You Will Create a Menu That Includes the Following

You Will Create a Menu That Includes the Following

La Carte, s’il vous plaît!

You will create a menu that includes the following:

  • cover page that includes:
  • the name of your restaurant
  • a visual image
  • address, and website of your restaurant
  • hours of operation (days and times)
  • appetizer section (les entrées) -- at least 5
  • main dish section (les plats) --- at least 5
  • desserts section (les desserts) --- at least 5
  • drinks section (les boissons) --- at least 5
  • prices in euros for each item
  • pictures of some of the items

You should include French food from Chapter 6, and any other French or Francophone food that we have talked about or that you have tried before (for example, mousse au chocolat is a famous dessert that many people have eaten or heard of before).

Make your menu neat, colorful, and visually appealing. Make us want to visit your restaurant! You will also have the option of using this menu in your restaurant skits.

Your work will be assessed as Presentational Communication:

  • cover page with all items included
  • lists of food and drinks (accurate spelling, authentic French items)
  • inclusion of realistic euro prices
  • visual appeal
  • all requirements met

And as Control of Studied Structures

  • accurate spelling, including accents

***It might be helpful for you to go on or another travel website and search for restaurants in Paris, Québec, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, or really any Francophone city. These menus will give you ideas of what to include, plus it is a great way to explore French culture.

Use the back of this worksheet for brainstorming.

Due: Monday, October 5 at the start of class.

  • cover page that includes:
  • the name of your restaurant
  • a visual image
  • address, and website of your restaurant
  • hours of operation (days and times)
  • appetizer section (les entrées) -- at least 5
  • main dish section (les plats) --- at least 5
  • desserts section (les desserts) --- at least 5
  • drinks section (les boissons) --- at least 5
  • prices in euros for each item
  • pictures of some of the items

Your work will be assessed as Presentational Communication:

  • cover page with all items included
  • lists of food and drinks (accurate spelling, authentic French items)
  • inclusion of realistic euro prices
  • visual appeal
  • all requirements met

And as Control of Studied Structures

  • accurate spelling, including accents
  • cover page that includes:
  • the name of your restaurant
  • a visual image
  • address, and website of your restaurant
  • hours of operation (days and times)
  • appetizer section (les entrées) -- at least 5
  • main dish section (les plats) --- at least 5
  • desserts section (les desserts) --- at least 5
  • drinks section (les boissons) --- at least 5
  • prices in euros for each item
  • pictures of some of the items

Your work will be assessed as Presentational Communication:

  • cover page with all items included
  • lists of food and drinks (accurate spelling, authentic French items)
  • inclusion of realistic euro prices
  • visual appeal
  • all requirements met

And as Control of Studied Structures

  • accurate spelling, including accents