Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
AASHTO Board of Directors
Leslie Richards, , Secretary, (717) 787-5574
AASHTO Executive Committee
Leslie Richards, , Secretary, (717) 787-5574
AASHTO Multi-State Technical Assistance Program
Elizabeth Bonini, , Acting Division Chief, (717) 787-1207
AASHTOWare Champion
Timothy Johnson, , Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary, (717) 214-2996
Melissa Batula, , (717) 214-8734
BOD Assistant List
Denise Barnes, , Executive Assistant, (717) 787-5574
Census Transportation Planning Products
Laine Heltebridle, , Acting Director, Bureau of Planning and Research, (717) 787-2277
Center for Environmental Excellence Advisory Board
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
Commissioners and Boards
Dennis Louwerse, , Commissioner, (610) 921-0605
Frederic Wentz, , Vice Chair, (610) 279-2480
George Khoury, , Commissioner, (814) 237-8046
John Rafferty, , Commissioner, (717) 787-1398
John Kazmaier, , Commissioner, (814) 695-2338
Julie Harmanntzis, , Executive Secretary, (717) 787-2913
Richard Geist, , Commissioner, (717) 787-6419
Robert Daday, , Commissioner, (610) 973-0765
Sharon Knoll, , Commissioner, (814) 474-3644
Thane Martin, , Commissioner, (215) 732-1146
Equipment Managers TSP
W. Smith, , Chief, Equipment Division, (717) 787-4299
Geospatial Online Transportation User's Group
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
John Parker, , (717) 525-0802
GOTUG Leadership Group
John Parker, , (717) 525-0802
High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail
Danielle Spila, , Executive Assistant, (717) 783-1941
Robert Sharp, , Chief, Rural and Intercity Division, (717) 783-9461
Innovation Initiative
Brian Thompson, , Director, Bureau of Design Project Delivery, (717) 787-3310
Joint Committee ACEC–AASHTO (SCOH and SCOP)
Michael Baker, , Chief, Air Quality/Federal Initiatives, (717) 772-0796
MAP-21 Implementation and Reauthorization Steering Committee
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
NTPEP-APEL State Product Coordinators
Michael McGonagle, , Engineering Support, New Products and Innovations Section, (717) 783-8368
NTPEP-Executive Committee
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
NTPEP-Product Implementation Task Force
Rodney Klopp, , (717) 787-7287
NTPEP-Technical Committee Officers
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Concrete Admixtures
Patricia Miller, , (717) 787-2489
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Concrete Curing Compounds
Patricia Miller, , (717) 787-2489
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Elastomeric Bridge Bearings
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Epoxy and Resin Based Adhesive Bonding Systems
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Guardrails
Robert Horwhat, , Chief Materials Engineer, (717) 705-3841
NTPEP-Technical Committee on High Friction and Thin Overlays
Alberto Medina, , (717) 783-3580
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Pavement Marking Materials
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Protective Coatings
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Rapid Set Concrete Patching Materials
Patricia Miller, , (717) 787-2489
NTPEP-Technical Committee on Sign Sheeting Materials
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
Reference Book Contacts
Edna Weaver, , Administrative Officer 1, (717) 787-5574
Research Advisory Committee
Laine Heltebridle, , Acting Director, Bureau of Planning and Research, (717) 787-2277
Michael Bonini, , Transportation Planning Manager, (717) 772-4664
SCOBS-Executive Committee
Louis Ruzzi, , District Bridge Engineer, 412-429-4893
Thomas Macioce, , Bridge Engineer, (717) 346-9904
SCOBS-T-10 Concrete Design
Thomas Macioce, , Bridge Engineer, (717) 346-9904
SCOBS-T-14 Structrual Steel
Thomas Macioce, , Bridge Engineer, (717) 346-9904
SCOBS-T-16 Timber
Thomas Macioce, , Bridge Engineer, (717) 346-9904
SCOBS-T-18 Bridge Inspection, Repair, and Rehab
James Long, , (717) 783-7616
SCOBS-T-20 Tunnels
Louis Ruzzi, , District Bridge Engineer, 412-429-4893
SCOD-Joint Technical Committee on Roadway Lighting (SCOD and SCOTE)
Daryl St. Clair, , Chief, Maintenance Technical Leadership Division, (717) 214-1883
SCOD-Technical Committee on Cost Estimating
Melissa Batula, , (717) 214-8734
SCOD-Technical Committee on Geometric Design
Ryan VanKirk, , (717) 705-1338
SCOD-Technical Committee on Non-Motorized Transportation
Brian Shunk, , 7172141276
SCOD-Technical Committee on Research
Melissa Batula, , (717) 214-8734
SCOH Task Force on Bike Routes
David Bachman, , Bicycle and Predestrian Program Manager, (717) 783-8444
SCOM-Working Group on Equipment
W. Smith, , Chief, Equipment Division, (717) 787-4299
SCOP CV-AV Task Force
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
SCOP Freight
Brian Hare, , (717) 783-9359
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
SCOPM Leadership Group
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
SCOPM Research and Best Practices Task Force
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
SCORWUOAC-Technical Council on Right of Way Acquisition/Program Management/LPA
Mark Chappell, , Chief, Right-of-Way and Utilities Division, (717) 787-8298
SCORWUOAC-Technical Council on Right of Way Property Management
Mark Chappell, , Chief, Right-of-Way and Utilities Division, (717) 787-8298
Robin Ronemus-Shuler, , (717) 787-4340
SCORWUOAC-Technical Council on Utility Mapping, GIS & SUE
Larry Ditty, , Utility Administrator, (717) 214-8762
SCORWUOAC-Technical Council on Utility Project Scoping & Coordination
Chris Magness, , Utility Relocation Administator, (717) 787-5305
Larry Ditty, , Utility Administrator, (717) 214-8762
Michael Tavani, , Utility Relocation Administator, (717) 787-4037
SCOTE-Technical Committee on Traffic Design, Regulation and Management
Glenn Rowe, , Chief, Highway Saety and Traffic Operations, (717) 783-6479
SCOWCT-Frequency Coordinators
Charles Thorp, , Radio Telecommunications Specialist, (717) 783-2889
SOM Technical Committee Chairs
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
Robert Horwhat, , Chief Materials Engineer, (717) 705-3841
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 1a
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 2a
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 2b
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 2c
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 2d
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 3a
Robert Horwhat, , Chief Materials Engineer, (717) 705-3841
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 3c
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 4a
Robert Horwhat, , Chief Materials Engineer, (717) 705-3841
SOM-Technical Section 4b
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 4c
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 4e
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
SOM-Technical Section 4f
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
Robert Horwhat, , Chief Materials Engineer, (717) 705-3841
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management NASTO Region
Daryl St. Clair, , Chief, Maintenance Technical Leadership Division, (717) 214-1883
Jonathan Fleming, , Section Chief, Emergency and Incident Management, (717) 772-1771
Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Mgmt
Daryl St. Clair, , Chief, Maintenance Technical Leadership Division, (717) 214-1883
Jonathan Fleming, , Section Chief, Emergency and Incident Management, (717) 772-1771
Special Committee on Wireless Communications Technology
Richard Roman, , 717-787-6899
Special Committee-NTPEP
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
Standing Committee on Environment
Mark Lombard, , Chief, Environmental Policy and Development Section, 717-772-2569
Standing Committee on Finance and Administration
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
Standing Committee on Highways
R. Scott Christie, , Deputy Secretary for Highway Administration, (717) 787-6875
Standing Committee on Performance Management
R. Scott Christie, , Deputy Secretary for Highway Administration, (717) 787-6875
Thomas Prestash, , District Executive, (814) 696-7100
Standing Committee on Planning
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
Standing Committee on Public Transportation
Danielle Spila, , Executive Assistant, (717) 783-1941
Elizabeth Bonini, , Acting Division Chief, (717) 787-1207
Toby Fauver, , Deputy Secretary for Local and Area Transportation, 7177878197
Standing Committee on Rail Transportation
Toby Fauver, , Deputy Secretary for Local and Area Transportation, 7177878197
State DOT Librarians
Laine Heltebridle, , Acting Director, Bureau of Planning and Research, (717) 787-2277
STSMO Task Force 1
Doug Tomlinson, , Chief, Traffic Operations, Bureau of Maintenance & Operations, (717) 787-3657
STSMO Task Force 2
Doug Tomlinson, , Chief, Traffic Operations, Bureau of Maintenance & Operations, (717) 787-3657
STSMO Task Force 3
Michael Buck, Jr, , (814) 696-7238
Subcommittee on Air Quality
Danielle Shellenberger, , (717) 783-6503
Mark Lombard, , Chief, Environmental Policy and Development Section, 717-772-2569
Michael Baker, , Chief, Air Quality/Federal Initiatives, (717) 772-0796
Subcommittee on Asset Management
R. Scott Christie, , Deputy Secretary for Highway Administration, (717) 787-6875
Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures
James Long, , (717) 783-7616
Louis Ruzzi, , District Bridge Engineer, 412-429-4893
Thomas Macioce, , Bridge Engineer, (717) 346-9904
Subcommittee on Capacity Building
Michael Baker, , Chief, Air Quality/Federal Initiatives, (717) 772-0796
Subcommittee on Civil Rights
Katherine Peters, , Director, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, (717) 395-9199
Subcommittee on Construction
Joseph Robinson, , Chief, (717) 787-4794
Subcommittee on Design
Melissa Batula, , (717) 214-8734
Subcommittee on Environmental Process
John Ames, , (717) 705-1481
Subcommittee on Highway Transport
Glenn Rowe, , Chief, Highway Saety and Traffic Operations, (717) 783-6479
Matthew Hedge, , Central Permit Office Manager, (717) 405-8840
Subcommittee on Information Systems
Philip Tomassini, , Chief Information Officer, (717) 783-2026
Roger Riley, , Director, Bureau of Business Solutions and Services, (717) 787-4428
Subcommittee on Internal/External Audit
Jenny Righter, , Assistant Director, Regional Audit Services, 717-265-762
Subcommittee on Legal Affairs
Andrew Gordon, , Chief Counsel, (717) 787-5473
Subcommittee on Maintenance
Richard Roman, , 717-787-6899
W. Smith, , Chief, Equipment Division, (717) 787-4299
Subcommittee on Materials
David Kuniega, , Chief Chemist, (717) 787-3966
Robert Horwhat, , Chief Materials Engineer, (717) 705-3841
Timothy Ramirez, , Engineer of Tests, (717) 783-6602
Subcommittee on Natural Resources
Ira Beckerman, , (717) 772-0830
John Ames, , (717) 705-1481
Mark Lombard, , Chief, Environmental Policy and Development Section, 717-772-2569
Subcommittee on Personnel and Human Resources
Chris Norris, , (717) 787-5574
Subcommittee on Policy
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
Subcommittee on Right-of-Way, Utilities and Outdoor Advertising Control
Mark Chappell, , Chief, Right-of-Way and Utilities Division, (717) 787-8298
Subcommittee on Safety Management
Gavin Gray, , (717) 783-1190
Glenn Rowe, , Chief, Highway Saety and Traffic Operations, (717) 783-6479
Scott Shenk, , Manager, Driver Safety Division, (717) 772-2119
Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering
Glenn Rowe, , Chief, Highway Saety and Traffic Operations, (717) 783-6479
Subcommittee on Transportation Communications
Erin Waters-Trasatt, , Deputy Press Secretary, 7177838800
Richard Kirkpatrick, , Acting Press Secretary, 717-783-8284
Ronald Young, , District Press Officer, (610) 871-4555
Steve Chizmar, , Press Secretary, (717) 783-8800
Subcommittee on Transportation Finance Policy
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154
Subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Doug Tomlinson, , Chief, Traffic Operations, Bureau of Maintenance & Operations, (717) 787-3657
Michael Buck, Jr, , (814) 696-7238
Sustainable Transportation: Energy, Infrastructure, and Climate Solutions Steering Committee
Michael Baker, , Chief, Air Quality/Federal Initiatives, (717) 772-0796
Technical Committee on Competency Matrix
Randall Shull, , (717) 705-4170
Technical Committee on Curriculum Management
Randall Shull, , (717) 705-4170
Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council
Randall Shull, , (717) 705-4170
Transportation Performance Management Pooled Fund
James Ritzman, , Deputy Secretary for Transportation Planning, 717-787-3154