2016-17 Playground & Peer Mentoring Application
______Playground Mentoring Program ______Peer Mentoring Program
The playground mentoring program is a program for middle school students to mentor younger students during the younger students’ recess times. Fifth and sixth grade students will mentor during grade 2 recess. Seventh grader students will mentor during K-1 recess. Eighth grader students will mentor during grade 3-4 recess. The expectations of the mentors are to be role-models, organize and play games, involve younger students in the games, and assist the students in solving common playground problems.
The peer mentoring program is a new program for middle school students to provide peer mentoring to younger students in an individualized way. In this program, the older peer will visit the younger peer weekly. This will likely take place during the older student’s SRBI period. This program is more structured, with each middle school student having more training, regular meetings with Mrs. Rivard-Lentz, and a plan as to what to accomplish during the mentoring time.
Students who are selected to be peer or playground mentors will participate in training sessions during their lunch period (dates to be determined) to learn the expectations of the programs. The amount of training sessions required will depend on the program the student is selected for and their previous mentoring experience. All training will be provided by Mrs. Rivard-Lentz from AHM Youth & Family Services (phone: 860-228-9493 x119;email: )
The mentoring schedules for the older students will be individually created so the mentors will miss a minimal amount of instructional or support time. Students who are selected as a playground mentor will typically mentor between 8-20 times during the school year. Students who are selected as peer mentors will mentor weekly.
Please share the reasons that you think you would make a good mentor to younger students at HW Porter School. Please ask your parent/guardian and two teachers to recommend you for the program and get their signatures below.
The following people recommend you as a mentor in the playground or peer mentoring program. They believe that you have the qualities of a mentor and role-model for younger students.
Parent / Guardian signature
Teacher signature Teacher signature
Name ______Homeroom teacher ______Grade _____