Under the agreement for 2016
Beenleigh State Special School received / $ 62 510
Our full 2016 agreement can be found here:Click here to enter text.
- Developed and implemented a whole school approach to Balanced Literacy focused utilising the Four Blocks Modelled alternative and augmentative communication strategies.
- Improved staff capability to plan, teach and assess Balanced Literacy through targeted professional development.
- Skilled staff in the use of diagnostic reading and writing assessment tools to support collection and analysis of reading data to determine individual student goals for improvement.
- Extended Master Teacher Project focused on Balanced Literacy to additional classes.
- Built staff capability to co-lead Master Teacher Project through work shadowing.
- Developed and embeded a consistent pedagogy related to low-tech alternative and augmentative communication systems.
Our schoolstrategies are on track to meet or exceed our targets
/ During 2016, we have focused on maximising the benefits of this funding for our students. After reviewing our Great Results Guarantee agreement, it is clear that we are on track to meet or exceed our targeted student outcomes. We continue to implement our strategies to ensure that every student succeeds.
Strategies implemented include:
- Utilised the Four Blocks Model to implement a whole school approach to Balanced Literacy, focusing on Working with Words and Shared Reading.
- Employed specialist Four Blocks Literacy Model Consultant, Jane Farrell to observe classroom practice, provide feedback and deliver professional development focused on greater student outcomes.
- Coached one teacher to co-lead Master Teacher project to build school’s future capacity, also enabling the extension of the Master Teacher Project to include five additional teachers.
- Sourced and attended Litearcy focused professional development including QASEL State Conference and Four Blocks Intensive Program.
- Provided teacher release to consult with Master Teacher and reflect on classroom observations to enhance pedagogy and student outcomes in Balanced Literacy.
- Purchased concrete, relevant resources and diagnostic tools to enhance delivery and assessment of
- Implemented the use of PODD Books, Key Word Signing and picture symbols across the school to support student communication development.