Chapter 1 Financial decisions Suggested time: 2.5 weeks

Strand: Number

Topic: Number concepts and Multiplication and division


/ GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment tasks, History of mathematics, Maths Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code puzzles / SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive games,
Test yourself, Topic tests
(CD–ROM) / Technology applications
(CD–ROM) /

Learning outcomes

Are you ready? (page16) / SkillSHEETS (page 16)
1.1: Rounding money to the nearest 5 cents
1.2: Converting a percentage to a decimal fraction
1.3: Decreasing a quantity by a percentage
1.4: Finding a percentage of a quantity (money)
1.5: Expressing one quantity as a percentage of another
1.7: Increasing a quantity by a percentage /

N 4.1

Students compare and order whole numbers and common and decimal fractions of any size and make connections between key percentages and fractions.

N 4.3

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving whole numbers, common fractions and percentages.
Money (page 17)
WE 1a-b, 2, 3
Ex 1A Money (page 20) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-4 (page 21)
Investigation: How much is one million dollars? (page 21)
Enrichment task: Movie munchies (page 22) / SkillSHEET 1.1: Rounding money to the nearest 5cents (page 20) /

N 5.1 Ex 1A Q1-14

Students make informed financial decisions about expenditure.
Common percentages and short cuts (page 22)
WE 4a-b, 5a-d, 6a-b
Ex 1B Common percentages and short cuts (page 25) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-5 (page 26)
Code puzzle (page 27) / WorkSHEET 1.1 (page 26) / Mathcad: Common percentages (page 25) / N 5.3 Ex 1B Q1-15
Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving percentages using a range of computation methods and strategies.
Discount (page 28)
WE 7, 8a-b, 9
Ex 1C Discount (page 30) / Investigation: Successive discounts (page 31)
10 Quick Questions 1 (page 32) / SkillSHEET 1.2: Converting a percentage to a decimal fraction (page 30)
SkillSHEET 1.3: Decreasing a quantity by a percentage (page30)
SkillSHEET 1.4: Finding a percentage of a quantity (money) (page 30)
SkillSHEET 1.5: Expressing one quantity as a percentage of another (page 30)
Game time 001 (page31) / Excel: Increasing or decreasing an amount by a percentage (page30)
Mathcad: Finding the percentage of a quantity (page 30)
Mathcad: Discount (page30)
Excel: One amount as a percentage of another (page 30) /

N 5.1 Ex 1C Q1-14

Students make informed financial decisions about expenditure.
N 5.3 Ex 1C Q1-14
Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving percentages using a range of computation methods and strategies.
Profit and loss (page 32)
WE 10, 11, 12
Ex 1D Profit and loss (page 34) / SkillSHEET 1.6: Expressing one quality as a percentage of another (page 34)
SkillSHEET 1.7: Increasing a quantity by a percentage (page 35)
WorkSHEET 1.2 (page35) / Excel: One amount as a percentage of another (page 34)
Mathcad: Profit and loss (page 34) /

N 5.1 Ex 1D Q1-14

Students make informed financial decisions about expenditure.
N 5.3 Ex 1D Q1-14
Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving percentages using a range of computation methods and strategies.
Simple interest (page 36)
WE 13a-b, 14, 15
Ex 1E Simple interest (page 38) / 10 Quick Questions 2 (page 40)
Investigation: Money transactions (page 40) / Game time 002 (page 39)
WorkSHEET 1.3 (page 39) / Excel: Simple and compound interest (page 38)
Mathcad: Simple interest (page 38)
GC program – Casio: Simple interest (page38)
GC program – TI: Simple interest (page38) /

N 5.1 Ex 1E Q1-13

Students make informed financial decisions about saving, credit and debit.
N 5.3 Ex 1E Q1-13
Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving percentages using a range of computation methods and strategies.
Summary (page 42)
Chapter review (page 43) / ‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions (page44)
Topic tests (2)

Chapter 2 Ratios and rates Suggested time: 3 weeks

Strand: Number

Topic: Number concepts and Multiplication and division


/ GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment tasks, History of mathematics, Maths Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code puzzles / SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive games,
Test yourself, Topic tests
(CD–ROM) / Technology applications
(CD–ROM) /

Learning outcomes

Are you ready? (page46) / SkillSHEETS (page 46)
2.1: Converting units of length, capacity and time
2.2: Highest common factor
2.3: Simplifying common fractions
2.4: Finding and converting to the lowest common denominator
2.5: Multiplying decimal fractions by 10, 100 or 1000
2.6: Converting a mixed number to an improper fraction
2.7: Multiplying a whole number by a common fraction
2.8 Converting minutes to fractions of an hour /

N 4.1

Students compare and order whole numbers and common fractions of any size.

N 4.3

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving whole numbers, decimal fractions and common fractions.

M 4.1

Students choose appropriate units when measuring.
Introduction to ratios (page 47)
WE 1a-b, 2
Ex 2A Introduction to ratios (page 49) / SkillSHEET 2.1: Converting units of length, capacity and time (page 49) /

N 5.1 Ex 2A Q1-9

Students use and interpret ratios.

N 5.3 Ex 2A Q1-9

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving ratios.
Simplifying ratios (page51)
WE 3, 4, 5a-b
Ex 2B Simplifying ratios (page 53) / GC tip - Casio: Simplifying ratios (page51)
GC tip - TI: Simplifying ratios (page52) / SkillSHEET 2.2: Highest common factor (page53)
SkillSHEET 2.3: Simplifying common fractions (page 53)
SkillSHEET 2.4: Finding and converting to the lowest common denominator (page 55)
SkillSHEET 2.5: Multiplying decimal fractions by 10, 100 or 1000 (page 55)
SkillSHEET 2.6: Converting a mixed number to an improper fraction (page 55)
Game time 001 (page55) / Excel: Simplifying ratios (page 53) /

N 5.1 Ex 2B Q1-8

Students use and interpret ratios.

N 5.3 Ex 2B Q1-8

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving ratios.
Direct proportion (page55)
WE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10a-b
Ex 2C Direct proportion (page 59) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 62)
10 Quick Questions 1 (page 62)
Code puzzle (page 63) / WorkSHEET 2.1 (page 61) / Mathcad: Direct proportion (page 59)
Excel: Direct proportion (page 59)
Excel: Direct proportion (DIY) (page 59) /

N 5.1 Ex 2C Q1-12

Students use and interpret ratios.

N 5.3 Ex 2C Q1-12

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving ratios and direct proportions using a range of computation methods and strategies.
Comparing ratios (page64)
WE 11, 12, 13
Ex 2D Comparing ratios (page 66) / Enrichment task: Cordial mixing (page 69) / Mathcad: Comparing ratios (page 66)
Excel: Comparing ratios (page 66)
Excel: Comparing ratios (DIY) (page 66) /

N 5.1 Ex 2D Q1-10

Students use and interpret ratios.

N 5.3 Ex 2D Q1-10

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving ratios.
Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (page69)
WE 14, 15, 16
Ex 2E Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (page 71) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 73) / SkillSHEET 2.7: Multiplying a whole number by a common fraction (page 71) / Mathcad: Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (page 71)
Excel: Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (page 71)
Excel: Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (DIY) (page 71) /

N 5.1 Ex 2E Q1-11

Students use and interpret ratios.

N 5.3 Ex 2E Q1-11

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving ratios.
Dividing in a given ratio (page 73)
WE 17, 18
Ex 2F Dividing in a given ratio (page 74) / 10 Quick Questions 2 (page 76)
Investigation: How high is that tree? (page 76) / WorkSHEET 2.2 (page 75) / Excel: Dividing in a given ratio (page 74)
Excel: Dividing in a given ratio (DIY) (page 74) /

N 5.1 Ex 2F Q1-12

Students use and interpret ratios.

N 5.3 Ex 2F Q1-12

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving ratios.
Speed (page 77)
WE 19, 20, 21a-b
Ex 2G Speed (page 80) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 82)
Enrichment task: Travelling speeds (page82) / SkillSHEET 2.8: Converting minutes to fractions of an hour (page 80)
Game time 002 (page 82)
WorkSHEET 2.3 (page82) / Mathcad: Speed converter (page 80)
Excel: Speed converter (page 80) /

N 5.1 Ex 2G Q1-11

Students use and interpret rates.

N 5.3 Ex 2G Q1-11

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving rates.
Summary (page 83)
Chapter review (page 84) / ‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions
(page 84)
Topic tests (2)

Chapter 3 Indices Suggested time: 3 weeks

Strand: Number

Topic: Number concepts


/ GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment tasks, History of mathematics, Maths Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code puzzles / SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive games,
Test yourself, Topic tests
(CD–ROM) / Technology applications
(CD–ROM) /

Learning outcomes

Are you ready? (page86) / SkillSHEETS (page 86)
3.1: Index form
3.2: Using a calculator to evaluate numbers in index form
3.4: Linking between squares and square roots
3.5: Calculating square roots
3.6: Linking between cubes and cube roots
3.7: Calculating cube roots
3.8: Estimating square roots and cube roots
3.9: Using a calculator to evaluate square roots and cube roots /

N 4.3

Students solve multiplication problems involving whole numbers selecting from a range of computation methods, strategies and known number facts.

N 5.1

Students compare and order integers and use and interpret index notation.
What are indices? (page87)
WE 1a-b
Ex 3A What are indices? (page 87) /

N 5.1 Ex 3A Q1-2

Students use and interpret index notation.
N 6.1 Ex 3A Q1-2
Students compare and order rational numbers (working with indices)
Powers and bases (page88)
WE 2, 3, 4, 5
Ex 3B Powers and bases (page 89) / Enrichment task: Patterns with indices (page 90) / SkillSHEET 3.1: Index form (page 89)
SkillSHEET 3.2: Using a calculator to evaluate numbers in index form (page 89) / Mathcad: Index form (page 90) /

N 5.1 Ex 3B Q1-7

Students use and interpret index notation.
N 6.1 Ex 3B Q1-7
Students compare and order rational numbers (working with indices)
Multiplication using indices (page 90)
WE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ex 3C Multiplication using indices (page 93) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 93)
Code puzzle (page 94) / Excel: Multiplying with indices (page 93)
Mathcad: Multiplying with indices (page 93) /

N 5.1 Ex 3C Q1-6

Students use and interpret index notation.

N 6.1 Ex 3C Q1-6

Students compare and order rational numbers (working with indices)
Division using indices (page 95)
WE 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Ex 3D Division using indices (page 97) / Code puzzle (page 98) / SkillSHEET 3.3: Simplifying common fractions (page 97)
Game time 001 (page 97)
WorkSHEET 3.1 (page 97) / Excel: Dividing with indices (page 97)
Mathcad: Dividing with indices (page 97) /

N 5.1 Ex 3D Q 1-6

Students use and interpret index notation.

N 6.1 Ex 3D Q 1-6

Students compare and order rational numbers (working with indices)
Zero index (page 99)
WE 16, 17, 18, 19
Ex 3E Zero index (page100) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 101)
10 Quick Questions 1 (page 102) / Excel: Zero index (page100)
Mathcad: Zero index (page100) /

N 5.1 Ex 3E Q1-7

Students use and interpret index notation.

N 6.1 Ex 3E Q1-7

Students compare and order rational numbers (working with indices)
Raising a power to another power (page 102)
WE 20a-b, 21, 22
Ex 3F Raising a power to another power (page104) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 105) / Game time 002 (page 104)
WorkSHEET 3.2 (page104) / Excel: Raising a power to a power (page 104)
Mathcad: Raising a power to a power (page 104) /

N 5.1 Ex 3F Q1-6

Students use and interpret index notation.

N 6.1 Ex 3F Q1-6

Students compare and order rational numbers (working with indices)
Square and cube roots (page 105)
WE 23, 24
Ex 3G Square and cube roots (page 106) / 10 Quick Questions 2 (page 107)
Investigation: The chessboard problem (page 108) / SkillSHEET 3.4: Linking between squares and square roots (page 106)
SkillSHEET 3.5: Calculating square roots (page 106)
SkillSHEET 3.6: Linking between cubes and cube roots (page 107)
SkillSHEET 3.7: Calculating cube roots (page 107)
SkillSHEET 3.8: Estimating square roots and cube roots (page107)
SkillSHEET 3.9: Using a calculator to evaluate square roots and cube roots (page 107)
WorkSHEET 3.3 (page107) / Excel: Square roots (DIY) (page106)
Mathcad: Square and cube roots (page 106) /

N 5.1 Ex 3G Q1-3

Students use and interpret index notation.

N 6.1 Ex 3G Q4-7

Students use and interpret cube roots.
Summary (page 109)
Chapter review (page 110) / ‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions
(page 110)
Topic tests (2)

Chapter 4 Expanding and factorising Suggested time: 4 weeks

Strand: Patterns and algebra

Topic: Equivalence and equations


/ GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment tasks, History of mathematics, Maths Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code puzzles / SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive games,
Test yourself, Topic tests
(CD–ROM) / Technology applications
(CD–ROM) /

Learning outcomes

Are you ready? (page112) / SkillSHEETS (page 112)
4.1: Like terms
4.2: Collecting like terms
4.3: Multiplying algebraic terms
4.4: Expanding brackets I
4.7: Division of algebraic terms
4.8: Square roots
4.9: Multiplication of common fractions
4.10: Division of common fractions /

PA 6.2

Students interpret and solve problems using algebraic methods.

N 4.3

Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving common fractions.

N 5.1

Students use and interpret square roots.
Expanding single brackets (page 113)
WE 1a-d, 2a-c, 3a-d
Ex 4A Expanding single brackets (page 115) / Investigation: Oops! Any errors? (page 116)
Investigation: The Bagels game (page 116) / SkillSHEET 4.1: Like terms (page 116)
SkillSHEET 4.2: Collecting like terms I (page 116) / Excel: Expanding single brackets (page 115)
Mathcad: Expanding single brackets (page115)
GC program – Casio: Expanding (page 115)
GC program – TI: Expanding (page 115) /

PA 6.2 Ex 4A Q1-3

Students interpret and solve problems using algebraic methods. (expanding and simplifying expressions)
Expanding two brackets (page 117)
WE 4a-d
Ex 4B Expanding two brackets (page 118) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 118) / SkillSHEET 4.3: Multiplying algebraic terms (page 118)
SkillSHEET 4.4: Expanding brackets (page 118) / Mathcad: Expanding two brackets (page 118)
GC program – Casio: Expanding (page 118)
GC program – TI: Expanding (page 118) /

PA 6.2 Ex 4B Q1-3