Ms. Engram English 10
Weekly Writing Notebook: Weekly Independent Writing
Skill: the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well: Carpentry was one of his many skills (
Writing is a skill and like any skill, practice helps you get better. Your writing notebook is an opportunity for you to practice your writing skills on a regular basis. You will be expected to add a new completed draft of writing to your notebook each week. Completed drafts are to be at least 300-500 words (unless poetry). It will be checked each Tuesday and documented in PowerSchool.
You are to complete a new piece of writing each week.
1. Complete one draft piece of writing each week in the writing section of your notebook (due each Monday)
2. Number, Date and Title each piece.
3. Each draft is to be approximately 300-500 words and may be handwritten or typed*
4. Every five pieces of writing, you will choose one of the pieces you’ve written to polish for evaluation.
5. At the end of the semester you should have 12 pieces of writing in your notebook, including a final reflection.
6. Your writing notebook will be assessed as a whole (see rubric on back) and you will select two writing pieces from your notebook (one essay & one of your own choosing) to polish and submit over the semester (see dates below and rubric on back).
* typed entries may be stapled into your notebook. Should you prefer to type most of your writing, you may use a pocket folder inserted into the back of your notebook to keep your work. Or keep them in a duo-tang.
Drafts are due on the following dates:
#1, Sept. 30 – Letter
#2, Oct. 7 – process essay
#3, Oct. 14- your choice
#4, Oct. 21– persuasive essay
#5, Oct. 28 – your choice
#6, Nov. 4 – polished essay due (/10)
#7, Nov. 18 – reading response
#8, Nov. 25 - Your choice
#9, Dec. 2 - persuasive essay
#10, Dec. 9 - your choice
#11, Dec. 16 – Polished piece (your choice) due (/10)
#12 – Final Reflection & writing notebook due (/20)
Your choice writing suggestions:
a) a comparison or contrast piece
b) a fictional diary
c) a review of anything (an evaluation)
d) a poem or song (or rhyme/rap/spoken word piece)
e) a description piece
f) an opinion piece (editorial)
g) a short story
h) point of view assignment 1-- write as if you are somebody or something else.
i) point of view assignment 2 -- write a story from the perspective of another character.
j) a letter
k) transform a story/film or part of a story/film
m) reaction piece (respond to a film or something you’ve read)
n) an article – for a magazine or newspaper
o) a scene before, during or after an event in a story/film
p) a script for a story or original idea
Writing notebook assessment at end of semester (Jan.):
Outcome 9.1 construct increasingly complex texts using various forms to serve their purposes.
4/4 = A variety of writing types have been completed.
· There is evidence of an attempt to create thoughtful texts based on the length of pieces, topics selected and the student’s approach to these topics.
Outcome 10.4 demonstrate commitment to crafting pieces of writing and other representations
4/4= One draft per week has been added to the notebook and meets the minimum requirements.
· There is evidence of commitment to writing via revision and editing on a variety of pieces.
· Student regularly monitors his/her areas requiring improvement.
· Writing shows improvement over the course of the semester.
Assessment for Polished Writing Pieces from notebook (submitted March 31 & May 20):
4: Thorough 3: Good 2: Developing 1: LimitedLanguage/Technique (outcome 8.3)
4 Language and syntax choices contribute to skilful and effective writing.
3 Language and syntax choices contribute to clear and fluid writing.
2 Language and syntax choices contribute to awkward or mechanical writing.
1 Language and syntax choices contribute to confusing writing.
Ideas (outcome 9.1)
4 The task is adhered to and a main idea is distinct and insightful; it is developed through
specific and carefully chosen details.
3 The task is adhered to and a main idea is clear and is developed through relevant details.
2 A main idea is evident and is somewhat developed through details, some of which may be irrelevant.
1 A main idea is not present, or a main idea is not developed with details.
Organization (outcome 9.2)
4 The writing is skilfully organized with effective use of varied transitions.
3 The writing is well organized and easy to follow.
2 The writing is somewhat organized and relatively easy to follow. It may include vague or mechanical
1 The writing is lacking organization; there is little or no evidence of transitions and it is
challenging to follow.
Correctness: spelling/grammar/punctuation (outcome 10.2)
4 The writing consistently demonstrates correct use of a variety of conventions in relation to the
complexity of the piece.
3 The writing generally demonstrates correct use of conventions. Variety and/or complexity may be
2 Errors in conventions are noticeable, but communication is clear.
1 Errors in conventions contribute to confusing writing.