BI211Principles of BiologyFall, 20061


LECTURE:9:00-9:50 A.M.MWF in Room SM121 (SmithMusic Hall Auditorium)

You are strongly advised to bring your text to lecture!!

LAB SECTIONS:8:00-10:50 AM & 12:30-3:20 PM on both TUES and THURS

3:30-6:20 PM THURS ONLY--- all labs meet in Room NS 204

TEXT:BIOLOGY, Campbell & Reece, 7th Ed


(both Campbell & Reece and Morgan & Carter will be used for BI212 & BI213; you won’t buy more Biology texts this year)

INSTRUCTORS:Dr. Irja Galvan, OfficeNS 223, Phone ext. 8491,e-mail:,

Dr. Bob Turner, Office NS 222, Phone ext. 8224, e-mail:

Date / Day / TOPIC / Text Ch / Lecturer / Lab Topic
Sept 25 / M / Introduction to Course and to Biology / 1 & 2 / IG / Scientific Investigation
27 / W / Chemistry/Macromolecules / 2, 3, 5 / IG
29 / F / Carbohydrate/Lipids / 5 / IG
Oct. 2 / M / Proteins/Nucleic Acids / 5 / IG / Enzymes
4 / W / Tour of Cell I / 6 / IG
6 / F / Tour of Cell II / 6 / IG
9 / M / Membranes in Detail / 7 / IG / Cells & Microscopes
11 / W / Introduction to Metabolism / 8 / IG
13 / F / Exam 1 – Introduction to Cells / 100 pts IG
16 / M / Respiration I / 9 / IG / Diffusion & Osmosis
18 / W / Respiration II / 9 / IG
20 / F / Photosynthesis I / 10 / IG
23 / M / Photosynthesis II / 10 / IG / Photosynthesis
25 / W / Cell Cycle & Mitosis / 12 / BT
27 / F / Meiosis / 13 / BT
30 / M / Exam 2 – Membranes to Photosynthesis / 100 pts IG / Cell Division
Nov 1 / W / Mendelian Genetics / 14 / BT
3 / F / Non-Mendelian Genetics / 15 / BT
6 / M / Molecular Biology: Overview, Replication / 16 / BT / Genetics
8 / W / Transcription 1 / 17 / BT
10 / F / Transcription 2 – Translation 1 / 17 / BT
13 / M / Translation 2 / 17 / BT / Molecular Biology
15 / W / Control of Gene Expression / 18.4, 19.4, 19.5 / BT
17 / F / Evolution 1 / 21, 22 / BT
20 / M / Exam 3 – Mitosis to Translation / 100 pts BT / No Lab This Week
22 / W / Evolution 2 / 22 / BT
24 / F / HOLIDAY - Thanksgiving
27 / M / Evolution 3 / 23 / BT / Evolution
29 / W / Evolution 4 / 23, 24 / BT
Dec 1 / F / Evolution 5 / 25 / BT
75 POINTS from Control of Gene Expression through Evolution 5, including the Evolution lab
125 POINTS comprehensive on all lectures and the Evolution Lab
6 / W
8 / F




Grading Guideline
POINT DISTRIBUTION: / Exam 1 - 3 / 100 Points Each / 90-100% / = A
Final Exam / 200 / 80-89% / = B
Laboratory / 200 / 70-79% / = C
Total / 700 / 60-69% / = D
< 60% / = F

Lecture Attendance and Policy

If you miss a class, you are responsible for obtaining notes, assignments and copies of handouts from a classmate. Lecture outlines will be available on-line.

Cell phone use is prohibited during all class meetings – both lecture and lab – as cell phones are a serious distraction to your classmates and instructors. Anyone using a cell phone during either lecture or lab will be asked to leave that class session – in the case of labs, this will count as an unexcused lab absence, the consequences of which are described below under “Lab Attendance Policy”.

Exam Policy:

You will be required to place all belongings to the side of the lecture hall before taking a seat. Every effort will be made to place empty desks between students, particularly in the back of the lecture hall.

Calculators will not be allowed unless specifically stated.

Owners of cell phones that go off must turn in their exam when the cell phone goes off and only the portion of their exam they have completed will be graded.

Makeup exams: If you are participating in a university sanctioned event that occurs at the same time as an exam, you must notify the appropriate instructor one week in advance to schedule your make-up exam. If you miss an exam because of a medical or family emergency, you must communicate this through the Office of Student Affairs (838-8221) and have this situation broadcast to all your professors. Make-up exam questions and formats will be different from the scheduled exam.

Some old exams are on reserve in the library but many do not follow the current course format.

Cheating Policy

Please review the student academic handbook sections that cover cheating. Any student who cheats on a quiz or exam (e.g. using notes, electronic devices of any kind, or making information available to classmates during the exam) or on an assignment (e.g. copying/plagiarism of any kind) will receive a zero for that assignment, and may be referred to the student judiciary board for additional sanctions.

The finalexam

The date, time and location of the final exam are provided above

No alternative final exams or FINALexam times will be available.

Laboratory Attendance and Policy

To insure that students in all sections of Principles of Biology (BI211, 212, & 213) and General Biology (BI101, 102, & 103) labs are treated uniformly, the Biology Department faculty has adopted the following policy items:

1. Lab attendance is mandatory unless the student furnishes written documentation signed by her/his licensed health care provider in a timely manner of inability to attend for health reasons.*

2. A total of three unexcused lab absences will result in the student receiving a grade of F for the entire course.**

3. A student can make up a lab only during the same week that the student misses a lab; it is the student’s responsibility to furnish a note from the instructor of the make-up lab to the student's regular lab instructor. Students cannot expect to make up a lab after that week's lab equipment and supplies have been removed from the lab room.

4. At the end of the term, each lab instructor will provide each lecture instructor with a numerical grade on a 100% scale for each student in their lab sections.

*FOR BI 211 ONLY: Medical emergencies require a note from your doctor. Family emergencies must be broadcast through the Office of Student Affairs (838-8221). Faculty sponsors of university activities must provide notification about EACH occurrence of specific events.

**FOR BI 211 ONLY: Two unexcused lab absences will cause you to be dropped one letter grade for the course (E.G. from a B+ to a C+). Three unexcused lab absences will cause you to be dropped two letter grades for the course, and with more than three unexcused lab absences you will earn an F for the course.There will beNOmakeup labs.

BI211 Course Contract


To do well in this course will require a significant effort on your part. In most college classes it is recommended that students allow two to three hours outside of class to study and do homework for every hour spent in class. Though many courses do not require this level of time commitment, this course does. If you cannot spend at least 10 hours a week outside of class on this course you will not do well.

The table on the back of this page will help to determine if you have the time to succeed in this course. For each of your courses mark the times the course meets and the times you intend to study for this course. Also mark times for meals, recreation, and work (if you are employed this term). If your work schedule varies give a typical schedule.



Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
