the city garage addition. All voted in favor. The motion was carried.

A motion was made by Maas and seconded by Varcoe to approve Change Order #4 (a deletion of $57,168.00) with Mohs Contracting, Inc. All voted in favor. The motion was carried.

The council temporarily tabled the pay application from Mohs Contracting, Inc. until they have reviewed the punch list and talked with city staff about the project.

The council tabled discussion on the city administrator applications until all council members have had the opportunity to review the applications.

A motion was made by Maas and seconded by Oellien to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.




Interim City Administrator