A new bus station for Bolton
(Word version of published leaflet – text only)
Tell us what you think by 5 March 2010
GMPTE is proposing to relocate its existing bus station at Moor Lane to a brand new site next to Bolton train station where the Railway Triangle car park is currently located.
The new bus station will offer improved:
•waiting areas;
•passenger facilities;
•safety and security;
•pedestrian links between the bus and train stations;
•pedestrian links to the town centre
The scheme will be financed through the Greater Manchester Transport Fund and delivered by GMPTE, who will be working in close partnership with Bolton Council.
The proposed bus station will be relocated to improve connections between bus and rail services. This will be done by reducing the walking distance between the town’s bus and train stations by approximately 650 metres and by the introduction of a new pedestrian bridge.
It is also intended that the relocation of the town’s main bus station will act as a means for further regeneration of the town centre, both around the site of the new bus station and the area around the existing bus station.
Next Steps
The next step is to submit an Outline Planning Application to Bolton Council to seek approval for the principles of relocating the bus station and other key elements of the scheme. If this is successful the plans will be developed further and full planning permission will be sought in early 2011.
You can find out more about our proposal by visiting an exhibition at Moor Lane Bus Station Travelshop between 25 January and 5 March 2010 or by visiting
The exhibition at the Moor Lane Bus Station Travelshop will be staffed by GMPTE on 4th and 9th February 2010, 12pm to 7pm.
All comments we receive will be considered as part of the scheme development and design stages.
We envisage that building of the new bus station will start during 2012 and be completed during 2014.
Your questions answered
Q.Will the relocation have an impact on current services during construction?
A.No, Moor Lane Bus Station will continue to operate until the new bus station is built and fully operational.
Q.Why are you carrying out consultation?
A.The consultation will help inform our proposals before they are submitted to Bolton Council for outline planning approval. Feedback is important as it lets us know if there are any concerns or suggestions we need to consider within the design process.
Q.What is wrong with the location of the current bus station?
A.The new bus station will be closer to the train station allowing better connections between bus and rail services. The relocation of the facility will allow a modern high quality interchange to be constructed within the town centre whilst maximising opportunities for regeneration within the town centre and Moor Lane in the future.
Q.What will the new bus station look like?
A.The design is at an early stage and the drawings are for illustrative purposes only. However the new bus station will be fully accessible and have improved passenger facilities which are proposed to include:
•a direct pedestrian bridge linking the bus and train station;
•a GMPTE Travelshop;
•high quality fully accessible toilets and waiting areas;
•Closed Circuit Television (CCTV);
•clear and concise electronic passenger information;
•retail and café facilities;
•Changing Places facility;
•Shop Mobility;
•cycle parking facilities; and
•high quality and natural lighting.
You can find out more about our proposals by visiting an exhibition at the Moor Lane Bus Station Travelshop between 25 January 2010 and 5 March 2010. The exhibition will be staffed on the following dates:
Bolton Moor Lane Bus Station Travelshop 4th and 9th February 2010, 12pm to 7pm
If you have any questions about this consultation please contact us:
Telephone: 0161 244 1587 (Prefix 18001 if you use a Textphone or Minicom)
Freepost: GMPTE Bolton Interchange Consultation
Manchester M1 3BG
Public transport information
If you have an enquiry about public transport services please phone Traveline on 0871 200 22 33 (Prefix 18001 if you use a Textphone or Minicom).
If you would like this information in other formats such as in Braille, in large print, on audio CD or in other languages, please phone Traveline on 0871 200 22 33 (Prefix 18001 if you use a Textphone or Minicom).
Please note, the Traveline is staffed between the hours of 07:00 and 20:00 Monday to Friday, and 08:00 and 20:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
Calls to the 0871 200 22 33 number cost 10p a minute from BT landlines, mobile and other landline networks may charge an additional tariff. Lines are open from 7am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
GMPTE, Bolton Council.
GMPTE is a corporate member of Plain English Campaign, committed to clearer communication.
Your views on the proposed new Bolton bus station
Please go to or fill in this form. Please enclose additional sheets if needed.
Q1.What views do you have on the proposed location of the new bus station?
Q2.What views do you have on the proposed facilities at the new bus station?
Q3.Do you have any other comments about the proposals?
Q4.Do you currently use public transport to travel to/from Bolton town centre?
Yes, No, If yes do you use bus, train or bus and train?
Q5.Will moving the bus station closer to the railway station and improving the quality of the facilities encourage you to use public transport more often?
Yes, No, Maybe.
About you:
To ensure we get a good mix of views from the community, please can you answer the following questions.
Q6.Are you?
Male or Female.
Q7.Which age group are you in?
Under 16, 16-24, 25-39, 40-60, 60 or over.
Q8.Do you have any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do?
Yes or No.
If yes, what type of disability or impairment do you consider yourself to have?
Please tick all that apply.
Visual, Hearing, Speech, Wheelchair user.
Serious walking difficulty, Learning, Other.
Q9.To which of these groups do you consider that you belong? Please tick one box.
WHITE British, English, Scottish, Welsh.
OTHER WHITE Irish, Any other White background.
MIXED White & Black Caribbean, White & Black African , White & Asian, Any other mixed background.
ASIAN OR ASIAN BRITISH Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Any other Asian background.
BLACK OR BLACK BRITISH Caribbean, African, Any other Black background.
If you wish to be kept informed of the development of this scheme, please give your contact details:
Organisation (if applicable)
Protecting your privacy: your information will only be used to provide you with updates on the Bolton Interchange project.
Please send your response to:
GMPTE Bolton Interchange Consultation
M1 3BG