MORNING CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 90:1-2)

All: Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.

Before the mountains were brought forth,

before you formed the earth and the world,

from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

We worship you and give you praise. Amen.

Evening Scripture Song: Paraphrase 54 (2 Tim. 1:12)

I’m not ashamed to own my Lord

Or to defend his cause,

Maintain the glory of his cross,

And honour all his laws.

Jesus, my God! I know his Name,

His Name is all my trust;

Nor will he put my soul to shame,

Nor let my hope be lost.

Firm as his throne his promise stands,

And he can well secure

What I’ve committed to his hands

Till the decisive hour.

Then will he own my worthless name

Before his Father’s face,

And in the new Jerusalem

Appoint my soul a place.

Updated version - adapted from Isaac Watts. CM.

Morning Praise Evening Praise

145:8-14* (p. 190) 67:1-7* (p. 84)

53:1-7* (p. 70) 103:1-5 (p. 369)

118:15-22* (p. 156) Paraphrase 54 (see above)

122:1-9* (p. 169) (* = Sing Psalms version)


Welcome Team: Murdo MacArthur, Michael Forbes, David MacKenzie and Joan Lees

Crèche: 27th - Christine MacAskill & Joan Tripp. 4th July - Kathleen Sutherland & Jessie MacIntosh.

Bus Drivers: 27th– H Reid (863746). 4th July – M Forbes (864010).

Nursing Homes: Wyvis at 4 pm, 4th July, Rev A MacRae. Fodderty House at 1.45 pm, 4th July D MacRae. 18th July – To be arranged.

To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall. ' 01349 862183. (Email: ).

CD / Tape Orders: ' Sina (01349 865998) or Fred (01349 864297)

Youth Work Contacts: James & Vickie Ross: ' 01349 866546. 13 Tulloch Square, Dingwall. ().

Disabled Access is via a ramp and internal lift at the back door of the church.

Website: Sermons and newsletters are available at

Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143

welcome to



free church

God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope.

Sunday 27th June 2010

“Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.” Leviticus 19:2

Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.

Welcome! We meet together for worship today in Dingwall at 11.00 am and 6 pm. This morning James Ross will lead the service (The Church and the World – Part 2). In the evening Rev John de la Haye will lead the service. The minister is away today taking three services for Dalneigh and Bona Church of Scotland, congregations located at Lochend by Loch Ness and on the West side of Inverness.

Tonight during our evening service there will also be a missionary report from Rev Osamu Nakahashi from Japan. After the evening service there will be a chance to have fellowship over tea. We predict some nice surprises with a Japanese flavour.

We warmly welcome the Nakahashi family home this weekend and wish them the love and the kindness of the Lord in every way.

This is the last Sunday School of the term. We encourage children to continue attending church over the summer. A crèche is available - held in the church foyer.

The Record magazine is available. From the Frontiers, the annual missionary magazine is also available (£2).

Donation boxes are available for the annual Christian Aid appeal. Please return these as soon as possible.

Highland Youth Weekend

A superb weekend of fellowship and teaching for young folk in Age Group S3 – S6 is planned for 27th – 29th August. The event is at Cairngorm Christian Centre, Kincraig. Speaker: Calum “Honda” MacMillan from Rosskeen. Cost: £75, which includes all food, accommodation and activities, including water sports, games, BBQ etc. Closing date for booking is soon: Friday 2nd July 2010, so book now! Contact: Susan MacLean –


Spaces are available at Blaithwaite (mixed activity) and Johnshaven (boys football) camps. 2 spaces have become available at the popular Oswestry Junior mixed camp (Thursday 8th - Friday 16th July). Contact Laura MacLeod at the Free Church Offices, on 0131 226 5286 for details.


Most of the monthly home groups plan to meet this Wednesday at 7.30 pm for fellowship. As this is the last event before the summer break there is no structured study arranged and each group will arrange their own evening, with most having a Pot-luck Supper or BBQ. Everyone is welcome – even if you have not made it to a group before. Our home groups meet in Conon Bridge (at the Fraser’s home, Aslan, 64 Braes of Conon, tel 01349 861543); Dingwall Tulloch (for this month postponed to TUESDAY 6th July, at the Mackay’s home, 29 Bayne Drive, tel 01349 864067); Dingwall North (at the MacKenzie’s home, Langabhat, Kinnairdie Avenue, tel. 01349 864123); and Dingwall South (at the MacMaster’s home, Rose Villa, 2 Hill Terrace, tel. 01349 861052). The Strathpeffer group meets at the Mackay’s home (The Haven, tel. 01997 421037).


Mini Marvels parent and toddler group is now on holiday. If you would like to help with the group next term please contact Vickie Ross (01349 866546).

The Wednesday night prayer meeting is replaced with Home Groups this week.

Soul: A course based on Christianity Explored offering an introduction to Christianity started last week. The group meet in the church foyer from 12 noon to 1 pm on Thursdays. Please ask for further details or just come along if you would like to take part.

Road to Recovery: A support group is available in the church hall for folk living with addiction. The group meets every Thursday from 7.30 pm. Those directly affected by addiction including carers and family members are all most welcome.

Friday Youth Club: The youth club is now on holiday and will resume in August.


Ferintosh Burn: Open air worship will be held at the ‘Burn’ on Sunday 25th July at 8 pm, conducted by Rev Chris Smart.

Vision and Planning: The Deacons and Elders are going away to Ullapool on Saturday 14 August for a day of prayer, seeking a clearer vision for the work of the church in the years to come, and for detailed planning for the coming months.


Pray for the Dingwall Youth Café, as they run the Soul Course, and for the small group meeting in the Church on Thursdays doing the same course.

A funeral was held in Strathpeffer last Friday for the late Anna MacLeod. We remember the family members before God.

OMF Diaspora Ministry: Remember Sandra MacDonald and team working among the Thai people in Scotland. Pray for the second UK Thai camp, taking place from 20th to 23rd July. Pray that all who attend will hear God speaking to them. Rev. Yoel will bring the Bible readings and Sandra will be taking part.

Sadly Robert (from Dingwall who was living in a North African country) was deported recently. Many Christians have been treated similarly in that country. Please pray about the situation, and the security of national Christians who face growing opposition from the authorities.

Pray for Road to Recovery in the Highlands and Islands. Give thanks for new contacts, and a sense of God in the meetings.

Pray for the outreach to Cambuslang by Glasgow City Free Church (St. Vincent St.) The Free Church is committed to try to start 4 new urban church plants this year in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Cambuslang.

Pray for Neil & Rachel Rae (Philippines). Ben is back in school. His birthday is on Thursday 8th July.Continue to pray for Ate Lily, the new Livelihood co-ordinator in Calapan, who started last month. Pray for good relationships with the workers (she leads a weekly Bible study with them and none as yet are believers). Pray that orders will continue to come in to provide employment. Pray for good team dynamics. Give thanks for the six young people and one more mature believer who were baptised recently. The Rae’s give thanks that the recent ‘Sportsfest’ evangelism event went really well with 112 children attending.

OMF: The local prayer group meet on the second Friday of the month at 10.30 am at Christine Craig’s home, Fourways, 8 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall (Tel: 864511).

Pray for the issue of worship to be discussed with wisdom and sensitivity in the decision making courts of the Free Church. A conference to explore Bible teaching on the issue is planned for 23rd and 24th August, with a special General Assembly in November.

Remember Ishbel MacArthur (Callanish) who has been very ill following her surgery ten days ago. Pat Kidd (Knockfarrel) is recovering well after suffering a heart attack.

Pray for a number of congregations without pastors, and for ministers in Redevelopment and Church Planting situations.