Thank you for your interest in serving on the Board of Directors of Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!). We are a non-profit agency that provides trainings and resources to youth, adults and agencies in order to effect positive community change. Each Board Member shall hold office for three (3) years and is asked to update their information and renew their commitment at the regular annual meeting.

Our Mission:

YES! empowers youth, in partnership with adults, to create community change.

Our Values:

  • We believe that well-trained, empowered youth add value to and benefit any organization promoting social change.
  • We believe that intergenerational power sharing is essential to creating solutions for the challenges of our world.
  • We believe talent in a variety of forms should be respected and honored.
  • We believe that providing a safe place for youth and adults to be themselves is essential.
  • We believe supporting and encouraging youth engagement within our organization is an integral part of what is necessary for communities to be healthy.


Name: ______

Address: ______

City/Zip Code: ______

Name of Employer: ______

Home Phone: ______

May we leave a message at your home? Yes No

Cell Phone: ______

May we contact you on cell? Yes No

Work Phone: ______

May we contact you at work? Yes No

Which number do you prefer that we use for YES! communication?

 Cell  Home  Work

Best times to reach you ______

Best time to meet ______

E-mail Address: ______Fax #: ______

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: (often requested on grant applications)

Age: ______

Marital Status:

Single Highest education completed (please circle):

MarriedHigh School 9 10 11 12

WidowedUndergraduate 1 2 3 4 5

SeparatedGraduate 1 2 3 4





Other ______

Race (please choose all that apply):


Black or African AmericanEthnicity:

American Indian or Alaska Native Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin

AsianNot Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Other ______

Please share with us:

1. How did you hear about YES!?




2. Why are you interested in serving on the YES! board of directors?




3. What experience do you have in the following areas…

a) serving on a board ______


b) working with youth ______


c) working with youth-focused agencies ______


4. What do you feel that you can contribute to YES!? (e.g., skills, talents, experiences)




1. If applicable, please identify training you would like to receive to enhance your experience on the YES! Board of Directors.

 _____ nonprofit accounting/finance

 _____ nonprofit governance

 _____ PR/media, marketing/media 101

 _____ grassroots fundraising

 _____ understanding how foundations work

 _____ cultivating corporate sponsorships and donations

 _____ youth empowerment model

 _____ youth advocacy

 _____ advocacy/activism/lobbying

 _____ current YES programs and health topics

 _____ OTHER ______

Preferred methods of training (check all that apply):

 _____ including speakers at Board meetings

 _____ attending a workshop in the community

 _____ participating in webinars/conference calls

 _____ reviewing print materials

 _____ reviewing electronic materials (CDs, DVDs, websites)

 _____ OTHER ______

2. Please identify fundraising activities you are willing to participate in as a member of the YES! Board of Directors. All Board Members are expected to make a personal annual donation.

 _____ participating in cultivation/solicitation calls with Executive Director

 _____ signing annual campaign letters

 _____ facilitating corporate or foundation connections

_____ introducing Executive Director or other leaders to key individuals as

potential donors

 _____ hosting fundraising event(s) in my home

 _____ assisting with grantwriting

 OTHER ______

3. Please indicate which Committee you would be interested in serving on:

_____ Executive Committee (Comprised of officers and Executive Director; acts for the full Board only when absolutely necessary; helps the Board do its work by planning Board meeting agendas, framing issues and ensuring advance communications are adequate; handles personnel grievances that are not settled by the Executive Director)

_____ Finance Committee (Chaired by Treasurer; assists the Board in carrying out its fiduciary and financial responsibilities; reviews budgets, financial plans and reports; recommends external accountants and receives audit reports)

_____ Resource Development Committee (Formulates a Business Plan, including a fundraising strategy; identifies, cultivates and supports solicitation of institutional giving sources; cultivates and coordinates annual Board giving program and appeal)

_____ Board Development Committee (Responsible for the membership function of the Board, including new board member orientation and board development resources; determines needed membership skills, identifies, recruits and recommends candidates for the Board; recommends officer slates; monitors Board operations and assists Board Chair in making Board as effective as possible)

4. Please indicate any Roles you would be interested in fulfilling in the future:

 _____ Board Vice Chair

 _____ Treasurer

 _____ Secretary

 _____ Resource Development Committee Chair

 _____ Board Development Committee Chair

_____ Finance Committee Chair

Comments: ______


I, ______, agree to serve on the Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!) Board of Directors. As a member of the board, I hereby commit that I will

  1. Act in the best interests of the organization, making informed decisions that are in line with its vision, mission and values. This means that I will ask questions and become knowledgeable about this organization’s issues and finances.
  2. Act in accordance with both the bylaws and policies of our organization and the laws of our land.
  3. Adhere to the organization’s Conflict of Interest policy.
  4. Consider the best interest of the community, especially those of our constituencies, when making decisions.
  5. Actively participate on at least one committee. Service may include Committee Chair, Committee Vice-Chair, or Committee member.
  6. Prepare for, attend and actively participate in board and committee meetings. I understand the board meets quarterly for about 3 hours; the committees generally meet bi-monthly for about 2 hours; that there may be additional special meetings in any given month; and that meetings may go beyond the scheduled timeframe. I understand I am expected to maintain a 75% attendance rate for the YES quarterly board meetings and that conference calling is an acceptable mode of attendance if requested in advance.
  7. Attend the new board member orientation and other board education functions.
  8. Give a personally meaningful financial gift annually.
  9. Participate in at least one major YES! Sponsored event or activity per year
  10. Participate in at least one fundraising activity. These activities will be determined by the Resource Development Committee.
  11. Hold confidential matters in confidence.
  12. Be an active advocate for the organization.
  13. Cultivate future leaders and donors.
  14. Maintain the highest level of honesty and integrity.
  15. Speak openly, discussing difficult issues “at the meeting and not in the parking lot.”
  16. Seek to listen before seeking to be heard.

I understand that my participation is not a one-way street, that the organization makes a number of commitments to me, including:

  1. It will provide me with sufficient information to make informed decisions. Such information will include monthly financial statements, annual audit report, quarterly board meeting minutes, and community and industry-wide issues that could impact the organization’s future.
  2. It will provide me with opportunities to discuss the organization’s finances, programs, goals, activities, and status with key leadership. Additionally, I can request such opportunities.
  3. It will respect my input.
  4. It will not waste my time.
  5. It will provide opportunities for professional and personal development.
  6. It will maintain Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance.

I understand that the role of the board director is a critical one for this

organization, and therefore that my failure to live up to these

commitments will result in my removal from the board.


SignaturePrint NameDate

In signing my name below, I affirm that:

  • I have received a copy of the conflicts of interest policy;
  • I have read and understand the policy;
  • I have agreed to comply with the policy and
  • I understand the Organization is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.




Background Check Authorization


I, ______, hereby authorize Youth Empowered Solutions and its designatedagents and representatives to conduct a criminal background check for employment and/orvolunteer purposes.

Please provide the following:

Last Name______

First Name______

Middle Name______

Former Last Name______

DOB (MM/DD/19XX)______




As of September 8, 2011…

Board of Directors, Committee and Officer Responsibilities


Provides governance to the organization, represents it to the community, and accepts the ultimate legal authority for it.


Membership – officers, key committee heads and Executive Director non-voting). Acts for the full Board only when absolutely necessary. Helps the Board do its work by planning Board meeting agendas, framing issues and ensuring advance communications are adequate. Handles personnel grievances that are not settled by the Executive Director.


  • Board Chair:Assures that the Board of Directors fulfills its responsibilities for the governance of the organization. Serves as a partner to the Executive Director, helping him/her to achieve the mission of the organization. Optimizes the relationship between the board and management. Convenes regularly scheduled Board meetings, shall preside or arrange for other members of the executive committee to preside at each meeting in the following order: Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Vice Chair: Serves as Board Chair-elect. Serves as Chair of the Board in the absence of the Board Chair. Carries out special assignments as requested by the Board Chair.
  • Secretary: Is responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each Board member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained.
  • Treasurer: Makes a report on the financial standing of the organization at each Board meeting. Chairs the Finance committee, if functions separately from executive committee, assists in the preparation of the budget, helps develop fundraising plans, and makes financial information available to Board members and the public.
  • Past Chair: (need to develop a description)

Responsible for the membership function of the Board, including orientation and resources. Determines needed membership skills, identifies, recruits and recommends candidates for the Board. Recommends officer slates. Monitors Board operations and assists Board Chair in making Board as effective as possible.


Formulates a Business Plan, including a fundraising strategy with a case statement. Identifies, cultivates and supports solicitation of institutional giving sources. Cultivates and coordinates annual Board giving program and appeal.


Chaired by Treasurer. Assists the Board in carrying out its fiduciary and financial responsibilities. Reviews budgets, financial plans and reports. Recommends external accountants and receives audit report. Oversees endowment funds.


Drafts strategic plan for Board review and approval. Monitors Plan implementation and recommends remedial action as needed.

*Other committees are created as needed, for example, the Ad-Hoc Committee on evaluation measures

Board and Staff Responsibilities

Activity / Respon-


Direct the process of long-term strategic planning / Board
Provide input to long range goals / Joint
Approve long range goals / Board
Formulate annual objectives / Staff
Approve annual objectives / Board
Prepare performance reports on achievement of goals and objectives / Staff
Monitor achievement of goals and objectives / Joint


Assess stakeholder (customers, community) needs / Staff
Train volunteer leaders (nonprofits only) / Staff
Oversee evaluation of products, services and programs / Board
Maintain program records; prepare program reports / Staff
Prepare preliminary budget / Staff
Finalize and approve budget / Board
See that line item expenditures are within budget during the year / Staff
Solicit contributions in fundraising campaigns / Joint
Organize fundraising campaigns / Joint
Approve expenditures outside authorized budget / Board
Insure annual audit of organization accounts / Board


Employ and perform annual review of Chief Executive / Board
Discharge Chief Executive / Board
Employ and perform annual review of the staff / Staff
Discharge staff member / Staff
Recommendation to add staff / Staff
Authorization (outside of approved budget) to add staff / Board
Facilitate communication among staff / Staff


Interpret organization to community / Joint
Write news stories / Staff
Provide organization linkage with other organizations / Joint


Appoint committee members / Board
Call Committee Chair to urge him/her into action / Board
Promote attendance at Board/Committee meetings / Joint
Recruit new Board members / Joint
Plan agenda for Board meetings / Joint
Take minutes at Board meetings / Board
Plan and propose committee organization / Board
Prepare exhibits, material and proposals for Board and Committees / Joint
Sign legal documents supporting expenditures/revenue approved in budget / Staff
Sign legal documents supporting expenditures not approved in budget / Board
Follow-up to insure implementation of Board and Committee decisions / Board
Facilitate communication among Committees / Board

YES! Organizational Chart

Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!)

Financial & Accounting Policies

Accounting Method – GAAP

It is the policy of Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!) to utilize the accrual basis of accounting that recognizes revenues when they have been earned and expenses when they have been incurred, regardless of when cash is received or disbursed. YES! will maintain its books using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for non-profit corporations.

Annual Financial Audit

It is the policy of YES! to conduct an annual financial audit only when required by a grantor and contract with a firm hired by the Board of Directors. Financial statements will be presented to the board promptly upon completion of the audit, and to any organization entitled to receive a copy because of contractual arrangement or compliance with a formal request. Additionally, YES! will comply with all state and federal reporting regulations.


The Board of Directors shall adopt an organization budget in June of each year to be effective July 1, the beginning of the organization’s fiscal year. Development of the preliminary budget is the responsibility of the Executive Director and approval of the annual budget and monitoring and reporting are the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Changes to a specific line item of the approved budget that exceeds that approved line item must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Purchase Orders

It is the policy of YES! to require a Purchase Order in advance for any purchase that in aggregate will exceed the following limits:

$300: Prior to a purchase that in aggregate exceeds $300, an adult staff member prepares a Purchase Order form and submits it to their supervisor for approval. The supervisor forwards the approved Purchase Order to the Finance Manager.

$600: Same as above, EXCEPT the supervisor must forward the approved Purchase Order to the Executive Director for a second approval. The Executive Director forwards the approved Purchase Order to the Finance Manager.

Executive Director: Prior to a purchase that in aggregate exceeds $1,000, the Executive Director prepares a Purchase Order form and submits it to the Board Chair for approval. The Board Chair forwards the approved Purchase Order to the Finance Manager.

NOTE: Certain recurring transactions do not require Purchase Orders since they are paid according to a contract signed by the Executive Director, including:

Office Rent, Telephone, Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, Audit fees and Contract services

Cash Disbursements

It is the policy of YES! to keep unused check supplies safeguarded under lock and key. Individuals responsible for preparing checks will maintain a log of checks used.

All check disbursements require approved invoices or check requests. Invoices are received and posted by the Finance Manager and approved by the Executive Director. The Finance Manager compares the invoice to the Purchase Order (if required) and initials the invoice upon posting. The Executive Director initials the invoice as evidence of approval. The Finance Manager prepares the checks for signature. The resulting checks will be signed by the Executive Director. All checks in excess of $1,500.00 must be signed by two people. Check signing authority shall be granted to YES! Executive Director and at least two (2) and not more than four (4) members of the Board of Directors, including the Secretary and the Treasurer. Signed checks that have not been mailed will be kept under lock and key at the end of each day. The Finance Manager mails the checks, attaches a check portion to the invoice and files by vendor name. Due to the timely and recurring payment requirements for the health insurance and credit card bill, those invoices may be paid via transfer from the bank account initiated by the Executive Director.

Cash Receipts

Cash receipts via mail will be opened and initialed by the Executive Director and forwarded to the Finance Manager who will stamp “For Deposit Only” on the back of the check, prepare the deposit slip and make the deposit. Any undeposited funds will be kept in a locked filing cabinet.