St. Athanasius School Guide
for Students and Parents
2015 - 2016
830 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, NY 10459
Tel: (718) 542-5161
Fax: (718) 542-7584
St. Athanasius is a Catholic school where religion is taught and lived. Each student is
called to respect all people in the same way that Jesus did. Respect is shown by the way
you treat yourself, your schoolmates, adults and the environment.
In Religion class you will study the Bible, the teachings of the Church and how you can apply them to your life. Grades 3-8 take the Archdiocesan Religion Examination in June.
Families are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the parish sacramental program. The Sacrament of Baptism is offered in all grades. The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are offered in grades 3-8. The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered in grades 7-8.
Our school community attends Mass on Holy Days. Sunday Mass is the heart of our faith. Worship weekly as a family to listen to God’s Word and receive the Eucharist.
Parish:St. Athanasius Church
878 Tiffany Street, Bronx, NY 10459
Tel: (718) 328-2558
Fax: (718) 328-3121
Pastor:Fr. Jose Rivas
Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. in Spanish
10:00 a.m. in English
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
Weekday Masses: 9:00 a.m. in Spanish
7:00 p.m. in Spanish
2015 – 2016
Since 1913, St Athanasius School has prepared students in the Bronx with an excellent Catholic education. St. Athanasius School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, faith, nationality, or ethnic origin in any aspect of school policy. Admission is based on academic skills, respect, and commitment to the Christian Way of Life.
Students are encouraged to be generous in participating in seasonal collections to help the needy. The upper grades reach out to help the younger students during fire drills and Masses.
It is a privilege for any student or class to participate in school sponsored events. Students earn these privileges by carefully following the Rules of Good Conduct. Student participation in class activities and SAPA events is at the discretion of the teacher. Students who participate in these events experience the special family spirit of St. Athanasius School.
St. Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt in the year 295. He became a dedicated teacher and Bishop of Alexandria. St. Athanasius tried to give his people a better understanding of Jesus. He suffered many hardships because of his teachings. Instead of becoming discouraged, his love for God kept growing. The creed we say at Mass contains many teachings of St. Athanasius.
Saint Athanasius,model of courage and seeker of truth,
help us to love and follow Jesus.
Inspire us to live as
children of God and children of the Earth.
Grades 1-8…………….. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
PK3, PK4, and K……… 8:15 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Students are to be in school at least FIVE minutes before their designated times. Most Fridays, all students are dismissed at 2:30 p.m. to provide time for the faculty to meet and plan. On some Fridays during the school year, all students may need to be dismissed at 12:00 p.m. for additional faculty conferences. Please check the school calendar.
Regular attendance is essential for success in school. When a student is absent, the parent is required to call the school to report the absence by 9:00 a.m. and send the student with a doctor’s note or an absence note signed by the parent in order to return to class. This is New York State Law. Only illness is a legal absence. Unlawful absence is truancy.
Parents should schedule medical appointments outside of school time. If it is necessary for a student to be dismissed during the school day, a note stating the reason and time is to be given to the teacher a day in advance. It is the student’s responsibility to make up classwork, assignments, examinations, and to inquire about notes sent home. Family vacations are not to be planned for days when school is in session. The school provides families with an annual calendar to ensure that this does not happen.
Lateness: Promptness builds character. Students who have never been late or absent are eligible for Attendance Awards. Chronic lateness may endanger re-registration for the next year.
Birthdays are celebrations of life. Students in grades PK3, PK4, and K are permitted to dress up on their special day (no jeans, sneakers, or flip-flops). Shirts must have collars and cover the waist. Dresses or skirts must be an appropriate length. Students who do not follow these guidelines will not be allowed in class. Students in grades 1–8 will have alternate ways to celebrate birthdays and are expected to wear the complete uniform on their birthday. Birthday celebrations are the parents’ responsibility, not the school’s. However, at the teacher’s discretion, parents may send in a simple snack, such as cookies, juice boxes, and napkins. Absolutely no party bags or toys are allowed.
Books are important and expensive tools. The Registration Fee covers the useof textbooks for one year. Families are responsible for the cost of damaged or lost textbooks, workbooks, or library books.
1. Cover all textbooks with removable covers.
2. Cover workbooks with plastic covers.
3. Write name and grade on all notebooks and books.
4. Offensive writings or drawings are not permitted on folders, book covers, and notebooks.
Students need to begin the day by eating a nutritious breakfast. The school breakfast is provided from 7:30 a.m. until morning line up. Students may not bring outside food into the school cafeteria. Parents need to stress with their children the importance of eating a healthy lunch every day. Good manners really count! The school needs a doctor’s note if a child has food allergies.
The yellow school bus picks up students who live East of Bruckner Boulevard. Students must remain in their seats and use the seat belts. Appropriate conduct and respectful language are expected at all times. There is no eating or drinking on the bus.
St. Athanasius School is a peaceful learning community made up of students, teachers, administration, staff, and parents. All are responsible for creating an atmosphere of good orderand cooperation so that learning can take place. Each individual is valued as part of our community. The successes or setbacks of any individual affect the entire community. In order tosucceed, each person must be aware of his/her responsibility to earn his/her own future.The Rules of Good Conduct foster this environment of mutual respect for others as well as for self. Cooperation with these rules will lead to rights and privileges within our community.
- Cooperate with all people in authority.
- Be honest in your words and actions.
- Respect yourself and other students.
- No bullying or sexual harassment at any time to anyone.
- Be courteous and use respectful language at all times and in all places.
- Show respect and care for school property including textbooks and desks.
- Electronic devices are to be turned off and kept in bookbags through grade 5, but in grades 6-8, the classroom teacher will collect them at the beginning of the day.
- Be quiet in appropriate places and at appropriate times to respect learning.
- Look out for your safety and the safety of others.
- Aim for good attendance and be on time.
- Complete all assigned tasks and homework.
- Wear the complete uniform everyday.
- No gum chewing or eating candy anytime on school property.
- Follow the Archdiocesan Technology Policy in school as well as outside of school.
- Avoid all exclusive relationships. Cliques and dating are exclusive and do great harm to the community.
Incident Reports: Teachers will deal with discipline problems in the classroom, at recess, and/or after school. When class and school rules are broken, a student may receive an Incident Report. An Incident Report is a warning in writing about a rule or rules not being followed. The parent must sign the Incident Report and the student must return it the next day. An unsigned Incident Report will lead to a Discipline Slip. Any Incident Report after the third report automatically becomes a Discipline Slip. The teacher and the principal will keep copies of these reports throughout the entire year for reference.
Discipline Slips: After three Incident Reports or a serious infraction of the Rules of Good Conduct, a student may receive a Discipline Slip. Students will not be admitted to class if their parents do not attend a scheduled Discipline Slip Conference. Three Discipline Slips may lead to a suspension. Discipline Slips will be kept on file for one year.
Suspension: Students may be suspended when they receive three discipline slips or commit any of the following or similar actions:
- Cutting class / Leaving school grounds without permission
- Fighting / Threatening to hurt others
- Offensive writings
- Smoking / Drinking
- Vandalism
- Gang membership
- Violation of the Archdiocesan Technology Policy
Suspension will be at home or in schoolwith specific academic work assignments. This decision will be made by the principal and the teacher. Suspension Reports will be kept on file for as long as the student remains in the school. Students who receive a suspension might not be allowed to re-register for the next year.
Expulsion:The police will be called and a student may be expelled for any one of the following or similar actions:
Possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia
Serious theft
Willful and serious property damage
Carrying or possessing a weapon of any kind
Endangering the personal safety of anyone in the school
Violation of the Archdiocesan Technology Policy.
Our core values are integrity, humility, hard work, and service.
- The core value of integrity calls us to act with honesty and respect for ourselves and others.
- The core value of humilityopens us to learn from everyone around us.
- The core value of hard workencourages us tokeep trying even when we face challenges.
- The core value of servicereminds us to share our gifts and talents with our brothers and sisters in our own community and around the world.
Discovery Junioris available from dismissal to 6:00 p.m. for Grades PK3-2. The supervised program includes a variety of activities including a homework session. Parents must be prompt in picking up their children. A staff member will escort the children to the lobby and the parent will sign them out. Parents must pay the Discovery Junior fees on time. An extra fee will be applied when a child is picked up late. Students who do not cooperate with the Discovery Junior staff will not be allowed to remain in the program. Parents are responsible to check that the homework is completed. Parents are to sign the homework and assignment book each night.
The DISCOVERY Program is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from dismissal to 6:00 p.m. for Grades 3-8. A variety of activities, including homework help, is available. Students must attend all scheduled days and remain until dismissal. Students are expected to follow the same Rules of Good Conduct during and after school.
Field trips are an important part of the school curriculum. They provide cultural and social enrichment. Students are expected to participate in all educational trips. Parents must give consent for the trip on the official school permission paper. Parents are encouraged to chaperone trips to help ensure safety. The Archdiocesan Technology Policy is in effect during trips.
Student participation is at the teacher’s discretion. Students who do not attend field trips will be marked with an illegal absence if they do not attend school. Students are only permitted to attend trips with their own class. Only St. Athanasius studentsare allowed to attend.
Every student is expected to participate in gym. Only a medical note will excuse a student. Students must wear the approved gym uniform. Only a plain, white, short-sleeved tee-shirt may be worn under the uniform shirt, and it must be tucked in. If students are not in their regulation gym uniform, they will not be able to participate and their grade will be affected. Sneakers are to be laced and functional for athletic support and safety. Slip-on sneakers do not provide support. Velcro sneakers are highly recommended for grades PK3-1.
Students in grades K-8 are able to check out books and do research in the library. Students are responsible for their library materials. Any book not returned must be replaced or paid for. If books are not retuned in good condition, the student will have to pay full price for the replacement. Students must agree to follow all the library rules in order to use the school library/media center.
Metro Cards are only issued in September and February to students according to the distance set by the Department of Pupil Transportation. Lost Metro Cards are very difficult to replace.
Students need the guidance of their parents. Parents need to support and to enforce the Rules ofGood Conduct. Parents are expected to:
- Ensure that their child arrives at school on time and is picked up on time,
- Keep their contact information current with the school (address, phone, e-mail).
- Check and sign the homework and assignment book each night.
- Read to younger children and make sure older children read for the expected number of minutes each day.
- Make sure all students get sufficient sleep with 8-10 hours each night. Remove all electronic devices (television, tablets, cell phones, etc.) to ensure uninterrupted sleep.
- Encourage good eating habits.
- Provide annual eye, dental, and medical exams. Ensure that glasses are worn, if necessary.
- Join the St. Athanasius Parent Association (SAPA).
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Respect is the foundation for all learning. It is important for parents to communicate respect for the teachers and school at all times.
Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled at report card times. Additionally, parents may request a teacher conference by writing a note or calling the office assistant. Communication between parents and teachers is also encouraged by writing notes in the homework notebook. To ensure student security, parents may not enter the building without an appointment.
Financial Responsibilities: Parents are responsible for meeting financial obligations, keeping track of deadlines for tuition and fees, and paying any applicable late fees.Students may not be allowed in class if any school fee is overdue more than one month. All bills and fees must be paid, and overdue books returned, before students can receive their report cards each quarter.
Re-Registration for the next school year is in February and March. The re-registration fee is due at that time. Parents of students in need of evaluations must follow through with the process and recommendations in order to re-register. Families may be asked not to re-register if there have been problems with lateness, finances, or with the Rules of Good Conduct.
Report Cards: All students receive four report cards throughout the year. These reports evaluate tests, quizzes, classwork, projects, and homework. The passing grade is 70%. Each parent will have a teacher conference at the first or second report card date.
Promotion: The requirements of each grade must be fulfilled in order to pass to the next grade. Classwork, homework, test results, and attendance must be satisfactory. The third quarter report card will tell if promotion is in doubt.
Summer School is required for deficiencies in the major subjects of Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Promotion to the next grade depends on attendance and meeting the requirements of the summer program. The third quarter report card indicates if summer school is a possibility. Vacation plans cannot interfere with summer school.
Students and families need to be alert when crossing Southern Boulevard. Follow the directions of the crossing guard.Remind students of the importance of not responding to strangers. If students are approached by strangers they should notify the school immediately.
Arrival:A staff member welcomes students and directs them to enter the supervised cafeteria for breakfast. Only students are to enter the school building.Throughout the day, a staff member is stationed in the lobby until 6:00 p.m.
Dismissal:Students are dismissed through the school yard or the front door. Students in grades 1–8 are to wait in the schoolyard for their parents or caretakers. Parents who come early to pick up their children at dismissal are to wait outside the building. Students may not re-enter the building after dismissal.
Evacuation:If there is a reason to evacuate, the students will relocate to St. Athanasius Church at 878 Tiffany Street or Templo Roca Eterna at 840 Intervale Avenue. Parents are to complete a student information card for each child. Parents need to update the student information card with new information throughout the school year.
Bad Weather: If New York City Public Schools close because of snow or very bad weather, St. Athanasius School will close as well. The Immediate Response Information System (IRIS) will call the home and cell phone numbers you provided on the student information card.
St. Athanasius School is a safe place for students to learn. All students, staff, and parents follow the school rules against bullying.
1. We will not bully others.
2. We will try to help students who are bullied.
3. We will try to include students who are left out.
4. When we know somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and athome.
New York City Board of Education SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support Services) are offered to eligible students who need extra help in reading, math, and speech. Guidance counseling resources are available for students and their families.