Yerbury PE and Sport Premium Impact 2013/2014
PRIORITIES / ACTIONS / IMPACTS / EVIDENCE1.Improve quality of teaching and diversity of curriculum in order for all pupils to make regular and sustained progress
Curriculum Development / •Invested in a range of quality equipment to aid delivery of effective PE lessons.
•Gymnastic scheme of work introduced for all years.
•Professional dance teacher employed to deliver high quality lessons, develop choreographed and creative dance and link to topic work. / Teachers using new equipment to support improved learning in PE lessons.
Quality of Gymnastics + Dance lessons has improved.
Dance is now supporting topic work and taking a more prominent role in class presentations and performances.
All pupils confident to try new activities. / Self & Peer Review indicates that new equipment makes it easier for teachers to ensure progress within PE sessions.
Pupil discussions indicate that children are more engaged in PE sessions and are more focused on improving their dance, gymnastics etc.
Increased presence of dance in class presentations and performances
Achievement of Pupils / •Assessment for Learning in PE training for teachers through INSET.
•Staff INSET covering how to improve quality of feedback and differentiation for pupils.
•Increase opportunities for competitive sports.
•Increased use of personalised targets in lessons. / •AfL is used by all staff in PE sessions.
•Most staff are confident and competent to use a range of teaching and learning styles in PE to match lesson content
•Children confident to take part in new activities
•More pupils given opportunity to take part in inter-school sporting competitions. / Boys’football team won Islington and London football tournaments. Girls won Islington football. School team won Islington swimming gala
Individuals won cross country and indoor athletics competitions
Increased uptake and provision of after school club PE clubs EG Military fitness club, Badminton, Kayaking.
Sports Participation is monitored to ensure as many children as possible have the opportunity to participate in competitive activities against other schools.
Professional Development / • / •Staff increasingly confident of delivering high quality PE lessons.
•Staff more reflective of good practise.
•Staff deliver enjoyable, challenging and well-pitched PE lessons.
•All children feel confident to participate in PE. / Self and peer review–Staff have a better understanding of how to deliver high quality PE lessons.
Pupil discussions indicate that PE lessons are both more enjoyable and more focused on improvement of skills etc.
Teacher Surveys show that staff feel more confident of their ability to teach high quality PE lessons
2.To increase opportunities for participation, including for our young SEND pupils, in a range of extra-curricular and competitive opportunities
Extra Curricular Activities / •Increase range and choice of after-school sporting activities
•Kayaking course at local club targeting PP children and those with less opportunities at home
•Midday supervisors & playground mentors organise and support playground games. with new playground equipment.
•Inter –school swimming gala: all children in year 4, 5and 6 trialled.
•Introduce table tennis to Breakfast club / Greater number of after-school club on offer - including football (x2), Basketball, Netball, Military Fitness and Badminton.
Kayaking course completed
New equipment purchased and mentor system running.
/ After-School Club Registers show an increase in participation in PE themed clubs.
Children and parents positive comments on motivation of children to attend school and participate in further events.
Competitive Opportunities / •Take part in inter-school competitions
•Fair selection procedure for school teams balancing ability with opportunity.KS1 & KS2 Sportsday
•Celebrate achievement in sport in whole-school assemblies / •Competitive and successful football, netball and athletics teams with a large number of participants
•Pupils recognise the wider benefits of participating in sport and consider it an important part of their development / Boys’ football team won Islington and London football tournaments. Girls won Islington football. School team won Islington swimming gala.
Individuals won cross country and indoor athletics competitions.
Monitoring register has been started to make sure that as many children as possible have the opportunity to take part in competitive competitions.
Parental feedback shows that most children and parents are much happier with increased opportunity
3.Health and well being –To use physical activity to improve pupils’health, wellbeing and educational outcomes
Awareness of healthy lifestyles / •Regular whole school Health and Wellbeing assemblies
•Big sporting events discussed as a whole school and in class (e.g. Olympics, World Cup etc.)
•Cross Curricular links made between healthy living and sport.
•Drive to increase uptake of healthy school meals. / •Pupils consistently make healthy lifestyle choices that are celebrated and shared
•Positive attitudes towards healthy active lifestyles are encouraged among pupils and staff and extended to parents and carers
•A decrease in children eating packed lunches + Increase in uptake of school dinners. / Renewal Application for Healthy School status currently being made.
School meal uptake is now at 88% up from approximately 65% at the beginning of Summer term 2014.
Children exhibit a good knowledge of healthy lifestyles when taught as part of the Science curriculum.
Engaging the least active / •Least active children identified through discussion with teachers and targeted by extra-curricular clubs
•Quadkids tournament in Summer term chosen from least active children according to involvement audit for children / Least active children identified and encouraged to join extra-curricular activities.
Children who hadn’t yet represented the school and were keen to do so were selected and competed.
A register monitoring pupil participation kept so that all children have opportunity to compete. / After-School Club Registers show an increase in participation in PE themed clubs by ‘less active’children.
Participation is monitored by the PE coordinator to ensure that all children, including the least active, are participating in competitions etc.
4.To use PE, School sport and physical activity to impact on whole school priorities
Celebrating individual and team achievement as a whole school community / Football trophies, sports awards, swimming certificates presented and celebrated during whole school assembly / All staff and children aware of school’s participation and success in inter-school competitions / Good as Gold’Assemblies where sporting achievements are celebrated.
Recent trophies and cups are on display
Weekly updates communicate successes and participation.
Help to ensure that all groups of children are making as much progress in school as possible. / •1 to 1 dance sessions for children with SEN/emotional/social needs.
•Free after-school clubs for FSM children. / Improvement in behaviour for learning. / Teachers have observed an improvement in behavior for learning.
All FSM children have at least been offered to participate in after-school clubs.