Yorkshire Youth League
Saturday 11thJune 2016
Venue – Penistone Grammar School, Huddersfield Road, Penistone, Sheffield S36 7BX
Check-in Closes at: -
Under 10 / Under 12 / Under 14 / Under 16Foil
/ 10:50 / 8:50 / 12:45 / 8:50Epee / 10.00 / 10:00 / 11:50
Sabre / 14.00 / 14:00 / 14:00
(Closing times will be strictly adhered to – in emergency, please contact Adam on 07761 284378)
Costs: £12 per person, £18 for two weapons, £24 for three weapons. Cheques made payable to Sheffield Buccaneers Fencing Club.
Closing Date: - Wednesday 8th June 2016
Important Notes
Fencers must be under the age category as at 1st January 2016 e.g. for U10 the fencer must be 9 or younger as at 1st January 2016.
All under 10 fencers should use a size 0 blade. Size 3 foils should be used for the under 12 and under 14 foil events, size 2 for the under 14 Epee and Sabre events. Size 5 weapons can only be used for the under 16 events.
Fencers may only enter this league where they have their home address in the Yorkshire Region, or where they regularly attend a fencing club within the Yorkshire Region.
British Fencing Association membership is required, this can be paid for on the day if required. The competition is run under BFA guidelines.
Full kit, including plastron, must be worn. Tracksuit bottoms must have zipped or taped pockets for fencers U14 and below. U16 must wear breeches.
There with be a full range of refreshments available..
Clubs entering 4 or more fencers are kindly asked to provide a referee.
Entries to: - Adam Blight, 84 Glencoe Road, Norfolk Park, Sheffield S2 2SR.
Details of the Yorkshire Youth League can be got from – other information can be got from
Saturday 11th June 2016
Yorkshire Youth League – Entry Form
Weapon(s) / Foil / Under 10 / Under 12 / Under 14 / Under 16
Epee / Under 12 / Under 14 / Under 16
Sabre / Under 12 / Under 14 / Under 16
Fencing Club
BFA Number
Yorkshire Number *
Parent’s Email
Telephone NumbersAmount Enclosed
Yorkshire number is made up of the first two initials of the fencer plus their date of birth and M or F to denote sex. For example, James Lockyer would be JL061274M.
Cheques made payable to Sheffield Buccaneers Fencing Club: £12 for one weapon, £18 for two weapons, £24 for three weapons.
I accept, as parent/guardian of the above that the organisers and venue will not be held responsible for any loss damage or accident to competitors, spectators or equipment sustained at the competition. I further agree to abide by the decisions of the organising committee.
Signed Date