
•Youneedaheadandshoulderstypeportraitto work with (preferred).

•You should belooking mostly atthe camera


Camera - Bridge/Lightroom -Photoshop

RawFileAdjustmentsinACR orLightroom





Retouchingtechniques fortoday


•Blemish removal (demoed )

•Wrinkle smoothing or removal (Healing andCloning)

•Stray hair removal(Cloning)

•Teeth whitening(Hue/Saturation)


•For your assignment, use 2 of the 6 techniqueshere




•Freeze(f)(andThaw)helpyoumaskoffwhat doesn’t get affected








The Liquefy EditingSpace

•Hitting Cmd+Shift+X or choosing Filter

->Liquefy… gets you in theLiquefy editingspace

•Always work on a copy of yourlayer

•Warp pushes the pixelsaround

•Freeze protects areas youwant unchanged

•Thaw “unfreezes” that area, in caseyou want to then Warpit

•Check and uncheck the Show Maskbox to see frozen and unfrozenareas

•Use a bigger brush than youmight expect to move thingsaround


•Video recap of usingLiquefy to smooth and redefine linesin clothing:

Wrinkle smoothing,blemish removal


•Forwrinkles,HealingbrushorClonestampsetto Lighten mode works best







•Clonefromanearbyareaofskin(option-click)that is smooth or blemish free


•Reducetheopacityofyourlayertobringback some of the original texture (unless it’s acne)


•Most people’s teeth are more yellowthan they’dlike

•We’ll use theHue/SaturationAdjustment layer to affect theYellows,and sometimes theReds

•Will have to mask off the areaswedon’t wantaffected

•Be careful not tocompletelydesaturate the teethor

•over-brighten them... which becomesfake



•Redness is usually whatwe’re out to fix here, butyellowness is often a consideration, too

•Most of the work is done in a Hue/Saturation layer wherewe try to isolate the rednessfrom the other skin tones


•Create a newHue/Saturation Adjustment Layer

•Move down to the Reds (Option-3) to start isolatingthe Reds

•Use the “+ Eyedropper”Tool to hone in on reds, thenuse the “- Eyedropper” Toolto protect the area of skinyou don’t want tochange


•Drag your Hue slider all the way to the left to exaggerate the skin colours

•The most vivid blue areaswill be the areas mostaffected

•The more purple areasshow where your adjustment willhave some effect, butmuch less than the vivid blueareas

•We will then hone ineven further to isolate the redarea


•Drag the special targeting tool to the right to narrowyour range of red

•Watch as less of the skinis affected

•Once you’re satisfiedwith what will be affected, slidethe Hue slider back to zero,and then start moving it to theright

•Redness will move to the yellows, and adjust to taste

Selectthereddestpartin the image with the


Dragtherightmostslidertonarrowtherange ofredthat you’ll be affecting


•In this case, the Hue slider was dragged to +14 due to major sunburn

•Remember to mask offeffect from lips or anything elsethat is red in the image thatmight beaffected

•Video recap:


•Great for evening outblotchy or shiny skin

•Usually a final stage, once you’ve removedblemishes and softened wrinkles

•Many different ways tosmooth out skin, each has advantages and disadvantages

•Numbers, settings are dependent on how much skin is at the forefront of theimage


•Copy everything you’ve done to your image so far up to itsown layer by selecting the top layer and hitCmd+Option+Shift+E

•Repeat the same shortcut again to make another copyCmd

+Option+Shift+E. Name this topmost layer something like"Blur"

•Making sure the top, "Blur" layer is selected, go to Filter ->Blur

-> Surface Blur. In the case of our image, choose Radius of39 and Threshold of31

•Also make sure your blurred layer is set to 50%Opacity

•But first, a word onblurring…


No BlurGaussian Blur, Radius39 blurs“everything”

Surface Blur, withsimilar settings, respectsedges but blurs inside eacharea


•Radius: The higher theRadiusvalue, the more blurringgetsapplied

•Threshold: A value ofzeromeans next to no blurringwillget applied. Photoshopwillthink everything is anedgeand will not identifyanycommon areas toblur.

•Increase the Thresholdvalueto start seeing an effectbutstop before your trueedgesstart to blend with eachother


•You'll remember that wemade2 copies of our"up-flattened"layers

•The other, non-blurredlayershould be calledsomethinglike"Texture"

•Run a High Pass filter onthisTexture layer, usually to avaluebetween 4 and 5. Yourlayerwill look gray-ish andbumpy

•You will then set theblendingmode of this layer to SoftLight

Put your layersin a Groupfolder

•The next thing we want to make sure of is ourTexture layer is above our Blur layer

•Shift-select your 2 layers, and then hit the Group icon inyour layers palette

Add a mask to yourgroup

•We then want to add amask pre-filled with black to it,so hold the Option or Alt(PC) key and hit the Add Layer Mask icon in your layers palette

•We next want to brush backin to our black mask (using white) to apply the skin blurring effect only wherewe want it

To get this view, hit the"\"key


•Video Recap:

•(recap is a little different, uses a more complicated methodof masking, but is overall the same technique)

To get this view,Option-click in your mask's thumbnail


•Clone Stamp, ratherthanHealing Brush, is your besttool

•Against lighterbackgrounds,set your Clone StamptoLighten mode, but willdependon case bycase

•Always work on a newlayer

•Use Polygonal Lasso tooltooutline around person'sheadto protect it, then useCloneStamp tool to cover upfly-aways

Exception for StrayHairs

•UsetheHealingBrush(insteadofCloneStamp)for hairs that are against skin that need to be cleaned up (usually forehead area)

•Inotherwords,ifthebackgroundhastexture,you’re probably better off with the Healing brushes