Dr. Leprán István közleményjegyzéke

Közlemények impakt faktora:

Citációk (független) száma:

I. Közlemények

1.Kane K.A., Leprán I., McDonald F.M., Parratt J.R., Szekeres L.

The effects of prolonged oral adminstration of a new antidysrhythmic drug (Org 6001) on coronary artery ligation dysrhythmias in conscious and anesthetized rats.

J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 2: 411-423, 1980.IF (1980) = 2.047


Vink J.: Biomed. Mass. Spectrom. 7: 592, 1980.

Marshall R.J.: Gen. Pharmacol. 12: 315, 1981.

Marshall R.J.: Br. J. Pharmacol. 74: 381, 1981.

Mertz T.E.: J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 223: 580, 1982.

Au T.L.S.: Br. J. Pharmacol. 79: 929, 1983.

Winslow E.: Pharmacol. Ther. 24: 401, 1984.

Dai S.: Arch. Int.Physiol. Bio. 95: 195, 1987.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Brooks R.R.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 164: 521, 1989.

Paroczai M.: Pharmacol. Res. 22: 463, 1990.

2.Leprán I., Nemecz Gy., Koltai M., Szekeres L.

Effect of a linoleic acid-rich diet on the acute phase of coronary occlusion in conscious rats: influence of indomethacin and aspirin.

J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 3: 847-853, 1981.IF (1981) = 1.978


Charnock J.S.: Comp. Bioc. Biop. 75: 47, 1983.

Manning A.S.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 16: 497, 1984.

Meerson F.Z.: Va. Med. Nank. 47, 1984.

Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Charnock J.S.: Ann. Qutr. M. 29: 83, 1985.

Charnock J.S.: Ann. Quitr. M. 29: 306, 1985.

Codde J.P.: Clin. Sci. 69: 691, 1985.

McLennan P.L.: Can. J. Phys. 63: 1411, 1985.

Hartog J.M.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 81: 567, 1986.

Hoffmann P.: Prost. Leuk. M. 21: 113, 1986.

Petrova T.V.: Kosm. B. Av.M. 22: 6, 1986.

Shimkovi. M.V.: B. Exp. B. Med. 101: 582, 1986.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Lamers J.M.J.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 82: 209, 1987.

McLennan P.L.: J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 10: 293, 1987.

McLennan P.L.: Prost. Leuk. M. 27: 183, 1987.

Parratt JR, J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 55. 1987.

Crandal D.L.: Prostagl. Leukotr. Med. 33: 115, 1988.

Grynberg A.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 20: 863, 1988.

McLennan P.L.: Am. Heart J. 116: 709, 1988.

Abraham R.: Am. J. Cardiol. 63: 269, 1989.

Hetzel B.S.: J. Clin. Epid. 42: 885, 1989.

McLennan P.L.: Lancet 2: 1451, 1989.

Meerson F.Z.: Biomed. Bioc. 48: S83, 1989.

Meerson F.Z.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 21: 299, 1989.

Oliver M.F.: Lancet 1: 1241, 1989.

Simkhovi B.Z.: Farmakol. Tox. 52: 24, 1989.

Adam O.: Kin. Woch. 68: 16, 1990.

Hock C.E.: A. J. Phys. 259: 1518, 1990.

McLennan P.L.: Am. J. Clin. 51: 53, 1990.

Sargent C.A.: Bioch. Soc. T. 18: 1077, 1990.

Matera M.G.: Curr. Ther. Res. 50: 511, 1991.

Naidina V.P.: Kosm. B. A. V. 25: 33, 1991.

McLennan P.L.: Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 58: 666, 1993.

Isensee H.: Arz. Forsch. 43: 94, 1993.

Rietz B.: Mol. Cell. Biochem. 119: 143, 1993.

Charnock J.S.: Nutrition 10: 161, 1994.

Charnock J.S.: Prog. Lip. Res. 33: 355, 1994.

Chemla D.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 27: 1747, 1995.

Christensen J.H.: Nutr. Res. 15: 1, 1995.

Chan P.: Pharmacol. 51: 118, 1995.

Chan P.: Life Sci. 59: 2067, 1996.

Chan P.: Life Sci. 61: 1999, 1997.

Hornstra G.: Br. J. Nutr. 80: S113, 1998.

Hornstra G.: FETT Lipid 101: 456 1999.

Charnock J.S.: Prost. Leuk. Ess. 61: 243, 1999.

Charnock J.S.: Prost. Leuk. Ess. 62: 129, 2000.

McLennan P.L.: Lipids 36.Suppl.S.: S111, 2001.

Demaison L.: Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 59: 463, 2002.

3.Leprán I., Koltai M., Szekeres L.

Effect of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in experimental myocardial infarction in rats.

Eur. J. Pharmacol. 69: 235-238, 1981. IF (1981) = 3.372


Au T.L.S.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 79: 929, 1983.

Johnston K.M.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 78: 29, 1983.

Johnston K.M.: Can. J. Physiol. Pharm. 61: 1340, 1983.

Such L.: J. Pharmacol. 14: 283, 1983.

Wenzel D.G.: Pharmacol. Res. 15: 167, 1983.

Nikolov R.: Meth. Find. E.: 5: 719, 1983.

Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Huang T.F.: Arch. I. Pharmacol. 278: 128, 1985.

Hartog J.M.: Basic Res. Cardiol. 81: 141, 1986.

Northove B.J.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 88: 141, 1986.

Nemecz G, J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 18: 739. 1986.

Shimkovi M.V.: Bull. Eksp. Biol. Med. 101: 582. 1986.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Eller B.T.: Pharmacol. 34: 121, 1987.

Lamers J.M.J.: Basic Res. Cardiol. 82: 209. 1987.

McLennan P.L.: J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 10: 293, 1987.

McLennan P.L.: Prostagl. Leukotr. Med. 27: 183, 1987.

Parratt J.R.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 55, 1987.

Blomberg S.: Act. Ae. Sci. 32: 173, 1988.

Hearse D.J.: J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 11: 701, 1988.

Samveya V.M.: Kardiol. 28: 88, 1988.

Janero D.R.: Bioch. Pharmacol. 38: 4381, 1989.

Blomberg S.: Act. Anaes. Sci. 34: 1, 1990.

Hashimoto H.: Arzneimittel-Forsch. 40: 126, 1990.

Wainwright C.L.: Cardiol. Res. 25: 93, 1991.

Sulpice T.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 26: 831, 1994.

Iliodromitis E.K.: Cardiovasc. Drugs Therapy 13: 223, 1999.

4.Leprán I., Koltai M., Szekeres L.

Effect of cyclophosphamide on the acute phase of experimental myocardial infarction in rats.

Acta Physiol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 58: 311-315, 1981. IF (1981) = 0.378

Citációk: -

5.Fagbemi O., Leprán I., Parratt J.R., Szekeres L.

Naloxone inhibits early arrhythmias resulting from acute coronary ligation.

Brit. J. Pharmacol. 76: 504-506, 1982.IF (1982) = 4.540


Bergey J.L.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 90: 427, 1983.

Hernande J.: J. Pharmacol. Meth. 14: 560, 1983.

Lee A.Y. S.: P. Soc. Exp. M. 179: 219, 1985.

Wong T.M.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 12: 379, 1985.

Zhan Z.Y.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 12: 373, 1985.

Brasch H.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 88: 733, 1986.

Dai S.: Agent & Action 17: 460, 19686.

Dai S.: Agent & Action 19: 26, 1986.

Huang X.D.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 87: 475, 1986.

Lee A.Y.S.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 13: 55, 1986.

Lee A.Y.S.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 13: 707, 1986.

Chan M.Y.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 90: 537, 1987.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Dai S.: Arch. Int. Pharmacol. 95: 195, 1987.

Helgesen K.G.: Pharmacol. 35: 121, 1987.

Lee A.Y.S.: Arch. Int. Pharmacol. 286: 212, 1987.

Lee A.Y.S.: Neurosci. 80: 289, 1987.

Wong T.M.: Neurosci. 77: 61, 1987.

Kow W.W.: Agent & Action 24: 95, 1988.

Kow W.W.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 93: 723, 1988.

Kow. W.W.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 15.: 23, 1988.

Kow W.W.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 15: 733, 1988.

Sarne Y.: Life Sci. 43: 859, 1988.

Boachiea G.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 97: 801, 1989.

Cerbai E.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 162: 491, 1989.

Saini V.: Cardiovasc. Res. 23: 1001, 1989.

Sitsaper R.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 97: 795, 1989.

Lee A.Y.S.: Int. J. Cardiol. 27: 145, 1990.

Thornhil J.: Can. J. Phys. 68: 392, 1990.

Kaschube M.: Cardiol. Res. 25: 230, 1991.

Markiewicz K.: Clin. Cardiol. 14: 813, 1991.

Sarne Y.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 102: 696, 1991.

Lee A.Y.S.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 107: 1057, 1992.

Chang A.C.C.: Agents Actions 35: 212, 1992.

Maslov L.N.: Bulletin of Exp. Biol. and Med. 112: 1066, 1991.

Lee A.Y.S.: Cardiovasc. Res. 26: 392, 1992.

Pugsley M.K.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 212: 15, 1992.

Kan M.N.: Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 200: 518, 1992.

Curtis M.J.: Cardiovasc. Res. 27: 703, 1993.

Levin G.: Gen. Pharmacol. 24: 423, 1993.

Maslov L.N.: Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 116: 966, 1993.

Maslov L.N.: Int. J. Cardiol. 40: 89, 1993.

Oldroyd K.G.: Cardiovasc. Res. 27: 296, 1993.

Pugsley M.K.: Cardiovasc. Drug Res. 11: 151, 1993.

Wu J.P.: Eur. Heart J. 14: 1273, 1993.

Oldroyd K.G.: Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 37: 289, 1994.

He B.: Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 16: 169, 1995.

Mcintosh M.A.: J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 47: 52, 1995.

Maslov L.N.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 22: 812, 1995.

Bian JS, J.Mol.Cell.Cardiol. 30: 2103-2110. 1998.

Buratti T, Cardiology 90: 43, 1998.

Hung C.F.: Life Sci. 63: 1205, 1988.

Murphy D.B.: J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 33: 122, 1999.

Buratti T.: Cardiology 90: 43, 1998.

Gervais H.W.: Resuscitation 34: 255, 1997.

Lishmanov Y.B.: Kardiologiya 42: 51, 2002.

Pugsley M.K.: Pharmacol. Ther. 93: 51, 2002.

6.Koltai M., Leprán I., Nemecz Gy., Szekeres L.

Experimental myocardial infarction in adjunant arthritic rats.

J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 4: 363-369, 1982. IF(1982) = 2.638


Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Curtis M.J.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 86: 663, 1985.

Dirosa M.: Agents Actions 17: 284, 1986.

Vadas P.: Lab. Invest. 55: 391, 1986.

Hirschel R.: Exp. Pathol. 31: 175, 1987.

7.Leprán I., Koltai M., Szekeres L.

Effect of actinomycin D and cycloheximide on experimental myocardial infarction in rats.

Eur. J. Pharmacol. 77: 197-199, 1982.IF (1982) = 3.469


Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Curtis M.J.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 86: 663, 1985.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Strohm C.: Cardiovasc. Res. 55: 602, 2002.

8.Fagbemi O., Kane K.A., Leprán I., Parratt J.R., Szekeres L.

Antiarrhythmic actions of meptazinol, a partial agonist at opiate receptors, in acute myocardial ischaemia.

Brit. J. Pharmacol. 79: 455-460, 1983. IF (1983) = 4.959


X: Lancet 2: 384, 1983.

Rabkin S.W.: Res. Comm. S4: 339, 1983.

Creamer J.E.: Eur. Heart J. 6: 717, 1985.

Holmes B.: Drugs 30: 285, 1985.

Blair J.R.: Anaesthesiol. 65: A406, 1986.

Rabkin S.W.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 130: 47, 1986.

Addicks K.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 90: 247, 1987.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Rabkin S.W.: Arch. Int. Pharmacol. 289: 267, 1987.

Rabkin S.W.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 15: 565, 1988.

Blair J.R.: Anaesthesiol. 71: 565, 1989.

Boachiea G.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 97: 801, 1989.

Cerbai E.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 162: 491, 1989.

Sitsapes R.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 97: 795, 1989.

Helgesen K.G.: Pharm. Tox. 66: 217, 1990.

Lee A.: Int. J. Cardiol. 27: 145, 1990.

Maslov L.N.: Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 112: 1066, 1991.

Lishmanov Y.B.: Vestn. Ross. Akad. Med. Nauk 11-12: 47, 1992.

Maslov L.N.: Vopr. Med. Khim. 38: 21, 1992.

Alarcon S.: J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 44: 275, 1992.

Curtis M.J.: Cardiovasc. Res. 27: 703, 1993.

Pugsley M.K.: Cardiovasc. Drug Rev. 11: 151, 1993.

Pugsley M.K.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 261: 303, 1994.

Maslov L.N.: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 22: 812, 1995.

Pugsley M.K.: Pharmacol. Therapeut. 93: 51, 2002.

Wang C.D.: Invertebr. Reprod. Dev. 44: 89, 2003.

9.Fazekas T., Leprán I., Selmeczi A., Udvary É., Szekeres L.

Chloroquin (Delagil) hatása heveny szívizom ischaemiában.

Kísérl. Orvostud. 35: 483-490, 1983. IF (1983) = 0

Citációk: -

10.Koltai M., Leprán I., Nemecz Gy., Szekeres L.

The possible mechanism of protection induced by dexamethasone against sudden death due to coronary ligation in conscious rats.

Brit. J. Pharmacol. 79: 327-329, 1983. IF (1983) = 4.959


Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Dirosa M.: Agents Actions 17: 284, 1986.

Vadas P.: Lab. I.N.V. 55: 391, 1986.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Hirata F.: Neuroc. Path. 7: 33, 1987.

Dux E.: Neurosci. 34: 203, 1990.

Peers S.H.: Am. R. Resp. D. 141: S18, 1990.

Duval D.: Prostagl. Leukotr. Essent. Fatty Acids 45: 85, 1992.

Sautebin L.: Pharmacol. Res. 25: 1, 1992.

Cheung P.H.: J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Meth. 29: 179, 1993.

11.Leprán I., Koltai M., Siegmund W., Szekeres L.

Coronary artery ligation, early arrhythmias, and determination of the ischemic area in conscious rats.

J. Pharmacol. Meth. 9: 219-230, 1983. IF (1983) = 1.071


Meerson F.Z.: Kardiol. 25: 29, 1985.

Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Meerson F.Z.: Kardiol. 26: 19, 1986.

Uematsu T.: J. Pharmacol. Met. 16: 53, 1986.

Varró A.: J. Pharmacy Pharmacol. 38: 772, 1986.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Hoffmann P.: Arch. Toxicol. 61: 79, 1987.

Meerson F.Z.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 82: 123, 1987.

Meerson F.Z.: Clin. Cardiol. 10: 783, 1987.

Meerson F.Z.: Dan SSSR. 293: 489, 1987.

Meerson F.Z.: Kardiol. 27: 85, 1987.

Meerson F.Z.: Kardiol. 27: 87, 1987.

Meerson F.Z.: Va. Med. Nauk. 47: 1987.

Varró A.: Drug Exp. Cl. 13: 21, 1987.

Varró A.: J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 39: 483, 1987.

Kinoshita K.: Jpn. Circ. 52: 1384, 1988.

Meerson F.Z.: Fiziol. Zh. 34: 71, 1988.

Meerson F.Z.: B. Exp. B. Med. 105: 780, 1988.

Reichal R.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 157.: 75, 1988.

Dzhanpol E.G.: B. Exp. B. Med. 107.: 501, 1989.

Himori N.: Am. J. Phys. 256.: 1719, 1989.

Hoffmann P.: Arch. Exp. Ve. 43: 515, 1989.

Meerson F.Z.: Kardiol. 29: 88, 1989.

Ballagi-Pordány G.: Diabet. Res. C. 8: 109, 1990.

Hoffmann P.: Biomed. Biochem. 49: 121, 1990.

Meerson F.Z.: Kardiol. 30: 67, 1990.

Meerson F.Z.: Kosm. B.A.V. 24: 28, 1990.

Rousseau S.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 85: 404, 1990.

Schoemak R.G.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 85: 9, 1990.

Schoemak R.G.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 85: 404, 1990.

Schoemak R.G.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 182: 527, 1990.

Kojima M.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 86: 179, 1991.

Meslov L.N.: B. Exp. B. Med. 111: 18, 1991.

Occhinto F.: Phytother. R. 5: 9, 1991.

Schoemak R.G.: J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 17: 949, 1991.

Schoemak R.G.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 23: 187, 1991.

Wascher T.C.: Arzneimittel Forsch. 41: 119, 1991.

Belichard P.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 87: 433, 1992.

Melissenvranchen H.J.M.G.: J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 19: 163, 1992.

Ohoi I.: Folia Pharmacol. Jap. 100: 87, 1992.

Lishmanov Y.B.: Vestnik Ross. Akad. Med. Nauk. 3: 5, 1992.

Hoffman P.: J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 45: 1093, 1993.

Belleminbaurreau J.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 256: 115, 1994.

Belleminbaurreau J.: J. Pharmacol. Tox. Meth. 31: 31, 1994.

Pahor H.: J. Am. Ger. Soc. 42: 50, 1994.

Zimmermann T.: Arzneimittel Forsch. 44: 474, 1994.

Kalkman E.A.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 27: 2483, 1995.

Ravingerova T.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 27: 1937, 1995.

Verscheure Y.: J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 25: 126, 1995.

Melissenvrancken H.J.A.P.: Circulation 93: 349, 1996.

Chen J.M.: Microvasc. Res. 54: 214, 1997.

Chen J.M.: Jpn. J. Physiol. 49: 499, 1999.

Nossuli T.O.: Am J. Physiol. 278: H1049, 2000.

Leenen F.H.H.: Hypertension 37: 209, 2001.

Kompa A.R.: J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 43: 199, 2000.

12.Fazekas T., Csáti S., Leprán I., Udvary É., Szekeres L.

Hyperlipaemiás krízis hatása az ischaemiás-kutyaszív működésére (in Hungarian) - (Effect of hyperlipaemic crisis on the functioning of the ischaemic dog heart)

Kísérl. Orvostud. 36: 10-15, 1984. IF (1984) = 0

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13.Lefer A.M., Burke S.E., Leprán I.

Preservation of ischemic myocardial tissue with an antagonist of vasoconstrictor eicosanoids.

Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 62: 1487-1491, 1984.IF (1984) = 0.887


Brezinski M.E.: Am. Heart J. 110: 1161, 1985.

Hands D.: J. Hetero. Ch. 23: 1333, 1986.

Hock C.E.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 122: 213, 1986.

Hock C.E.: Res. Comm. Cp. 52: 285, 1986.

Brezinski M.E.: J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 9: 65, 1987.

Brezinski M.E.: Meth. Find. E. 9: 703, 1987.

Stahl G.L.: Blood Vess. 24: 24, 1987.

Smith E.F.: J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 13: 715, 1989.

Tsao P.S.: Res. Comm. Chem. Pathol. Pharm. 70: 205, 1990.

Fiedler V.B.: Pharmacotherapy 11: 77, 1991.

Taneyama C.: Cardiovasc. Drug Rev. 8: 339, 1990.

Evangelou A.M.: Prost. Leuk. Ess. Fatty Acids 50: 1, 1994.

Protiva M.: J. Heterocyclic Chem. 33: 497, 1996.

Singh U.: Prostagland. Leukotr. Ess. Fatty Acids 56: 105, 1997.

14.Lefer A.M., Leprán I., Roth D.M., Smith J.B.

Specificity of anti-leukotriene actions of nicardipine.

Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 16: 1141-1150, 1984.IF (1984) = 0.834


Dellosa D.: Pharmacol. Res. 18: 1043, 1986.

Sirois P.: Prostaglandin 31: 1117, 1986.

Frishman W.H.: Curr. Pharmacol. Cardiol. 12: 285, 1987.

Levitt H.M.A.: Meth. Find. E.: 9: 269, 1987.

Sorkin E.M.: Drugs 33: 296, 1987.

Yanagisa A.: Bas. Res. Cardiol. 82: 186, 1987.

Frishmann W.H.: Med. Clin. Na. 72: 449, 1988.

Schranz D.: Int. Cardiol. M. 14: 595, 1988.

Falcone R.C.: J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 262: 1095, 1992.

15.Bullock G.R., Leprán I., Parratt J.R., Szekeres L., Wainwright C.L.

Effect of a combination of metoprolol and dazmegrel on myocardial infarct size in rats.

Brit. J. Pharmacol. 86: 235-240, 1985.IF (1985) = 4.093


Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Grover G.J.: J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 11: 29, 1988.

Karasawa A.: J. Pharmacol. 11: 722, 1988.

Pieper G.M.: Prost.Leuk. Ess. 33: 13, 1988.

Grover G.J.: Circ. Res. 64: 575, 1989.

16.Darius H., Lefer A.M., Leprán I., Smith J.B.

In vivo interaction of prostacyclin with an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, HL 725.

Brit. J. Pharmacol. 84: 735-741, 1985. IF (1985) = 4.093


Gresele P.: Thromb. Res. 55: 12, 1986.

Kitzen J.M.: Life Sci. 48: Pl.31, 1991.

Martinez G.R.: J. Med. Chem. 35: 620, 1992.

Spiecker M.: Thromb. Res. 70: 405, 1993.

Buerke M.: Thromb. Res. 88: 89, 1997.

17.Koltai M., Tósaki Á., Leprán I., Szekeres L.

Glucocorticoids in myocardial and cerebral infarction.

Agents Actions 17: 278-283, 1985. IF (1985) = 1.091


Hirata F.: Neuroc. Path. R. 7: 33, 1987.

Hall R.: Can. J. Anaesth. 37: 762, 1990.

18.Leprán I., Lefer A.M.

Protective actions of propyl gallate, a lipoxygenase inhibitor, of the ischemic myocardium.

Circ. Shock. 15: 79-88, 1985. IF (1985) = 2.189


Slapke J.: Biomed. Bioch. 45: 1267, 1986.

Chatelai P.: Circ. 75: 1083, 1987.

Hahn R.A.: Jpn. Pharmacol. Exp. 242: 62, 1987.

Deturco E.B.R.: J. Clin. Inv. 81: 700, 1988.

Toki Y.: Prostaglandins 35: 555, 1988.

Cohen M.V.: Ann. Int. Med. 111: 918, 1989.

Cornell R.P.: Am. J. Phys. 257: R839, 1989.

Gower J.D.: Bioch. Pharmacol. 38: 213, 1989.

Ito T.: Jpn. Circ. J. 53: 1115, 1989.

Janero D.R.: Bioch. Pharmacol. 38: 4381, 1989.

Schror K.: Biomed. Bioc. 48: 729, 1989.

Young J.S.: Ciric. Shock 32: 243, 1990.

Hahn R.A.: J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 256: 94, 1991.

Yu J.S.: Biorganic & Med. Chem. Lett. 2: 1121, 1992.

Nihro Y.: J. Med. Chem. 35: 1618, 1992.

Hock C.E.: Cardiovasc. Res. 26: 1206, 1992.

Wu T.W.: Biochem. Pharmacol. 48: 419, 1994.

Allen S.: Circulation 97: 2406, 1998.

Sciuto A.M.: J. Appl. Toxicol. 21: 33, 2001.

Back M.: Acta Physiol. Scand. 174.Suppl.: 648, 2002

19.Leprán I., Parratt J.R., Szekeres L., Wainwright C.L.

The effects of metoprolol and dazmegrel, alone and in combination, on arrhythmias induced by coronary artery occlusion in conscious rats.

Brit. J. Pharmacol. 86: 229-234, 1985. IF (1985) = 4.093


Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Curtis M.J.: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19: 399, 1987.

Cross P.E.: Ann. Rep. H. 22: 95, 1987.

Dai S.: Arch. Int. Phys. 95: 195, 1987.

Dai S.: Arch. Int. Phys. 97: 341, 1989.

Salinas P.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 209: 105, 1991.

Shaw L.A.: Brit. J. Pharmacol. 117: 817, 1996.

Iskit A.B.: Pharmacol. Res. 33: 13, 1996.

20.Leprán I., Lefer A.M.

Ischaemia aggravating effects of platelet-activating factor in acute ischemia.

Basic Res. Cardiol. 80: 135-141, 1985.IF (1985) = 0.926


Botting J.H.: Mol. Asp. Med. 8: 307, 1985.

Hock C.E.: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 122: 213, 1986.

Lucchesi B.R.: Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. 26: 201, 1986.

Spinnewy B.: Prostaglandin. 34: 337, 1987.

Stahl G.L.: Blood Vess. 24: 24, 1987.

Stahl G.L.: Circ. Shock. 23: 165, 1987.

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