
Water Use

Add Source or Destination Form

Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau

Water Use Registration and Reporting Program

RSA 488:3/Env-Wq 2102


Pursuant to RSA 488:3 and Env-Wq 2102, registered water users with the NHDES Water Use Registration and Reporting Program (WURR) must register each source of water and each destination of water and report monthly volumes of withdrawal and discharge to WURR. A source may be a groundwater or surface water supply from which water is withdrawn or another facility from which water is transferred. A destination may be a location to where water is discharged, a facility to where water is transferred, a product into which water is incorporated, and evaporative losses resulting from water usage.


If an existing registered water user adds a new source or destination, this form shall be submitted to NHDES to add the new source or destination to the registration. This form is generic in nature. Please provide the requested information to the best of your ability, and if a particular entry does not apply to your facility, indicate N/A (not applicable) in the space provided.

Please return this form to:

NHDES Drinking Water & Groundwater Bureau

Attn: Stacey Herbold

PO Box 95, Concord, NH 03302-0095

FAX: (603) 271-0656 Phone: (603) 271-6685


Name of Facility: ______

Facility Town: ______Water User ID #: ______

Contact Person: ______

Name Title

Phone:______Email: ______

Water Use

Add a Source or Destination Form

Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau

Water Use Registration and Reporting Program


A source may be a groundwater or surface water supply from which water is withdrawn or another facility from which water is transferred.

Source Name: ______

 Groundwater  Surface Water  Water Supplier: ______

Name of Supplier

If groundwater, type of well:

Drilled in gravel Drilled in bedrock  Dug Other (describe): ______

Source Location:______

Street TownZip Code

Is this source for a specific type of water use (ex. fire suppression, dust suppression, irrigation)?______

How is the amount of water withdrawn or transferred from the source measured?

Meter  Flume/Weir  Other:______

State or federal permit names and numbers related to this source: ______


Is there a permit limit on the withdrawal or transfer from the source?  Yes  No

If yes, what is the limit?:______Units:______

What is the physical limit the facility can withdraw or transferfrom the source based on current facility infrastructure?(ex. pump capacity): ______Units:______

Please describe the factors affecting the facility physical limitof the withdrawal or transfer from the source:


Please make additional copies of this page if there is more than one source to be added.


A destination means a location to where water is discharged, a facility to where water is transferred, a product into which water is incorporated, and evaporative losses resulting from water usage. Please provide the following information for each destination.

Destination Name: ______

Destination Location: ______

Street TownZip Code

Method of measurement of flow to destination:

 Meter  Flume/Weir  Other:______

Please check the best description of the destination:

 Groundwater /  Evaporative losses (ex. from heating/cooling)
 Surface water /  Water-containing product
 Wastewater treatment facility /  Snowmaking
 Leach field /  Irrigation
 Delivered to others (specify facility): /  Other (describe):

Is there a permit limit on the amount of water which can be discharged or transferred to this destination?  Yes  No

If yes, what is the limit?:______Units:______

State or federal permit names and numbers related to this discharge: ______


What is the physical limit the facility can discharge or transfer to this destination based on facility infrastructure? (ex. pump capacity):______Units:______

Please describe the factors affecting the facility physical limit of discharge or transfer to the destination:



Please make additional copies of this page if there is more than one destination to be added.

(603) 271-2513

PO Box 95, Concord, NH 03302-0095

2015-12-17 1 of 5