
You have been nominated to serve as an officer (office(s) listed below) for Chapter 282. The term of office is October 15, 2001 through October 1, 2004. To run for office you must return the AGREEMENT TO RUN FOR CHAPTER OFFICE form in writing by U.S. mail to Chairperson, NTEU Chapter 282 Election Committee, PO Box 5330, Rockville, MD 20848-5330 to be received no later than 3:30 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2001. If you have been nominated for multiple offices, you may accept only one of the nominations.

The Committee will retrieve the forms at 3:30 p.m. from the Twinbrook Post Office, 2001 Viers Mill Rd., Rockville, MD, 20851. The Committee will open the returned Agreement to Run for Chapter Office forms on Friday, September 7, 2001 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1066, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD. You have a right to attend or send an observer to attend on your behalf.

The Election Committee will mail candidate literature to Chapter members on September 12, 2001. Candidates who wish to participate in this campaign literature mailing must bring their literature in a form ready to mail to the Election Committee at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2001, to the NTEU D.C. Field Office, 901 E Street N.W., Suite 100. All literature must be stuffed and sealed in a stamped envelope with the Election Committee’s Post Office Box address as the return address. Literature with a return address other than the Election Committee’s address will not be mailed. Each candidate will affix address labels to the sealed, stamped envelopes under the supervision of the Election Committee. Immediately thereafter, the Committee will mail candidates’ campaign literature. Candidates must notify Douglas Chadwick, Chairman, NTEU Chapter 282 Election Committee, no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, September 7, 2001, of their intent to participate in the mailing. If you cannot participate on September 12, 2001 and still wish to send out candidate literature, please contact Douglas Chadwick, Chairman, NTEU Chapter 282 Election Committee, to schedule an alternative time.

The Committee will mail ballots to eligible members at 1 p.m. on Friday, September 14, 2001 from the NTEU D.C. Field Office, 901 E Street N.W., Suite 100, Washington, DC. The Committee will pick up the ballots from the Twinbrook Post Office, 2001 Viers Mill Rd., Rockville, MD, 20851 at 11:30 a.m. on October 15, 2001. The ballots will then be tallied beginning at 12:00 p.m. on that same date in Room 1066, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD. The Election Committee shall declare a candidate receiving a plurality of votes for each particular office to be the winner. You have a right to attend or send an observer to attend on your behalf.

You have been nominated for the following office(s):

____ _

____ _

____ _

____ _

____ _


I, ______, accept the nomination and agree to be a candidate for

the office of ______in NTEU Chapter 282.

I understand the term of office is THREE years, October 15, 2001 through October 1,


Signature ______date ______