2015-2016Curriculum Information for ParentsYear 3
AUTUMN 1 / AUTUMN 2 / SPRING 1 / SPRING 2 / SUMMER 1 / SUMMER 2Mathematics / Number
Children will develop their understanding of whole numbers and the four operations. They will continue to learn number facts, times tables and the concept of place value.
Geometryproperties of shapes; position & direction
Children will analyse shapes and their properties, describing the relationships between them. They will describe positions on a grid as co-ordinates and describe movements between positions as translations. / Number
Children will develop both mental and written methods and calculate accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.
Measurement Pupils will have opportunities to develop their skills when working with measures to ensure that they can use measuring instruments with accuracy and make connections between measure and number. / Number
Children will consolidate their knowledge of number and develop their ability to solve problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value.
StatisticsPupils will collect and interpret data in a range of contexts. They will then present and interpret data in a range of graphs and tables.
English / Narrative- Children will be learning about the stages of adventure stories. They will read adventure stories and then use this to plan and write their own adventure stories
Post cards and letters- children will use their story ‘Flat Stanley’ to write postcards and letters when he is visiting different parts of the world
Performance poems- children will learn about different poems and perform a poem to the rest of the class
Instructions- Children will link their instruction writing to their Ancient Egyptian topic by writing about how to make different Egyptian artefacts
Diary writing- Children will learn about the features of diary writing and then write their own diaries from the point of view of another character / Reports and information texts
Children will learn how to write reports-non- chronological.
They will learn the different features of a report and will complete their own reports based on the topic we are focusing on
Shape poemsChildren will study and write various poems of their own with the support of poetry books.
Stories by the same authorChildren will study a range of Julia Donaldson books. Children will take on the role of different characters in the stories and then write their own version of a story of their choice. / Narrative-Stories in imaginary worlds- Children read different stories with imaginary worlds. Discuss the different settings and what they are like. Children to use different books to decide on their own settings to create for their own stories- example reading- fantastic Mr Fox.
Instructions- Children will write various sets of instructions related to topic work. Children will use appropriate vocabulary related to instruction writing.
Diary writing- Children will learn about the features of diary writing and then write their own diaries from the point of view of another character
Science / Rock Detectives
Children will learn about the properties of rocks and where they come from. They will investigate rocks around school and discover the correct names for different types of rocks. They will also learn about soil and its properties. / The power of forces
Identify pushes & pulls as forces & explore how things move on different surfaces. Find out about attraction & repulsion by magnetic forces & which materials are magnetic. Look at compasses & uses of magnets. Carry out some enquiries using magnets. / Amazing Bodies
Find out about food groups & healthy balanced diets. Study the human digestive system & how food is transported around the body. Investigate skeletons & look closely at bones, joints & muscles & compare with animal skeletons. Discover effects of exercise. / Plants
Study the parts of flowering plants & their functions, the conditions affecting plant growth & plants as living things. Investigate how water is transported in plants. Describe plant life cycles, in particular how seeds are formed, dispersed & germinate / Can you see me?
Identify light sources & discuss the Sun. Establish that light is reflected off things that we see & that darkness is an absence of light. Make sundials. Look at the transparency of various materials & the shadows they form. Make enquiries about shadows. / Light up the world
During this unit the children will carry out practical activities to review and explore the behaviours of light, including light sources and shadows. They will learn how to record data in different ways.
Learning Tree
(Includes History, Geography, Art and Design and Music) / Awesome Egyptians
Children will learn about Ancient Egyptian Civilisation. The children will create timelines to organise information and will do research on the internet to fit out more about the Awesome Egyptians. The children will learn about their daily life and mummification and Pharaohs and Pyramids. The children will also learn about the famous River Nile and lots more. / Invaders of the North
Children will develop their history and geography skills by research more about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Children will find out about British settlement during this time. Children will focus on how Britain was a different place to live in the past. Children will find out about the struggle for the Kingdom of England during this time. / Aztecs and Mayans
Children will develop their understanding of the Aztecs and Mayans and will discover more about this time in History. They will also improve their geographical skills as well as their design technology and artistic skills.
Computing / We are programmers
During this unit children will create an animated cartoon using characters they have designed. They will learn how to program objects by translating a storyboard into instructions. / We are bug fixers
During this unit children will work with example scratch projects. They will learn to explain how the scripts work, findings and correcting errors in them. / We are presenters
During this unit children will learn how to make short narrated videos linked to other areas of the curriculum. They will learn to shoot and edit videos. / We are network engineers
During this unit children will investigate how computer networks work. They will use a simulation to learn some simple command prompt tools / We are communicators
During this unit children will learn about a number of e-safety matters in a positive way. They will work with a partner, learning how to use email and video conferencing safely. / We are opinion pollsters
During this unit the children will create their own opinion poll, seek responses and then analyse their results. They will gain skills in using charts and then interpret their results.
R.E. / Responsibility
During this unit children will learn about the importance of rules and responsibilities. / Care and concern
Children will learn about the importance of showing care and concern for others.
Christmas story / Sikhism
Children identify the qualities need to be leader/ teachings of Guru Nanak. What it is like in a Gurdwara. Similarities and differences with the church. / Easter
Children will learn about the events of Easter and why it is celebrated by Christians. / Special people
During this unit children will develop their understanding of key biblical characters, their life and importance of their beliefs. Children will learn and retell stories of Abraham and Moses.
P.E. / Invasion Games Children will learn about games which involve working as a team and working on skills.
Dance‘The river Nile’- perform dances, creating, adapting and linking a range of dance actions. / Gymnastics- Focus on improving quality of movement. Perform sequences of actions smoothly.
Swimming- Two week swimming lesson block
Athletics- running, throwing and jumping activities- challenges and competitions. / Netwall Games- Children will learn how to make a game difficult for the opposing team
Gymnastics- To focus on the improvement of movement and balance. Plan and perform sequences- evaluations. / Dance- Children will perform dance movements. Creating, adapting and linking dances
Hockey- Children develop this dribbling and passing skills learn how to keep control of the ball, pass and receive accurately. / Tag rugby- learn how to throw, catch and move a ball
Striking and fielding- learn how to throw and catch. Work together when fielding. Learn how to strike the balls. / Outdoor and adventure- children take part in simple orientation activities using maps and diagrams.
Athletics- develop good basic running, jumping and throwing techniques.
PHSE/Seal / Living in the wider world- Theme 1 / Health and wellbeing – Theme 2 / Relationships – Theme 3
Excellence for All