YES Implementation Team

Meeting #3 Notes

September 26, 2004

Attendees: Marianne Anderson, Catherine Calla, Troy Cross, Becky Geltz, Eileen Greaf, Marayamah Hassan, Jeanne Herman, Dennis Konik, Betty Jo Licata, Dona Madacsi, Tom Masters, Mary Noble, Mary Jo Repasky, Jamie Stanger, Bob Tupaj, and Donna Wainio.

Implementation Team members absent: Rick Marsico

  • Evaluated accommodations for Data Standards Virtual Classroom held on September 23, 2004. ComputerCenter conference room was crowded and attendees could not easily reach the telephone to ask questions. Consequently, dial-in participants at the Kilcawley site could not always hear the conversation and questions from the Computer Center site.
  • Also discussed conference room setup and future training site options - provide accommodations for possible presentation technology needs and computer access.
  • Doan requested that team members copy both Dona and Eileen on any email messages sent to either of them.
  • Reviewed and approved notes from September 20, 2004 meeting. No changes to Ground Rules.
  • Report on presentation to AAC on September 21, 2004, and proposed concerns or issues raised:

-Need to identify critical tasks within departments to determine impact of implementation process on regular University workload and workflow. Recommend each department schedule a meeting with staff to discuss and develop their own plan and address overtime and/or additional staffing issues and budgetary resources.

-Need to get supervisors on board in support of the implementation process and staff commitments.

-Reviewed committee assignments to determine necessary changes.

-Need for participation and support for this project from the entire University community.

-Ongoing communication with unions is vital to keep them posted on progress of project and employee commitments to various implementation teams. President requested that another meeting with the unions be scheduled to update them.

-YES Implementation Team updates will be a regular agenda item for AAC meetings.

  • Formal memos of appointment from Dr. Sweet to all team members will be distributed this week and will include a copy of the YES Implementation Plan with the timeline.
  • Recommendation made that supervisors meet with Human Resources to determine real union issues vs. perceived issues concerning implementation tasks assigned outside of an employee’s regular job description or classification. Supervisors may benefit from a review of all current job descriptions within their department.
  • The Project Calendar was distributed last week. Please mark your calendars at least tentatively to hold these dates and times until they are firm.
  • The regional SCT users’ meeting (OBUG) at NEOUCOM is October 29, 2004. Dona will contact Colleen to check on the status of the HEI component and notify Becky. There is a discount if registered by October 15. Please be sure to contact Eileen or Dona ASAP if you are interested in attending this session.
  • Questions were raised as to a budget for procuring promotional materials and the target populations. Donna Wainio circulated a packet of possible items, including chocolate mints with the YES logo imprinted on the wrappers. Possible slogans were presented for imprinting on T-shirts or other promotional items. Rich Delisio is obtaining information and pricing from local vendors. The budget does not specify a dollar amount for purchasing these items. Concern was expressed about the appearance of spending project dollars on promotional trinkets. Suggested that items be functional but will rely on the subcommittee’s recommendations. Publicity and visibility are vital to the successful promotion of this venture to encourage cooperation campus-wide.
  • Discussed timing and other kick-off issues. Dona will get contact name from WrightState for Betty Jo to contact. Betty Jo will bring additional information and ideas to next week’s meeting.
  • SCT Bookshelf is up and running, however some are having difficulty logging into it. Troy will review issues – also recommended that Netscape users try another browser.
  • Printing costs discussed. Finance training materials voluminous. Discussed need to track expenses and charge to project budget. Project budget will be further refined and brought to the Implementation Team at a future meeting.
  • Training needs were discussed – need for some type of training for team leaders, e.g. motivational.
  • Becky reviewed written status update received from Data Standards & Reporting (DS&R) Team. How best to conduct the Reporting Strategy Assessment was discussed. Reservations about the week-long SCT-facilitated reporting assessment scheduled for the week of October 11th were relayed. Pros and cons of holding the October 11th -15th assessment were discussed including contractual arrangements. Many questions remain unanswered – answers and more information will be sought through Pat Kurisko, SCT listserves, etc.