Mon 12th The Most Holy Name of Mary

We pray for increased honour to Our Lady

Tue 13th St John Chrysostom (Bp & Dr)

We pray for Norman, Bishop of Richborough

08.30 Morning Prayer

09.00 Mass

10.00 Strategy Committee Meeting

(at St Mary’s School)

17.00 Vespers

19.00 Bell ringing practise

Wed 14th The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

We pray for the Society of the Holy Cross

08.30 Morning Prayer

12.00 SSC Synod (Southwark Cathedral)

19.00 Vespers

19.30 Mass

Thur 15th Our Lady of Sorrows

We pray for our School Governors

08.30 Morning Prayer

09.00 MMU Clergy Meeting

12.15 Mass

17.00 Vespers

19.00 Full Governing Body AGM

(St Mary’s School)

Fri 16th Ss Cornelius & Cyprian (Bp & Mrr)

We pray for John, our Area Bishop

07.30 Morning Prayer

08.00 Mass

09.00 Collective Worship (at St Mary’s School)

14.00 Pilgrim Course (The Station House)

17.00 Vespers

Sat 17th Feria (24th week in Ordinary Time)

We pray for our Pilgrim Course

09.00 Morning Prayer

17th Sunday after Trinity

We pray for our Parish

18.00 First Mass of Sunday

Sun 18th

08.00 Mass

09.00 Morning Prayer

10.00 Sung Mass

14.30 Baptism (St Andrew’s, Heybridge)

Details for the following week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Thursday

Welcome to our Celebration Today

TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. TheSidespersons have bags of toys for younger visitors to use during the service. At the end of Mass, pleasestay and join us for coffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:

Music at the Sung Mass NEH

Process. All people that on earth do dwell 334

Offertory The Lord my pasture shall prepare 458

Comm. Just as I am, without one plea 294

Process. Immortal, invisible, God only wise 377

Mass Setting M

Readings for Sunday 18th September:

First Reading: Amos 8:4-7

Psalm: Psalm 113

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-7

Gospel: Luke 16:1-13

News from St Mary’s

Please pick up your copy of the September edition after the service this morning. The Diocesan newspaper, “TheMonth”, is also available for collection.

Car Boot Sale

Thank you to all those who helped make the day a big success!

Ride & Stride

Thanks to Jane and Mervyn for taking part on our behalf. If you sponsored them, then Jane will need the sponsorship money returned to her as soon as possible.

Pilgrim Course

Will be running again on Friday afternoons starting this week at 2pm. This is a six week course exploring fundamental aspects of our Christian faith. The course works well as an introduction to Christianity, but also as an opportunity for all of us todeepen our knowledge.

School Ofsted Success!

We send our heartfelt congratulations to everyone at our Parish School for the wonderful outcome of their recent Ofsted inspection. The Inspectors consider our school to be a “Good” school with many strong features, which ensures that every pupil makes good progress and is ready to move on to secondary school. Clearlythis is a team effort that has involved the HeadTeacher and Leadership Team, the teaching and support staff and pupils and parents. The members of the Governing Body have also been instrumental in achieving this outcome, and we thank them, and especially our Foundation Governors for their work. Ifyou would be interested in joining the Governing Body and supporting this work, please speak to Fr Mark.

Parish Contacts

Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071

Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296

Tony Young 01621 929309

Parish Website: