NAME: ______
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------CEN 5035 - Software Engineering ------
Quiz 2 -- Spring 2007
You have 50 minutes to work on this closed-book/closed-notes test. PLEASE
EXPECTED TO -- COMPLETE ALL 27 PROBLEMS. Please print all answers in the
space provided only.Printyour name above NOW and sign the pledge at the
end of the test WHEN YOUFINISH.
1. a. (3 pts.) The term “information hiding” is often associated with the
notion of encapsulation. David Parnas, however, suggests a more
general interpretation. Give his definition of “information hiding”.
b. (4 pts.) What are aspects(Aspect-Oriented Software Development)
and what is their relationship with “information hiding”?
2. (3 pts.) In Chap. 14 (“Object-Oriented Design”) of his text,
Sommerville notes that “extensive up-front design can be criticized
because the extensive analysis and design effort is not well suited to
incremental development and delivery. So-called agile methods have
been developed to address this problem, and these drastically reduce
or completely eliminate the object-oriented design activity.” Briefly
describe Sommerville’s view regarding this issue?
3. (2 pts.) One of the ways to support software reuse mentioned by
Sommerville is “Legacy system wrapping.” Briefly describe the idea.
4. (2 pts.) One of the “four essential elements of design patterns” is
described as “consequences”. What important information should be
documented in the description of a design pattern’s “consequences”?
5. Consider the UML sequence model below from Sommerville’s weather
mapping system example.
- (2 pts.) Briefly describe what is beingmodeled in the context of the weather mapping system. (Be specific.)
- (2 pts.) How is time represented in the model?
- (2 pts.) What do the labeled arrows linking the vertical lines represent?
- (2 pts.) What do the thin (vertically oriented) rectangles represent?
6. (4 pts.) Sommerville notes that expected system lifetime is a
key factor to consider when planning software reuse. What, in
particular, arehisrecommendations regarding software reuse when
developing a long-lifetime system?
7. (4 pts.) What, according to Sommerville, is the distinction between
“verification” and “validation”?
8. a. (2 pts.) To which of the following are static V&V techniques
applicable? (Circle those for which such techniques apply.)
requirements prototype high-level formal detailed program
specification design specification design
b. (2 pts.) To which of the following are dynamic V&V techniques
applicable? (Circle those for which such techniques apply.)
requirements prototype high-level formal detailed program
specification design specification design
c. (3 pts.) Briefly explain your selections above.
9. (3 pts.) Many studies have shown that code inspections can be much
more effective than machine-based testing in uncovering program
errors. Briefly explain why this is so.
10. (3 pts.) The idiom “Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs”
was used in class to make a point about reviews/inspections. Briefly
explain what the point was.
11. (3 pts.) Briefly explain why it is generally not a good idea for the
Reader role to be assigned to the owner of the element being reviewed
during an inspection?
12. (4 pts.) Sommerville notes that while formal specification and proofs
of correctness can demonstrate that some classes of errors are not
present in a program, they cannot, in general guarantee program
reliability. List 2 of the 3 reasons he gives for this.
13. (4 pts.) As discussed in class, the “philosophy” of Cleanroom Software
Engineering is defect avoidance rather than defect removal. How are
defects avoided in Cleanroom SE? What role does testing play in
Cleanroom SE? Be specific.
14. (6 pts.) Give a precise interpretation of the weak correctness
predicate, {P} S {Q}.
15. (14 pts.) Indicate whether each of the assertions is “true” or
a. {x>0} x := x-1 {x>0} true false
b. {1=2} x := 10 {x<0} true false
c. {true} while x>3 do x := x+1 {x=3} true false
d. {x[i]=k} i := i+k {x[i+k]=k} true false
e. {x >= 1}
while x < 7 do x := x+1 true false
{x ≥ 7}
f. [{x>0} s1 {y>0}]=>[{x=1} s1 {y=1}] true false
g. [{x=1} s1 {y=1}]=>[{x>0} s1 {y>0}] true false
16. (5 pts.) Use axiomatic verification to prove the assertion:
{Z=B} if A>B then Z := A {Z=Max(A,B)}
State the appropriate Rule of Inference and show all steps.
17. a. (3 pts.) Give the antecedents (“initialization, preservation, and
finalization”) for the while loop statement: (Fill-in the blanks.)
______, ______, ______
{P} while b do S {Q}
b. (8pts.) Prove the following assertionof weak correctness using
the while-loop rule of inference with the given invariant.Assume
thatall program variables represent INTEGER values.(Show ALL
steps asillustrated in class.)
{ n ≥ 0 } Use I: p = 2k
p := 1
k := 0
while k>n do
p := 2*p
k := k+1
{ p = 2n }
18. (3 pts.) What is regression testingand what is its purpose?
19. (3 pts.) Under what specific circumstances is partition testing
tantamount to exhaustive testing?
20. (4 pts.) Give a counterexample that proves that condition coverage
does not subsume statement coverage. (Explain how your counterexample
proves this.)
21. Consider the pseudocode program given below. (Assume that X and Y are
integer variables.)
1. input(X,Y)
if (X>Y) and (Y<0) do
2. X := X-1
Y := Y+1
if (X>Y) or (Y<0) then
3. X := X-2
4. X := X-1
5. output(X,Y)
a. (4 pts.) Give the PATH CONDITION for path 1-2-4-5 in terms
of the initial (input) values of X and Y.
b. (1 pt.) Give input values of X and Y for a test case that would
result in path 1-2-4-5 being executed.
22. (3 pts.) What is the principal advantage of an incremental integration
testing strategy over a non-incremental integration testing strategy?
23. (2 pts.) Statistical testing is usually based on an operational
profile. What critical information does an operational profile provide
in this regard?
24. (3 pts.) State Lehman’s “Law of Increasing Complexity”.
25. (4 pts.) Briefly describe the three different types of software
maintenance activity described in class. Which one of the three types
doindustry surveys suggest is the most common?
26. (6 pts.) Sommerville notes that process improvement should be viewed
as a cyclical activity involving three principal stages. Briefly
describe each of the stages.
27. a. (3 pts.) What is the SEI, who sponsors it, and what is its primary
b. (3 pts.) What are CMMs and what are they used for?
c. (4 pts.) Briefly describe the scope and structure of SEI’s CMMI
framework. (What disciplines or “bodies of knowledge” are currently
modeled and what two basic instantiations or “representations” do
the models take?)
- (2 pts.) How do the two CMMI model representations differ in terms
of the nature of the maturity appraisal generated?
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