Evaluation of Chemistry Research in Finland

Evaluation Form

The Form consists of two parts:

Part I. Resources and research output of the Unit

Part II. The Unit’s self-assessment

Part I: Selected parts of the information provided by the Unit will be published in the evaluation report. Part II: The information provided by the Unit will be used for evaluation purposes only and will not be published. No data concerning individual researchers will be published; the evaluation will not assess persons but the unit as a whole.



A. Contact information

University / University of Jyväskylä
The Evaluated Unit / Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Address / Survontie 9
Phone / +358-14-2602672
Internet home page /
The head of the Unit / Academy Professor Kari Rissanen
Phone / +358-14-2602672
Email /
Faculty or equivalent higher level of organisation / Chemistry
Head of the faculty or equivalent / Prof. Jan Lundell
Phone / +358 14 260 2650
Email /

B. The unit’s research profile within the field of evaluation

Estimate the percentage that chemistry research represents from all research done in your unit.

100 %
Give the information requested in the following Tables of Part I (personnel, funding etc.) only concerning the chemistry part of your research if not explicitly indicated otherwise.

Estimate the following chemistry subfield percentages respective to your all chemistry research (sum=100%).

Table 1.1

Analytical chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Industrial chemistry
Materials chemistry
Organic chemistry / 50
Physical chemistry
Polymer chemistry
Theoretical chemistry
Supramolecular Chemistry / 50


A1. Personnel

Include personnel funded through the university to which the unit belongs, or through some other funding source.

Include only those graduate students that have carried out their work in the unit.

Visiting research staff is not included here but in section A2 below (Tables 2.4. and 2.5.).

Calculate Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for the evaluation period: (Total person months for the category) /12/(5 years).

Table 2.1

Person months
2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / Total / FTE for the period
Professors / 24 / 36 / 36 / 45 / 48 / 189 / 3.15
Other senior researchers / 48 / 48 / 53 / 48 / 36 / 233 / 3.88
Postdoctoral researchers / 59 / 61 / 53 / 72 / 107 / 352 / 5.87
Total senior and postdoctoral / 131 / 145 / 142 / 165 / 191 / 774 / 12.9
Postgraduate students / 168 / 178 / 176 / 188 / 198 / 908 / 15.1

Other graduated academic staff

/ 10 / 11 / 8 / 0 / 0 / 29 / 0.5
Total postgraduate and other / 178 / 189 / 184 / 188 / 198 / 937 / 15.6
Total active research staff / 309 / 334 / 326 / 353 / 389 / 1711 / 28.5
Research assistants and graduate students / 31 / 29 / 12 / 10 / 27 / 109 / 1.8
Administrative personnel / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Technical personnel / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 180 / 3
Total assisting, admin. and technical / 67 / 65 / 48 / 46 / 63 / 289 / 4.8
All staff / 507 / 544 / 516 / 564 / 643 / 2774 / 46.2

List the professors, other senior researchers and postdoctoral researchers for the evaluation period

Table 2.2

Name / Gender / Year of birth / Title / Degree / Degree awarded by / Year of awarding / Period of employment in the unit
Kari Rissanen / M / 1959 / Academy Professor / Ph.D. / JYU / 1990 / 2008-2012
Kari Rissanen / M / 1959 / Professor / Ph.D. / JYU / 1990 / 1995->
Erkki Kolehmainen / M / 1947 / Professor / Ph.D. / KYU / 1990 / 2001->
Maija Nissinen / F / 1974 / Professor / Ph.D. / JYU / 2001 / 2006 ->
Petri Pihko / M / 1971 / Professor / Ph.D. / OY / 1999 / 2008->
Jaakko Paasivirta / M / 1931 / Professor, emeritus / P.D. / OY / 1962 / 1970 – 1994,
works as emeritus
Petri Pihko / M / 1971 / Senior
Lecturer (TKK) / Ph.D. / OY / 1999 / 2005-2008
Katri Laihia / F / 1940 / Lecturer / Ph.D. / JYU / 1979 / 1975-2008
Maija Nissinen / F / 1974 / Academy Research
Fellow / Ph.D. / JYU / 2001 / 2003 - 2005
Elina Sievänen / F / 1977 / Academy Research
Fellow / Ph.D. / JYU / 2003 / 2007->
Juhani Huuskonen / M / 1963 / Senior
Teaching Assistant / Ph.D. / JYU / 1995 / 2005-2009
Tanja Lahtinen / F / 1970 / Senior Teaching Assistant / Ph.D. / JYU / 2003 / 2008->
Erkki Mannila / M / 1956 / Senior Teaching Assistant / Ph.D. / JYU / 1993 / 1998-2007
Seija Sinkkonen / F / 1950 / Senior Researcher / Ph.D. / JYU / 1989 / 2000 - 2008
Elina Sievänen / F / 1977 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / JYU / 2003 / 2005-> 2006
Jurgen Stahl / M / 1974 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / GER / 2002 / 2005
Luca Russo / M / 1974 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / UK / 2005 / 2005 - 2006
Tanja Lahtinen / F / 1970 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / JYU / 2003 / 2005 - 2007
Andreina Moreno / F / 1975 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / JoY / 2005 / 2006
Shreedhar Bhat / M / 1978 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / IIS, Bangalore, India / 2006 / 2006
Massimo Cametti / M / 1977 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / La Sapienza, Rome, Italy / 2005 / 2008-2009
Zoran Dzolic / M / 1974 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / RBI, Zagreb, Croatia / 2007 / 2007-2009
Arto Valkonen / M / 1978 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / JYU / 2008 / 2008->
Marta Pontini / F / 1980 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / Univ. Padova, Italy / 2009 / 2009->
Jens Bunzen / M / 1979 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / Univ. Bonn, Germany / 2009 / 2009->
Ngong Kodiah Beyeh / M / 1977 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / JYU / 2008 / 2009->
Prus Piotr / M / 1969 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / Polish Academy of Science / 2003 / 2007-2008
Babita Behera / F / 1978 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / H.N.B.
Garhwal Univ.,UA, India / 2006 / 2007-2008
Nonappa / M / 1980 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / IIS, Bangl, India / 2008 / 2009->
Meryem Benohoud / F / 1981 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / University Paris-Sud XI (Orsay), France / 2008 / 2009->
Irene Breuer / F / 1975 / Post doc. (TKK) / Dr. rer. nat. / RWTH Aachen, Germany / 2005 / 2005-2006
Daniele Castagnolo / M / 1978 / Post doc.
(TKK) / Ph.D. / University of Siena, Italy / 2006 / 2006-2007
Melanie Clarke / F / 1979 / Post doc.
(TKK) / Ph.D. / University of Nottingham, UK / 2004 / 2004-2006
Laurent Evanno / M / 1981 / Post doc.
(TKK) / Ph.D. / Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France / 2007 / 2007-2008
Hannes Helmboldt / M / 1977 / Post doc.
(TKK) / Dr. rer. nat. / Technische Universität Dresden, Germany / 2006 / 2007-2008
Syam Krishnan / M / 1980 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / NIIST-CSIR/ University of Kerala, India / 2007 / 2008-2009
Jun Liu / M / 1979 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / Northwestern National University, China / 2007 / 2009->
Hasibur Rahaman / M / 1978 / Post doc. / Ph.D. / University of Pune, India / 2008 / 2009->

Indicate which percentage of the research is carried out by postgraduates and which by PhDs.

Estimate also the percentage of the research funding used to basic and applied research.

Table 2.3

Type of Research / Basic / Applied / Total
% Research Funding / 85 / 15 / 100
% Research done by postgraduates / 50 / 80
% Research done by PhDs / 50 / 20

A2. Visiting researchers

Include visiting researchers when the funding for the visit has been arranged through the activity of your unit (e.g. Academy of Finland, Tekes, EU funding).

Table 2.4


Person months

2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / Total / FTE for the period
Visiting Professors / 1 / 6 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 7 / 0.12
Visiting senior researchers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Visiting Postdoctoral researchers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Visiting Postgraduate students / 1 / 4 / 9 / 6 / 4 / 24 / 0.40
All visiting researchers / 2 / 10 / 9 / 6 / 4 / 31 / 0.52

List the visiting professors, visiting senior researchers and visiting postdoctoral researchers here. The postgraduate students will be listed in section 4E, Visits to the Unit, Table 4.7.

Table 2.5

Name / Gender / Title / Degree / Period of visit / Home organisation and the subunit / Country / Source of Funding
Joao Rodrigues / M / Prof. / Ph.D. / 20.9 – 20.12. 2006 / Univ. Madeira, Dept. Chem. / Portugal / PFC
Pierangelo Metrangolo / M / Prof. / Ph.D. / 1. – 31.11. 2006 / Tech. Univ. Milan, Dept. Chem. / Italy / JYU
Christoph Schalley / M / Priv. Doz. / Ph.D. / 15.9- 15.10. 2005 / Univ. Bonn, Dept. Chem. / Germany / DAAD
Christoph Schalley / M / Priv. Doz. / Ph.D. / 20.8- 20.9. 2006 / Univ. Bonn, Dept. Chem. / Germany / DAAD

B. Funding

Table 2.6

2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / Total
Core funding / Budget funding / 616500 / 653781 / 706273 / 728435 / 775088 / 3 480 077
Other / 150000 / 150 000
616500 / 653781 / 706273 / 728435 / 925088 / 3 630 077
External funding / Academy of Finland / 437020 / 389900 / 452560 / 653802 / 778142 / 2 711 424
Graduate schools (Min.Edu.) / 48000 / 86000 / 137000 / 174000 / 130000 / 575 000
Tekes / 168000 / 198000 / 68000 / 50000 / 100000 / 584 000
Other public sources / - / - / - / - / - / -
Industry / 33000 / 25000 / 16000 / 144286 / 154717 / 373003
Private foundations / - / 15000 / 16000 / 17300 / 1300 / 49600
EU / - / - / - / - / - / -
Other foreign organisations / - / 36325 / 36325 / 36325 / - / 108975
Total / 1 302 520 / 1 404 006 / 1 432 158 / 1 804 148 / 2 089 247 / 8 032 079


A. Numbers of scientific publications and other outputs

Table 3.1

2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
1. Articles in refereed scientific journals / 35 / 51 / 48 / 38 / 38
2. Articles in refereed scientific edited volumes and conference proceedings / 1
3. Scientific Monographs (excluding theses) / 2 / 1 / 4 / 4
4. Text books and other research volumes (e.g. edited proceedings) / 1 / 1
5. Research reports (e.g. laboratory reports) / 1 / 2
6. Other scientific publications (e.g. non-refereed articles) / 1 / 2
7. National patents, granted
8. National patents, applied / 2
9. International patents, granted
10. International patents, applied / 2 / 1 / 1
11. Other, specify, chapter in science philosophy book, ISBN: 978-951-884-448-1 / 1

B. Degrees

Table 3.2

2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
Master’s degree / 15 / 9 / 10 / 18 / 4
Number of postgraduate students / 15 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 19
Number of full time postgraduate students / 14 / 16 / 16 / 17 / 17
Completed doctoral degree / 0 / 2 / 1 / 4 / 4

List of doctoral dissertations in 2005-2009.

Table 3.3

Name (family name, given name) / Year of birth / Gender / Title of dissertation / Year of starting postgraduate studies / Year of completing degree / Years worked in the unit during postgraduate studies / Present employment (job description, organisation)
Mansikkamäki Heidi / 1977 / F / Self-Assembly of Resorcinarenes / 2002 / 2006 / 5 / Researcher, BASF, Ludwigshaven
Busi Sara / 1978 / F / Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Properties of New Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: New Materials for Electrolytes, Ionic Liquids and Complexation Studies / 2003 / 2006 / worked
unit / Maternity leave
Keijo / 1956 / M / PCBs in Process, Products and Environment of Paper Mills Using Wastepaper as Their Raw Material / 1990 / 2007 / worked
unit / Reseacher, JYU
Erkkilä Anniina / 1980 / F / Advances in Amine Catalysis. Bronsted Acids in Iminium and Enamine Activation / 2003 / 2007 / 4 / Maternity leave
Sami Nummelin / 1968 / M / Synthesis, Characterization, Structural and Retrostructural Analysis of Self-assembling Pore Forming Dendrimers / 1997 / 2008 / 6 / Post doctoral researcher, AU
Arto Valkonen / 1978 / M / Structural Characteristics and Properties of Substituted Cholanoates and N-Substituted Cholanamides / 2002 / 2008 / 6 / Post doctoral researcher, JYU
Ngong Kodian Beyeh / 1977 / M / Resorcinarenes and Their Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization and Complexation in Gas Phase and in Solution / 2005 / 2008 / 4 / Post doctoral researcher, JYU
Anna Lähde / 1974 / F / Production and Surface Modification of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microparticles with the Aerosol Flow Reactor / 2000 / 2008 / worked
unit / Project manager, KuU
Juha Koivukorpi / 1970 / M / Bile acid-arene conjugates: From photoswitchhability to cancer cell detection / 2002 / 2009 / 7 / Teaching assistant, JYU
Tero Tuuttila / 1973 / M / Functional Dendritic Polyester Compounds: Synthesis and Characterization of Small Bifunctional Dendrimers and Dyes / 2004 / 2009 / 6 / not known
Kirsi Salorinne / 1978 / F / Tetramethoxy Resorcinarene Based cation and Anion receptors. Synthesis, Characterization and Binding Properties / 2005 / 2009 / 5 / Teaching assistant, JYU
Aho Jatta / 1979 / F / Synthesis of the C10-epi-ABCDE Fragment of the Pectenotoxins / 2004 / 2009 / 5 / Gaia Consulting


Throughout this section, do not use abbreviations for institutes and universities but spell them out. Target the collaboration and visits to the period of evaluation (2005-2009).

More detailed content of the collaboration and important project consortia can be described in Part II: Collaboration.

A. Extent of collaboration

For your yearly production of refereed journal publications, give the percentages for co-authoring partners outside your unit.

Table 4.1

Percentage from refereed journal publications / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
No co-author outside the unit / 17.1 / 13.8 / 22.9 / 36.8 / 43.6
Domestic co-author / 42.9 / 49.0 / 54.2 / 42.1 / 35.9
Foreign co-author / 34.3 / 33.3 / 14.6 / 15.8 / 12.8
Both domestic and foreign co-authors / 5.7 / 3.9 / 8.3 / 5.3 / 7.7

B. National collaboration

List your most important national collaborations. The collaborating organisation may also be from the same university or research institute, or industrial. The type of collaboration may be e.g. joint projects, personal collaboration, research mobility, networking.

The results may be e.g.:

  • Refereed scientific publications
  • Other publications
  • Patents or other outputs
  • Educational, MSc and PhD theses
  • Facilities, instrumentation
  • Prototypes, methodologies
  • Networks

Table 4.2

Main organisation and collaborating subunit / Type of Collaboration and the field of science/Collaborator* / Results
Prof. Hannu Häkkinen, JYU, Nanoscience Center / Synthetic and computational chemistry/MN / on-going M.Sc. thesis, starting research collaboration
Prof. Ari Koskinen, AU / X-ray crystallography/KR, MN / refereed scientific publications
Dr. Elina Kalenius, Univ. Eastern Finland, Joensuu / Mass spectrometry/KR, EK, MN / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Reko Leino, Åbo Akademi Univ., Turku / Combined catalysis sequences/PP / Refereed scientific publications
Dr. Reijo Aksela, Kemira Co., Finland / Synthesis of chelating agents/PP / refereed scientific publications
Dr. Oili Kallatsa, PCAS Co., Finland / Asymmetric catalysis/PP / Refereed scientific publications
Dr. Manu Lahtinen, JYU, Inorg. Chem. / Thermogravimetric analysis/KR, EK / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Robert Franzén, Techn. Univ. Tampere / X-ray crystallography/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Jouni Pursiainen, Univ. Oulu / X-ray crystallography/KR,MN / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Johan Bobacka, Åbo Akademi Univ., Turku / X-ray crystallography, Synthetic chemistry/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Dr. Juho Helaja, Univ. Helsinki / X-ray crystallography/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Pirjo Vainiotalo, Univ. Eastern Finland, Joensuu / Mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography/ KR, EK / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Ari Ivaska, Åbo Akademi Univ., Turku / X-ray crystallography, Synthetic chemistry/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Jussi Valkonen, JYU, Inorg. Chem. / X-ray crystallography/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Markku Kulomaa, IMT, Univ. Tampere / Synthesis chemistry/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Jouko Korppi-Tommola, JYU, Phys. Chem. / Synthetic chemistry, X-ray crystallography/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Pierangelo Metrangolo, VTT, Helsinki / Halogen bonding, X-ray crystallography/KR / Refereed scientific publications
Prof. Jouko Vepsäläinen, Univ. Eastern Finland. Kuopio / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy/EK / Refereed scientific publications, ms in preparation
Prof. Olli Ikkala, Aalto Univ. , Helsinki / Solid State NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK, KR / Refereed scientific publications, ms in preparation
Prof. Ilkka Kilpeläinen, Univ. Helsinki / Solid State NMR spectroscopy/EK / Refereed scientific publications, ms in preparation
Prof. Kalevi Pihlaja, Univ. Turku / NMR spectroscopy/EK / Refereed scientific publications
Dr. Jarmo Ropponen, VTT, Espoo / Solid State NMR spectroscopy/EK / Refereed scientific publications, ms in preparation
Prof. Markus Ahlskog, Univ. Jyväskylä, Dept. Physics / Synthetic chemisty, AFM technigues/TL,KR / common research project
Prof. Matti Haukka, Univ. Eastern Finland, Joensuu / Crystal engineering/KR / Network
Prof. Janne Ihalainen, University of Jyväskylä. Dept. Biology / Synthetic chemistry/SI,EK / Recently started common research project, no outcome yet

*Collaborators: KR = Kari Rissanen, EK = Erkki Kolehmainen, MN = Maija Nissinen, PP = Petri Pihko, TL = Tanja Lahtinen, SI = Satu Ikonen, JP = Jaakko Paasivirta

C. International collaboration

List your most important international collaborations with the same criteria as in Section 4.B.

Table 4.3

Main organisation and collaborating subunit / Country / Type of Collaboration and the field of science/Collaborator* / Results
Prof. Antonella Dalla Cort,
Univ. La Sapienza, Rome / Italy / Synthetic chemisty,
X-ray crystallography/KR,MN / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Carl Henrik Görbitz,
Univ. Oslo / Norway / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Dr. Jonathan Nitschke,
Univ. Cambridge / UK / Synthetic chemisty,
X-ray crystallography/KR / common research project, refereed scientific publications
Dr. Arne Luetzen, Univ. Bonn / Germany / Synthetic chemisty,
X-ray crystallography/KR / common research project
Prof. Enrico Dalcanale, Univ. Parma / Italy / Synthetic chemisty,
X-ray crystallography/KR / common research project, refereed scientific publications
Dr. S. K. Chawla, Guru Nanak Dev Univ., Amritsar / India / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Markus Albrecht, Tech. Univ. Aachen / Germany / Synthetic chemisty,
X-ray crystallography/KR / common research project, refereed scientific publications
Prof. Günter Haufe, Univ. Muenster / Germany / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Raj Pal Sharma, Panjab University, Chanidgarh / India / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Univ. Strasbourg / France / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Giuseppe Resnati, Tech Univ. Milan / Italy / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Luigi Mandolini, Univ. La Sapienza, Rome / Italy / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Dr. Istvan Moldvai, Hun. Adac. Scien., Budapest / Hungary / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Anthony Davis, Univ. Bristol / UK / NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK,KR,MN / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Univ. Strasbourg / France / X-ray crystallography/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Makoto Fujita, Univ. Tokyo / Japan / Synthetic chemisty, X-ray crystallography/KR / Common res. project, 2009 started collaboration
Prof. Virgil Percec, Univ. of Pennsylvania / USA / Synthesis chemisty/KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Ola Wendt. Univ. Lund / Sweden / Synthetic chemisty, X-ray crystallography/KR / common res. project
Publication in preparation
Dr. Zoran Dzolic, RBI, Zagrab / Croatia / Synthetic chemisty, X-ray crystallography/KR / common res. project
Publication in preparation
Prof. Enrigue Garcia-Espana, Univ. Valencia / Spain / Synthetic chemisty, X-ray crystallography/KR / common res. project
Publication in preparation
Prof. Lars Öhrntröm, Chalmers Tech. Univ. / Sweden / Synthetic chemisty, X-ray crystallography/KR / common res. project
Publication in preparation
Dr Roland Fröhlich, Univ. of Münster / Germany / X-ray crystallography/MN,KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Chris A. Schalley, Freie Univ- Berlin / Germany / Mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, Synthesis chemistry/KR,MN / refereed scientific publications
Dr. H. Saxell, BASF SE / Germany / Polymorphism, Solid State NMR spectroscopy/MN,EK / refereed scientific publications, patents
Dr. Patrick Shahgaldian, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz / Switzerland / Resesrch exchange, education/MN / Researcher exchange, starting research collaboration
Prof. Jochen Mattay, Bielefeld University / Germany / Synthetic chemisty, X-ray crystallography/MN / research collaboration
Prof. Benjamin List, MPI, Mülheim / Germany / Organocatalysis/PP / Student exchange, ongoing collaboration in organocatalytic reactions
Prof. Phil Baran, The Scripps Research Institute, Dept of Chemistry, USA / USA / Total synthesis of natural products/PP / Postgraduate student visits
Prof. Georgios Vassilikogiannakis, University of Crete, / Greece / Total synthesis of natural products/PP / Postgraduate student visits
Dr. K. V. Radhakrishnan, NIIST-CSIR / University of Kerala, Kerala, India / India / Asymmetric catalysis/PP / Initiated research collaboration
Prof. Imre Papai, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary / Hungary / Computational studies in hydrogen bonding catalysis/PP / Manuscript in preparation
Prof. Jiri Brus, Inst. Polym.
Chem., Prague / Czech Republic / NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Subramanian Chandrasekaran, Georgia State University / USA / 17O NMR spectroscopy/EK / Initiated research
Prof. Jerry Ray Dias, University of Missouri / USA / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Pavel Drasar, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague / Czech Republic / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy/EK / Initiated research
Prof. Ryszard Gawinecki, University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz, / Poland / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Vladimír Král, Inst. Chem. Technol., Prague, / Czech Republic / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Nikolai V. Lukashev, Moscow State University / Russia / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Uday Maitra, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore / India / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK,KR / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Radek Marek, Masaryk University, Brno / Czech Republic / NMR spectroscopy, CSA tensor analysis/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Mikiji Miyata, Osaka University / Japan / Solid State NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK / Initiated research
Dr. T. Mohan Das, University of Madras / India / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy/EK / Initiated research
Prof. Vladimir A. Nikiforov, St. Petersburg University / Russia / NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK / refereed scientific publications
Dr. Borys Osmialowski, University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz / Poland / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK / refereed scientific publications
Dr. Pal Perjesi, University of Pecs / Hungary / NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Chebrolu Pulla Rao, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai / India. / NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography/EK,KR / refereed scientific publications
Dr. David Šaman, Czech Acad. Sci., Prague / Czech Republic / NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Alexander G. Shavva, St. Petersburg University / Russia / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy /EK / Initiated research
Prof. Vladimír Sklenár, Masaryk University, Brno / Czech Republic / NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Zdenek Wimmer, Czech Acad. Sci., Prague / Czech Republic / Synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy/EK / refereed scientific publications
Prof. Eugenijus Butkus, Univ. Vilnius / Lithuania / Crystal engineering,. X-ray crystallography/KR / Network
Prof. Toomas Tamm, Univ. Talinn / Estonia / Crystal engineering, X-ray crystallography/KR / Network
Prof. Kenneth Wärnmark. Univ. Lund / Sweden / Crystal engineering, X-ray crystallography/KR / Network
Prof. Andrew Bond, Univ. Odense / Denmark / Crystal engineering, X-ray crystallography/KR / Network
Prof. Giulia Licini, Univ. Padova. dept. Chem. / Italy / Synthetic chemisty, X-ray crystallography/KR / common res. project
Publication under review
Dr. Michal Hocek, IOCB, Czech Academy of Science / Czech Republic / Synthetic chemistry, biochemistry/SI / Common research project, refereed scientific publ.
Dr. Charl Faul, Univ. of Bristol, Dept. Chem. / UK / X-ray crystallography/KR / starting research collaboration
Prof. Jan Triska, Univ. of Budejovice / Czech Republik. / Bio-organic chemistry/JP / refereed scientific publications

*Collaborators: KR = Kari Rissanen, EK = Erkki Kolehmainen, MN = Maija Nissinen, PP = Petri Pihko, TL = Tanja Lahtinen, SI = Satu Ikonen, JP = Jaakko Paasivirta