/ Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
Email: Tel: 01451 832 585
Clerk & RFO - Heather Sipthorp

You are hereby summoned to a Meeting of the Council’s Burial Board

to be held at the above address on THURSDAY 7TH JULY 2016 at 9.15 am for the purposes

of transacting the following business.

Heather Sipthorp

Clerk & RFO of the Council Dated: 1st July 2016


Public participation*

  1. Election of Chairman
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Declarations of interests on items on the Agenda
  4. Minutes – to sign as a correct record the Minutes of Meeting held on 7th June 2016
  5. Clerk’s Report on Matters Arising from Minutes of above Meeting
  6. Chairman’s announcements
  7. Removal of rubbish from cemeteries and installation of new green bin
  8. Thames Water donation for using car park whilst carrying out work at Stow Reservoir
  9. Thames Water Credit Note
  10. M J Taylor’s query in relation to memorial stone
  11. Donation of Flowering Trees
  12. Policy Document for donations of benches/trees
  13. Piers at entry from Back Walls
  14. Veale WasbroughVizard’s outstanding invoice
  15. Damaged Cemetery Wall
  16. Churchyard path
  17. Car Parking areas near the cemeteries
  18. Action’s from walkabout on 27th April 2016 not covered by Agenda items
  19. To discuss any correspondence received by Committee
  20. Any other business (items to be discussed at the next Meeting)
  21. Meeting Closed
  22. Date of Next Meeting:

*Public participation (up to 15 minutes) – If you wish to speak about any concerns you wish to draw to the Council’s attention, you may speak for up to 3 minutes, when directed to do so by the Chairman.

Rules dictate that members of the public may not take part in the Town Council Meeting unless invited to do so by the Chairman and that Councillors can only make decisions on items included on the Agenda.