YoungLife “Community Support” Teams
Vision / Goals of a Communty Support Team
Our desire is for more local people to be involved and introduced to Young Life, and for there to be greater exposure within the community. With this involvement and networking, there will be:
- More support and prayer for leaders so that leaders are healthy, encouraged and cared for
- More help for leaders to carry out effective ministry
- More local leaders recruited from within the community to reach more kids
- More people available to help/support with all-area Young Life events
- More potential donors will be exposed to Young Life to enable us to reach more schools
- More candidates will be available for county-wide adult committee and other ministry roles
The Structure of a Community Support Team
Organization - Community support teams will be formed around a local school or community. The Community Support Team will consist of local community members who desire to support their Young Life leaders, and help them reach out to the teenagers in their community or school. The team captain and other members of the Community Support Team will recruit additional team members.
Leadership - The community support team will be led by a “team captain” from the group, who will coordinate needs with the YL leaders, network within the community to expose more people to the mission, and schedule and facilitate meetings. Area staff will work closely with the team captain, and help coordinate activities with the county-wide adult committee.
Specific Roles of a Community Support Team
To provide prayer support for the local ministry and team
- Pray on a regular basis for individual leaders
- Pray for ministry needs shared by the team
- Gather together to pray and plan as a group when desired (possibly quarterly)
To help provide for the practical needs of the local club
- Items and resources for club – help finding facilities, props for club night, etc.
- Volunteer at club – Help driving, setting up, preparing food or snacks, set up or clean up, etc.
- Financial resources for occasional special event if needed
To care for and support the local leadership team
- Host team meetings – Can host teams weekly or monthly before club on club nights. May include preparing dinner for team, or spiritual input for the team.
- Invite team for meal/excursion – Weekly, monthly or quarterly.
- Mentoring – Meet regularly with a leader and disciple them.
To support and participate in area-wide YL events
- Invite community members to the banquet, or possibly host a table
- Strategically recruit others to work at the school’s shift at the fair
- Participate on an area-wide sub committee if desired