FORM: / Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)
TITLE: / Plant WRITTEN competency – Forklift
Work Site
Date of Assessment
  1. You are required to inspect your forklift truck before use. Name at least four liquid levels that would form part of your inspection.

1. / 2.
3. / 4.
  1. You are required to inspect your forklift truck before use. Name at least four parts that would form part of your inspection.

1. / 2.
3. / 4.
  1. What precautions should the operator should take when a leak in the fuel system is suspected or detected?
  1. During your pre-operational check you notice the Data Plate is missing or unreadable. What action would you take?
  1. Under what circumstances could an operator make minor repairs, alterations or adjustments to a forklift truck?
  1. A tyre is found to have low pressure. When would you attend to this problem?
  1. To protect the operator from falling objects, what should be provided on a forklift truck?
  1. Should a forklift truck be refuelled while the engine is running? Explain your answer.
  1. What direction must the load face when travelling up a ramp?
  1. What direction must the load face when travelling down a ramp?
  1. Why is it unsafe to turn a forklift when it is on a ramp or a sloping surface?
  1. When operating a forklift why is it dangerous to turn a corner with the load raised?
  1. When travelling, at what height should the load and fork tynes be?
  1. A pallet contains an unbalanced load with one end heavier than the other. Which end should be against the heel of the fork tynes?
  1. When travelling with a load that obscures your vision, what precautions would you take?
  1. What checks should be made before using an attachment on a forklift truck?
  1. Should a load be raised or lowered near or over people? Explain your answer.
  1. By what means can people be raised on a forklift truck?
  1. How would you establish the capacity and limitations of the forklift truck and equipment you are required to use?

Diagram A / Diagram B / Diagram C
  1. The forklifts above are rated at 2000 KG at 600 mm load centre, which one is overloaded?
  1. Give two reasons why you would check the weight of a load against the forklift truck specifications?
  1. If your forklift is tipping over what should you do?
  1. What is your site speed limit for forklift traffic?
  1. Does the ignition key need to be removed from the forklift when it is unattended? Why?
  1. Name three operating conditions that may cause a forklift truck to tip over sideways?

Thank you for completing this Forklift Operator Competency Assessment. Please give the assessment to your supervisor. You will now need to undertake a practical assessment.

This page to be returned to the HSE Manager/Officer.

Theory Marking Sheet

Refer to Forklift Operation Answer Sheet

Question / Correct / Question / Correct / Question / Correct
1 / 10 / 19
2 / 11 / 20
3 / 12 / 21
4 / 13 / 22
5 / 14 / 23
6 / 15 / 24
7 / 16 / 25
8 / 17
9 / 18
A. Number of Questions Correct:
B. Number of Questions/Tasks Required: / 25
A/50 x 100 = Score / %

A score of 75% is required to be assessed as competent. In the event that a score of less than 75% is achieved the person will need to re-do the Competency Assessment again in one month. In the event the score is still not achieved contact HSE Manager/Officer.

Operator Name
Operator Signature
Assessor Signature

Uncontrolled when printed

Version: 1

Issued: January 2012

Review: 2017