Online meeting 01. July 2015 in English
Welcome dear friends around the the name of Jesus Christ and Bruno Gröning and all those Spiritual Masters who walked and healed upon this planet between us…. we are happy to meet us again. So let us have a wonderful and holy time together on this path of letting go, LET GO everything old and dark things and obstacles, thought structures and belief systems. Let us dive deep into the vibration of love…
Let us start with one statement of Bruno Gröning, which is really true and very suitable for our broadcastings here, our internet meetings:
„The sender sends continually and therefore it is not necessary that the sender comes to the receiver or vice versa. Everybody should stay where he is. He only needs to tune in to the sender. And by the reason that he did not know this we must receive in the community for the present. Meanwhile I can leave Germany and I can stay somewhere in foreign countries but I will always send you the "Healing Wave". No matter where you are. You just need to tune in.“
Bruno Gröning
Isn’t it fantastic, that this is possible? Not only that you now may sit at home in a comfortable surrounding and feel the Healing Wave, but he said something very different here. HE said, that it doesn’t matter WHERE we are, we just can be everywhere but stay calm for some seconds and concentrate of the DIVINE ENERGY, and we will switch on that divine channel of Love. We just need to tune in. So I would like to remember you at our proper sitting posture, no crossed legs and arms, let the divine energy flow through all your blood vessels, limbs and get aware of this high vibration, Bruno so often told us.
Do nothing – JUST FEEL – and listen and understand this time together as a fuel station, where we take up all the energy we need for the next time.
How we can do this, we can read from the book Opening of heartdoors of Eileen Caddy from today, the first of July.
“Rejoice and give eternal thanks, for you know that you live forever. You do it one day at a time, living each moment fully and gloriously, forgetting the past, with no concern for the future, simply accepting that life is eternal and has no beginning and no end. All the time you are growing and expanding in consciousness, you are beginning to understand the mystery and wonder of life eternal and your realisation of oneness with ME, the CREATOR OF LIFE. Step by step you move onward and upward filled with peace and serenity, realising that as all is in MY hands, you have nothing to concern yourself with. It is when you try to look too far ahead that life becomes a real burden, and to many souls bring fear, uncertainty and even lack of faith and belief. Become as a little child, free and joyous, and life will be a continual source of delight for you. Believe in life and live it fully.”
Yes, dear friends, being like little children, curios for every new day and not to look too far ahead. That is not very easy…
So let us listen to a music and don’t forget to FEEL into your body, please:
Welcome back, dear friends, hope you could relax now and got a bit more sensitive now to experience the Healing wave, the divine energy floating through your body. Please stay tuned in like that and let us continue in our program:
I would like to display 2 small paragraphs from the book of Fredy Hosp: Spirit rules over matter, Chapter 1 – All is vibrating energy: This is - after my conviction - one of the most important advices to new and interested visitors :
Bruno Gröning sagte:
„Nicht menschenhörig, sondern immer gotthörig sein!“ Und weiter erklärte er: „Gotthörig sein, das ist alles!!!“
Das ist einer der besten, aber auch schwierigsten Ratschläge, die man einem Menschen erteilen kann, da wir doch alle gewohnt sind und auch das Bedürfnis haben uns mit den nächst Angehörigen oder auch Freunden auszusprechen und sie um ihre Ansichten zu befragen. Das schafft zunächst nur scheinbar eine Erleichterung für unser bedrängtes Ego. Letztlich müssen wir jedoch erkennen, dass wir mit dem entscheidenden und für das weitere Leben gravierenden Entschluss mutterseelenallein dastehen und nur noch die richtige Intuition wirklich hilfreich sein kann. Ein plötzliches Erkennen also, das ohne äußeren Anlass in unser Bewusstsein tritt und wie ein greller Blitz die wahren Zusammenhänge erleuchtet, sodass wir dann mit innerer Energie aufgeladen ganz genau wissen, was zu tun oder zu lassen ist. Das und nichts anderes muss unter wirklicher „Gotthörigkeit“ verstanden werden, und das wundervolle Empfinden der Kraft und Ruhe gibt die Zuversicht zum Handeln. Nicht jedoch irgendwelche nebulösen oder auch eingebildeten, skurrilen, undurchführbar vagen Ideen mit vielen Fragezeichen, die eher verwirren als helfen.
Bruno Gröning said:
"Do not be in human bondage, but always hear i.e. listen to God!" And further he declared: "Hearing (i.e. listening to) God, that is all!!!"
This is one of the best, but also the most difficult pieces of advice which one can give an individual, as we all actually are accustomed to and also have the urge to speak out with the closest relatives or friends and ask them about their views. At first, this creates only apparently a relief to our beleaguered ego. Ultimately, however, we must realize that we are left utterly alone with the decisive and serious decision for the future life and the correct intuition alone can further really be helpful. A sudden realization, thus, which occurs in our consciousness without external cause and, like a flash of light illuminates the true interrelations, so that we then, charged with internal energy, exactly know what is to be done or left alone. That and nothing else is to be understood by real “listening to God“, and the wonderful sense of strength and peace give the confidence to act. Not, however, some nebulous or even imaginary, whimsical, impractical vague ideas with many question marks that confuse rather than help. A. Hosp from "Spirit rules over matter"
Fotos: Bruno Gröning and Doris Puchalka (right) and an unknown lady in front of the Basilica of Saint Marcus, Venetia
- and in the next of his words he said something vital concerning the human kind around the world of all nations and religions:
“Bruno Gröning's explanations would basically fill volumes. It is, therefore, necessary always to use his sayings matching the topic and explain their significance in the present time. If he said for example, "I hear from you only the calling Gröning, Gröning, Gröning! About that I must say that I am not important, but it depends alone on YOURSELF whether you think and do the right thing. One time, all mankind will be so God connected by themselves to absorb the necessary energy for healing and gain full health."
Everyone should consider what this passage says. It is utter nonsense to lead mankind in the erroneous belief that BRUNO would do anything and everything for them and that one for that reason could calm down and behave "lazy about" their personal growth. In reality, the exact opposite is the case. Our great teacher wanted and wants people who listen to his advice not to tie them up to himself, but show them the way to spiritual freedom. As we already know, each of us possesses a certain transcendent individual frequency, which determines the space on the so-called "ladder to heaven". The individual frequency is caused by the sum of all past activities of the immortal spirit being Man. Now, if a such-loaded individual comes to a place of higher spiritual energy, as this is the case for example in "places of grace" or next to healing springs, then they can, as far as they are willing to let go of uneasy ideas, and confidently turn to the divine help, receive the inexhaustible current that leads them to their salvation and ultimately to healing, if they manage to remain in the energy rich upper vibration.
On the pages now following, it shall be shown how far-reaching and comprehensive that spiritual knowledge is, which Bruno Gröning wants to convey to the people, striving for the spiritual truth. They are thus given the opportunity to build an inner intimate and unbreakable relationship with their Creator, and in fact beyond religions or denominations and their doctrines, liturgies and ceremonies. Also this Bruno Gröning meant, when he said: „I have come to ALL Mankind!“
Yes, dear friends, all is vibrating energy…everywhere you may see the signs of good and evil. If you OPEN your eyes and pull out your sensitive antennas you may see more. Being on our way of spiritual practice and periodic continuation gives us the ability to discern what is spiritually negative and what is positive.I'll give you a very recent example:
For instance: During the last years, - you may have noticed this too - in every shop appeared afashion trend with skulls. At ancient times they’ve been still regarded as a sinister symbol of a counterculture, skull images have now become a fashion trend and find virtually anywhere using, ranging from children's clothing to the underwear, flip flops or mousepads. People wear skull combinations in all variants, the total Gothic style to a tiny emphasis on classic outfit. Even famous fashion designers have incorporated the skull motif in their models and accessories. Already often was found that clothing with skull motifs got faster sold than other clothing, even bedclothes for baby cots are signed with skulls.
As a rule, people are opting for a fashion trend, because this others also do so. They believe that the idea of skulls to be placed on various objects in our daily use, are 'pretty', 'creative' or 'original'. But they hardly think about the spiritual impact of what they put on.
According to the science of spirituality of the masters of the Far East (Bruno Gröning was very open for their wisdom) the entire universe was composed from 3 subtle basic components – SATTVA, RAJA AND TAMA. Sattva represents spiritual purity and knowledge; Raja is action and passion, while Tama means ignorance and laziness . The subtle vibrations that radiate from everything and everyone, will be displayed by those components. A skull is a symbol of death and is associated with a large amount of negative or Tama vibrations.
The skull fashion in our society was brought by negative entities. People who are obsessed with demonic entities are tied most of this fashion. The demonic beings that they dominate, influence their thoughts and increase their fondness for things that emit negative vibrations. If obsessive people opt to choose clothing with skulls, they help those demonic entities to control them, they give them even more power. In addition, such a fashion trend increases everywhere a negative vibration in our whole society.
I won’t go into more detail on this topic. Although it's exciting and interesting to know about these correlations, we should only be aware of this, that we should walk much more attentively through life with a keen mind and open eyes and ears. We always should pay attention to which vibration we absorb in us.
In the following experience report of Anny Ebner von Eschenbach we will get to know a much more revealing and insightful message:
The Carpenter Craftman
( under „Documents concerning Bruno Gröning“)
Anny Baronesse Ebner von Eschenbach, 1960 Copy (PDF)
Once, I asked Bruno Gröning: „Is it this way that the healing just serves the purpose to lead people back to God? In that almost everybody is sick, they listen to your call and make their way to you – and through you now they hear about the true BELIEF IN GOD, which so many people have lost?“
Bruno Gröning answered:“Yes, you have grasped it pretty well, that’s the way it is! People without belief in GOD are indeed bound to have a sick body, as they are no longer in the state of divine order. Healing as such is easy, however, causing people to REVERSE their WAY OF LIFE is very difficult.“
By means of this little tablecloth here, I can show you my task. Here at this embroidery some lines are torn off, as if separated from each other. These are the people, who have separated themselves from their BELIEF IN GOD, though not yet fallen prey to Satan too much. There, I can tie together again, give them the connection back again. Ninety percent I can help.
However here, – like in this snailformed embroidery – where the people are all intertwined in their own thoughts, I say „sealed“, I cannot help. They reject the help by me.
And here, this part of embroidery, which is all torn off at the edge of the tablecloth, outside the embroidered circle, these are the people who stand AGAINST GOD, those who live at the expense of other people, who carry the evil to people, they burden others and are tools of Satan. Those I may not help, because they would use their health solely to continually serve evil forces.
If you look out of the window – over there, in this big house (it was the Thatiner church) there too, should be good thoughts exclusively, but are not. Sometimes, when nobody is inside, I go there and purify it. To me it is a torment to being compelled to living in such a big block of flats, for I see all the thoughts of these people and often they are awful. I would rather live in the forest than in a city!“
Some days later, I was granted to spend Mr. Gröning a visit with my sister, who already had undergone a variety of surgery. Among other comments, Bruno Gröning said the following: „If you own a precious table, which let’s say, comes from the baroque aera and the same is being damaged, are you now taking it to any carpenter whatsoever?“ „No“, my sister said, „then, I take it to a carpenter craftman, so the table wouldn’t be repaired inappropriately and loose it’s value.“
„Right,“ Bruno Gröning responded, „how precisely you know this about a piece of furniture! Now, our body is a yet far more precious piece of furniture and still, you take it to those ignorant carpenters and let them messing it up pretty much. Now, you have finally arrived at the carpenter craftman, who first has to remove the errors to bring forth the stylistic genuine traits again. Thus, the plane is to be put on and that hurts – therefore, don’t fear and keep standing! Maintain your confidence and firmly believe: THE DIVINE POWER HEALS!“
I would like to add here that Bruno Gröning always spoke to people by examples, through which they could comprehend him much better. He always gave his time and attention to the trains of thought of the individual professional groupings. My sister, for instance, was in fact very much interested in old, antique furniture. When Bruno Gröning spoke at the gatherings, (prior to speaking) he absorbed – as he himself told me – the thoughts oft the individuals present and, depending on the majority, he spoke the examples.
-With rural people (he spoke) about harvest, cereal ear, the soil;
-with technical people (he spoke) about radio broadcast, the car, the engine;
-with housewives (he spoke) about cooking, about the home and the kids – however it was always a comparison to the body, to the thoughts and to attainment of health. Thus, I listened to many speeches and conversations of Bruno Gröning, but the examples were always different, as well as the form, however, in their spiritual content they always had the same goal:
Belief and confidence!
NOT Require, but Acquire!
Do not demand, but attain!
NOT try from God, but convince yourself of his power!
Source: Josette Gröning (Publ..): The mental-spiritual healer (Denkendorf bei Plochingen/Neckar 1960) Nr. 7, pgs. 106-108
My dear friend Ellie from Australia send me a very interesting letter about
Achieving the Christ consciousness
Dear Friends, to attain the Christ consciousness is the goal for every human being and the reason why we keep coming back to Earth and it applies to all
religions and beliefs in the world.
The Divine master Jesus had this consciousness and he said: that ignorance is the cause of all sin. He saw that in order to practice forgiveness or the science of forgiving, man must be enlightened to the fact that man has power to forgive all sin, discord and disharmony; that it is not God who forgives sin, for God has nothing to do with the sin, sickness and dis-harmony of man; that man himself, brought these into being and man must is the only one who can erase or forgive them. (dear friends, that’s precisely what we are doing here following Bruno’s teaching; letting go of false beliefs about sickness and imperfection and by doing this we are forgiving ourselves for the lack of knowledge that brought all these into our lives) “Letting go is what causes the