You will write an essay of about1,500 words (the equivalent of about 4-5 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, standard margins) on one of the questions posted below(DO NOT come up with your own research topic).Your paper should be double-spaced and your name should appear at the beginning of the text. You might want to come up with a title for your essay which reflects the focus of your text but do indicate which essay question you chose to answer. Please be sure to include page numbers.


This Long Essay is a historical essay and hence a formal academic presentation of your knowledge about the topic you choose. The paper should not be simply a series of quotes or paraphrases, an uncritical repetition of others’ ideas, nor an unsubstantiated personal opinion. The paper should synthesize your discoveries about this topic with your own judgment, interpretation, and evaluation of those discoveries. To do well on this paper, you must state a thesis and make an argument that addresses the question. In addition to giving relevant (well-documented) evidence, you must discuss specifically how your evidence supports your thesis. The style of your paper must reflect this formal standard and should be written in academic prose. You should write the paper in the past tense and avoid any quotations longer than a single sentence

● You must provideat least 4 double-spaced pageswith standard margins of actual text - the title page, bibliography, notes or graphics do not count as part of the required 4-5 pages.

● Please useChicago/Turabianstyle footnotes or endnotes for all citations.

● You should not include any quotations longer than a single sentence and the quotes you do use should only serve as illustrations of points you made in your own words.

My paper is on

The English and French monarchies both aspired to royal absolutism in the seventeenth century, but met with opposition from groups that sought to share that power. Discuss the challenges to absolutism in both countries, as well as the efforts to overcome this opposition.

Construct a convincing argument about how and why different groups opposed absolutism and why they achieved the level of success they did.

Out line:I.Introduction (ends with thesis statement)

II.Body section : Popular Government

a.The Enlightenment ideal

b.The Revolution's reality

III.Body section : Individual vs. The State

a.The Enlightenment ideal

b.The Revolution's reality

IV.Body section: Power of Reason

a.The Enlightenment ideal

b.The Revolution's reality


I.Introduction (ends with thesis statement)

II.Body section: The Enlightenment ideal of Popular Government

III.Body section: The Enlightenment ideal of Individual vs. The State

IV.Body section: The Enlightenment Ideal of the Power of Reason

V.Body section: The Revolution’s Reality of Popular Government

VI.Body section: The Revolution’s Reality of Individual vs. The State

VII.Body section: The Revolution’s Reality of the Power of Reason


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