Each year the Young Lawyers Division of the Florida Bar (“YLD”) awards cash scholarships to 1st-3rd year law students who are eligible to apply - students enrolled in LLM or advanced law degree programs are not eligible. Scholarships are awarded to eligible Florida Bar YLD Law Student Division members on the basis of both merit and financial need. Other than a photocopy of the applicant’s current law school transcript and a signed letter of recommendation, no other attachments should accompany this completed Scholarship Application. If you are not a member of the YLD Law Student Division, join today at

Completed Scholarship Applications, along with a letter of recommendation and the applicant’s law school transcript, must be received on or beforeMARCH 16, 2018, byAnnika Ashton and Joe Joyce, YLD Awards Co-Chairs, at , and , respectively, and by Tom Miller, Program Administrator, The Florida Bar, at .

Please print or type
Full Name: / LawSchool:
Nickname: / Graduation Date:
E-Mail Address:
Address: / School Phone #:
Date of Birth:
Home Address: / Home Phone #:
(If different from above) / (If different from above)
Address at which you may be contacted in May:
Cumulative Law School GPA: / (Please attach photocopy of law school transcript)
Class Rank:
FavoriteLawSchool Courses:
Undergraduate Institution:
Undergraduate Major/Degree Obtained:
Approximately when did you first join The Florida Bar YLD Law Student Division and what factors play a role in your decision to join:
In the space provided, please outline both your long term and short term career goals:
Marital Status: / Spouses Occupation:
(If Applicable)
Names and ages of dependents (If applicable):
In the space provided, please describe all financial aid you presently receive, including the source and amount of each award:
In the space provided, please describe your present debts:
In the space provided, please describe your intended use of scholarship funds, if received:
In the space provided, please provide your employment history including brief job descriptions:
In the space provided, please describe any other financial circumstances which you wish for the YLD Scholarship Committee to consider:
In the space provided, please list any of your law school awards, honors and/or accomplishments:
In the space provided, please list any of your undergraduate awards, honors and/or accomplishments:
In the space provided, please list your community activities, awards, honors and/or accomplishments:
In the space provided, please describe any other special circumstances you wish for the YLD Scholarship Committee to consider:
In the space provided, please respond to the following question: What is your definition of a “good lawyer?” Please explain your answer:
Please have a written recommendation submitted to Annika Ashton and Joe Joyce, YLD Awards Co-Chairs, at , and , respectively,and to Tom Miller, Program Administrator, The Florida Bar, at by March 16, 2018, addressing academics, performance and character, which may be from a law school professor or dean. Please list the person submitting the recommendation:

I certify that the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Date: ______


Signature of Applicant

Completed Scholarship Applications, with photocopy of transcript, must be submitted on or before MARCH 16, 2018, toAnnika Ashton and Joe Joyce, YLD Awards Co-Chairs, at , and , respectively,and to Tom Miller, Program Administrator, The Florida Bar at . In order for a scholarship application to be considered, it is mandatory that all three of the following be receivedno later than March 16, 2018: (1) the completed and signed application; (2) a signed letter of recommendation; and (3) transcript.