Ceramics 1 Syllabus/Contract 2017-18 Name:
Mrs. Doles ()
Ceramics is a lab and lecture course in which students will explore clay as a creative material. Experiences will include hand building, throwing on a potter’s wheel, surface design, glazing, staining, and firing. Practice with sculpture will be included.
You MUST pass with a C or better to receive A-G credit (F, Fine Arts Credit).
To demonstrate a basic understanding of the qualities and characteristics of design elements and use them in a variety of media, to develop a mastery of basic hand tools, skills and techniques, to develop basic art skills related to ceramics using subjects, themes, and symbols that demonstrate or communicate intended meaning in individual work, to develop a tactile and visual sensitivity to form and space using subjects, themes, or symbols that demonstrate knowledge of context, value, and aesthetics, and to describe and place a variety of art works in historical and cultural context.
Our art practice will be emphasized in many of the following areas:
- Slab -Coil - Sculpture - Wedge/Score / Slip / Weld
- Pinch -Core Molds - Pottery (Throwing on the wheel) - Glaze/Underglaze
Grading Policy: ALL assignments MUST be turned in to pass this class! You will turn them in using Google classroom and during critiques/presentation days.
- Projects
The projects in this class will take several days or even weeks to complete. They are graded according to craftsmanship, effort, application of taught skills, self-expression, following directions, application of art elements and principles, effective use of time, and self evaluation. This area makes up the majority of your grade (60%). Projects will be stored on the “In Progress” shelf. Each assignment MUST be turned in with pictures and the critique/artist statement provided in Google classroom in order to receive a final grade.
- Class Binder (Cornell Notes, Sketchbook, and other Written Materials)
You will use your “Ceramics Binder” to organize all papers. You will complete a variety of assignments, including Cornell Notes, drawing, brain storming, thinking maps, critiques, etc. Binders are checked and collected periodically.
· Writing is an important aspect of any art practice. You need to be able to express your thoughts about your own and others work. Written materials will include journals, self-evaluations, artist statements, rubrics, worksheets, and critiques. Be prepared to write and speak about every project you complete.
· Keep all papers securely organized in your binder.
- Participation / Clean-up/ Supplies
You will receive a daily participation grade, which will be based on your attendance, daily work ethic, classroom behavior and your contribution to class discussions. Critique is an important part of this class, and everyone must offer constructive comments and suggestions. YOU HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO PARTICIPATE!
· Art is messy work, so keep our supplies clean and our environment safe, ALL students MUST clean up after themselves. All students will be assigned a rotating clean-up duty as well as end of the semester clean-up duties. These duties are part of each quarter participation grade!
· SAFETY - Unclean (dry clay) tables and tools can result in a very toxic breathing environment!
- Formal Assessment- Tests & Quizzes
- YES, we do have tests in Ceramics class. You will be given a comprehensive test at the end of each quarter. They will include vocabulary, cultural arts heritage and technique/skills learned. There will be issued in many formats, including demonstrations, presentations, written short answers, oral response, multiple choice, or type written essays.
- Syllabus Quiz Friday ______.
* Student Responsibility/Accountability:
I understand the class expectations and requirements. I also understand that my success in this class is my responsibility. I promise to try my best, work hard, clean up after myself, and be respectful always.
Student Signature ______Period: ______
Scoring Guide:
q A+ = 98 & aboveq A = 94-97
q A- = 90-93
q B+ = 88-89 / q B = 84-87
q B- = 80-83
q C+ = 78-79 / q C = 74-77
q C- = 70-73
q D+ = 68-69 / q D = 64-67
q D- = 60-63
q F = 59 & below
If you have a concern about a due date, you need to see me IN ADVANCE. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find
what you have missed, located in the Absence Box. You must complete the work as soon as possible. If you are absent on a test or quiz day, you will need to make it up the day you return. If you are truant, you will not be permitted to make up missed work. All work is due on the assigned due date. (Excused) Late work will be accepted for up to a week with a drop of one letter grade. NO EXCEPTIONS! Once the due date window in Google classroom closes, no more work will be accepted.
Lab Fee and Supplies:
We have a lab fee of $10.00. It will go toward your art materials. We will also be having two fundraisers to raise money for these art materials. You will also be given a list of recommended supplies for this class (Supplies due by ______). All students will have access to the basic classroom supplies.
* First Fundraiser starts ______.
Some tools have been numbered for inventory. Tools will require an exchange of school ID for check out, so you need to have your ID with you everyday. (School Policy)
Classroom Behavior:
Although we have fun in this class, it is not a “goof off” class, nor is it a study hall for other class work. This is a class in which you will learn vocabulary, concepts, and skills to help you express your creativity, so be prepared to WORK everyday. I have very high expectations for behavior and your quality of work. Following are the guidelines that we will follow to make this year a success! _____Be respectful to the school, teacher, and others. Respect our class and class materials.
_____DO NOT touch work that is not your own.
_____Always listen carefully and follow directions.
_____Clean up after yourself.
_____Adhere to all school policies. . (You MUST have your planner signed to leave class)
_____Work productively and quietly at your assigned seat.
_____No eating during class!! Clay dust is TOXIC!!
*NO CELL PHONES OUT DURING CLASS (SCHOOL POLICY)- This has become a huge problem and distraction during class, therefore phones are NOT allowed out during this class, NOT EVEN for listening to music!! If this is something you can’t live with, pick a different elective!
Daily Routine:
Students will be in their seats when the bell rings and be ready to work. Students will then read the daily objective, agenda, and due dates and update their planner/class binders. Students will get out their binders and materials needed to begin work on the assigned project. During lectures, demonstrations, or instructions, students will quietly listen and take notes (using the Cornell Note format).
(Keep the top portion for your records)
Cut along the dotted line and return ONLY the bottm portion of this paper.
Student and Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement:
I understand, accept, and will abide by the above information/policies:
Student Name (printed): ______Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Thank You, Mrs. Doles