Canadian Infantry Division’s - Sniper Training Field Manual

Qualifications of a Sniper

·  A marksman.

·  Able to avoid enemy contact.(Good at hiding)

·  Able to defend ones self in close combat.

·  Very strong with communications.

·  Being able to spy on the enemy.

·  Knows all the maps extremely well.


Stances vs. Movement

1.  Understanding your accuracy with different stances.

·  Standing - Fastest moving but the least accurate, also you are an easy target to hit.

·  Crouched - Able to move freely at a slower speed but improved accuracy, you are a more difficult target to hit.

·  Prone - Slow restricted movement with the superior accuracy and making you a difficult target to hit.

2.  How movement changes your accuracy.

·  The more movement you have (jumping, running, falling) the less accurate your shots will be.

Close Quarters Combat:

1.  Preparing for close combat

·  Look for cover - Try to look for a bunker, building, rocks, and so on to have somewhere where the enemy can only attack you from one angle(be alert for enemy grenades being tossed into your area).

·  Attack or run – Should you attack the enemy or run depends on the following criteria:

i.  What weapon does the enemy have?

ii. Is the enemy alone?

iii.  What is your ammo count?

iv.  Can you attack first?

v. What’s the skill level of your enemy?

vi.  Am I defending a key area?

vii.  What is your health status?

2.  Choice of weapons

·  Sniper Rifle – You should try to avoid using your sniper rifle in close combat. If you miss the enemy will probably have 10 shots at you before you release your next shot.

·  Knife – Use as a last resort. It does not inflect much damage and you have to be within a couple of feet of the enemy. Damage varies from 1 to 4 stabs, depending where you hit the enemy (head = 1, body = 2, legs 3 to 4).

·  Pistol – Probably your best choice as a sniper to use the pistol, simply because it has a good rate of fire, it has a medium range, and it packs a punch when unloading the clip into the enemy. Try to aim for the head if possible (1 to 2 head shots will take out an enemy).

·  Grenade – It is a great close quarter’s weapon as long as you are not within the blast radius yourself. It is great to toss one at the enemy’s feet when not suspecting. It will kill within approximately a 20 foot radius. Tossing grenades on the run will take out enemies running behind you. Dropping them out of windows or bouncing them off walls is excellent for clearing rooms. Lobbing them over hills and buildings will kill the enemy without getting a shot off at you.

3.  Communicating with team mates for backup

·  Always call for backup when needed. There maybe help just seconds away that can help you. Then you will just have to stay alive until help arrives. This also lets your team know of enemy movement and can prepare for a possible attack.

·  Scout your area before settling in. If you spot enemy troops or incoming armor, give a radio call out to the rest of your troops. This is vital for warding off pending attacks and shift attention to that area.

Weapons Training (Sniper Tactics):

1.  The sniper rifle

·  When you enter the scope mode your scope will normally bounce up and down, if you are shooting very far away this may cause you to miss and give your position away. Usually after a few seconds it will calm down.

·  Aiming for the head is your best shot. Hitting anywhere else will take at least 2 shots and will just make the enemy aware of your position.

·  After you shoot hold down your fire button to keep the scope on to see how your shot hit. If you continue to hold down the fire button after you shoot you will reload your rifle with the scope on, then release the fire button and press alt fire at the same time, this way you can be continuously in scope looking for new targets (in battlefield 1942 only).

2.  Stances and accuracy

·  Standing

i.  Fastest moving but the least accurate, also you are an easy target to hit unless you are moving quickly.

·  Crouched

i.  Able to move freely at a slower speed but with improved accuracy, you are a more difficult target to hit.

·  Prone

i.  Slow restricted movement with the superior accuracy and making you a difficult target to see and hit.

3.  Knowing your sniper spots

·  Look for good cover; try to blend in with your surroundings. Try to find low-level areas behind bushes, rocks and trees. Go prone and stay sharp. A nice spot for snipers in Battlefield 1942 is to go prone along sandbags in desert levels because you are well camouflaged.

·  Knowing where to position yourself is the key to a good sniper. Do not sit in a location that is the highest point and in clear view (i.e. standing on a hill top sniping). You will look like a dark shadow against a bright background.

4.  Kill zones

·  Scout your area before settling in. If you spot enemy troops or incoming armor, give a radio call out to the rest of your troops. This is vital for warding off pending attacks and shift attention to that area.

·  Pick the right spawn point. Don’t pick the one where a heavy battle is going on. You are a sniper who attacks from a distance not a machine gunner.

·  After you kill someone you should move to a new location. One of the rules of being a sniper is concealment and stealth. If you remain in the same spot the enemy you’ve just killed will be returning to get even and knows where you are.

·  If there is more than one sniper in an area on your team; communicate your targets and try to over lap your range so one of you will have a clear shot at the enemy.

·  Know where the nearest ammo boxes and medical cabinets are. You are a sniper but that don’t make you invincible or immortal. You will get shot at and most likely wounded. Knowing where health is located will save your life. Try not to be spotted on the way there or it will make your trip useless.

5.  Targets for the sniper

·  Troops manning Anti Aircraft guns.

·  Troops manning mounted machine guns.

·  Troops manning Tank Machine guns.

·  Medics healing enemy troops.

·  Engineers repairing vehicles or disabling mines.

·  Soldiers waiting for aircraft to respawn.

·  Enemy Snipers.

6.  Hitting moving targets with the sniper rifle

·  Hitting a moving target two hundred yards away is no easy task. You have to be aware of many elements. Bullet speed, range, target size, leading and location are just a few of the difficulties the sniper faces. The only way you are going to be good at this is to practice, practice and practice. Be aware that if you miss the enemy may know your location and attack alone or call in reinforcements.