Jump Rope Club

Dear Parents and Guardians,

On Wednesday, October 7th we’ll be starting up again with our Fall City Elementary School Jump Rope Club! All third, fourth, and fifth grade students who are excited about rope jumping, and want to learn more are welcome to join. We will meet on Wednesdays before school from 8:00-8:45am, and will continue to meet until the end of the school year when we finish up with a last-day-of-school performance for those who would like to perform. The students will come into the gym when they arrive at school and then will go to recess at 8:45am.

Jumping rope increases cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. Besides its health benefits, jumping rope also enhances self-esteem, offers a challenge, and stimulates creativity – it’s also fun! As your child progresses from beginner to intermediate to advanced jump rope skills, they’ll not only build self-confidence and coordination, it will also provide rhythmic training and improve speed, timing, and balance.

Students must wear well-cushioned athletic shoes that provide good support. Students may bring their own jump ropes or use one from the PE program during Jump Rope Club. Students will be expected to participate in each activity, attend each week, and are responsible for their conduct and behavior. The teacher reserves the right to dismiss any student for failure to comply with these expectations or for irregular attendance.


Kaylie DeWitte

Physical Education Teacher, FCES

(425) 831-4017


Updated information can be found on our PE website under Jump Rope Club!

Please complete this form and return to Ms. DeWitte by/on the first day of Jump Rope Club.


I give my consent for my child to participate in Jump Rope Club at Fall City Elementary School to be held in the gym before school on Wednesdays. I agree to hold harmless the School District, their employees, or any appointed official(s) from any claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributable to the student’s activities.

Child’s Name: ______Grade/Teacher: ______

Allergies/Medical Concerns: ______

Parents’ Names (Printed):______

Parent Signature: ______

Home Phone: ______Work or Cell phone: ______

Email Address: ______Child’s Birthday: ______