Supplementary Table 1. Worldwide populations included in the comparative analyses
Continent/Population / Ancestry / ReferenceAfrica
South-East Bantu / African / Kulski and Dunn (2005)
!Kung San / African / “
Sekele San / African / “
North-East Thais / Asian / Kulski and Dunn (2005)
Khalk Mongolian / Asian / “
Han Chinese (Guangdong province) / Asian / Tian et al. (2008)
Han Chinese (Hunan province) / Asian / “
Han Chinese (Inner Mongolia) / Asian / “
Mongols (Inner Mongolia) / Asian / “
Maonan (Guangxi province) / Asian / Yao et al. (2010)
Bulang (Yunnan province) / Asian / “
Dai (Yunnan province) / Asian / “
Han (Yunnan province) / Asian / “
Hani (Yunnan province) / Asian / “
Jinuo (Yunnan province) / Asian / “
Wa (Yunnan province) / Asian / “
Australian / European / Kulski and Dunn (2005)
Navarre / European / García-Obregón et al. (2012)
Guipuzcoa / European / “
Valencia / European / García-Obregón et al. (2011)
García-Obregón S, Alfonso-Sánchez MA, Gómez-Pérez L, Pérez-Miranda AM, Arroyo D, de Pancorbo MM, Peña JA. 2011. Microsatellites and Alu elements from the human MHC in Valencia (Spain): analysis of genetic relationships and linkage disequilibrium. Int J Inmunogenet 38: 483-491
García-Obregón S, Alfonso-Sánchez MA, Pérez-Miranda AM, Gómez-Pérez L, de Parcorbo MM, Peña JA. 2012. Ancestry markers from the human chromosome 6: Alu repeats from the MHC in autochthonous Basques. Hum Immunol 73: 720-725
Kulski JK, Dunn DS, Gaudieri S, Shiina T, Inoko H. 2001. Genomic and phylogenetic analysis of the human CD1 and HLA class I multicopy genes. J Mol Evol 53: 642-650
Tian W, Wang F, Cai JH, Li LX. 2008. Polymorphic insertions in 5 Alu loci within the major histocompatibility complex class I region and their linkage disequilibria with HLA alleles in four distinct populations in mainland China. Tissue Antigens 72: 559-567
Yao Y, Shi L, Shi L, Kulski JK, Chen J, Liu S, Yu L, Lin K, Huang X, Tao Y, Tokunaga K., Chu J. 2010. The association and differentiation of MHC class I polymorphic Alu insertions and HLA-B/Cw alleles in seven Chinese populations Tissue Antigens 76: 194-207
Supplementary Table 2. Five-Alu (AluMicB-AluTF-AluHJ-AluHG-AluHF) haplotype frequencies in Native American samples from Jujuy province (Argentina) and Waorani (Ecuadorian Amazon)
Jujuy / Waorani
1-1-1-1-1 / 0.128 / ± 0.023 / 28 / 0.147 / ± 0.047 / 9
2-1-1-1-1 / 0.210 / ± 0.028 / 45 / 0.023 / ± 0.020 / 1
1-2-1-1-1 / 0.092 / ± 0.020 / 20 / 0.455 / ± 0.066 / 27
1-1-2-1-1 / 0.029 / ± 0.011 / 6 / 0.040 / ± 0.026 / 2
1-1-1-2-1 / 0.090 / ± 0.020 / 20 / 0.057 / ± 0.031 / 3
2-2-1-1-1 / 0.056 / ± 0.016 / 12 / 0.099 / ± 0.040 / 6
2-1-2-1-1 / 0.104 / ± 0.021 / 22 / - / - / -
2-1-1-2-1 / 0.121 / ± 0.022 / 26 / 0.094 / ± 0.039 / 6
1-2-2-1-1 / 0.008 / ± 0.006 / 2 / 0.021 / ± 0.019 / 1
1-2-1-2-1 / 0.076 / ± 0.018 / 16 / 0.038 / ± 0.025 / 2
1-2-1-1-2 / 0.008 / ± 0.006 / 2 / - / - / -
1-1-2-2-1 / 0.007 / ± 0.006 / 2 / - / - / -
1-1-1-2-2 / 0.006 / ± 0.005 / 1 / - / - / -
2-2-2-1-1 / 0.022 / ± 0.010 / 5 / 0.025 / ± 0.021 / 1
2-2-1-2-1 / 0.038 / ± 0.013 / 8 / - / - / -
2-1-2-1-2 / 0.005 / ± 0.005 / 1 / - / - / -
a 1 = absence of the Alu element, 2 = insertion of the Alu element
SE, standard error