Yearly Overview 2017-18
Class: Chaffers / AUTUMN / SPRING / SUMMERMAIN TOPIC / Adventures in Space / Island Tales / Fire Fire!
History / Changes within living memory. Use the history of Space Travel to reveal aspect of change in National life.Focus on US / American Space Race, and subsequent British involvement (Tim Peake).
Significant event: Moon Landing
Significant individuals: Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin and Tim Peake / Local History week: Explore history of Long Sutton / Significant historical event: The Great Fire of London.
Significant individual: Samuel Pepys
Geography / Mapping and directions: Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of the school and its grounds.
Devise a simple map of the school (incl key) from aerial photographs (Link with view from Space) / Compare Coll and Madagascarwith reference to human and physical features.
Continents and Oceans / London,capitals and countries of the United Kingdom
Fieldwork: local area
Science / Plants: Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. Plant bulbs in pots outside and in classroom.
Living things and their habitats: Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, and discover how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants. Trip to Alice Holt. Investigate food chains. / Plants: Observe and describe how seeds and grow into mature plants.
Materials: Investigate suitable materials for making a postbag for Katie Morag. / Plants: conditions for healthy growth
Animals including humans: Human and animal life cycles; keeping healthy
ICT / I-pads to photograph school and grounds, and to record sound and pictures.
Paint programme – create picture background using brushes and shapes (Art link)
Word processing: open, save and add text to document.
Discuss e-safety with children / Internet + e-safety
Data handling: create graphs / Internet + e-safety
Roamer: directional instructions
Word processing: further skills
Art / Oil Pastel:drawings of planets and stars.
Paint: large-scale paintings of planets for display
Investigate creating backgrounds for collages with a range of techniques and effects. Select one to create own version of work by artist, Peter Thorpe / Watercolour: views of Coll
Oil pastels: Pictures in the style of John Bellany’s Scottish scenes.
Print: African patterns / Textiles: Weaving cold and warm colours
Clay tile: featuring item from the landscape / clay house
DT / Textiles:Design and create a tree decoration for Christmas. Choose suitable materials and include sewing.
Food technology: Design a space bar for an astronaut to take on their journey / Structure:Photo Frame
Food technology:Scotch broth / Mechanisms: fire engine – wheels, axels and winder
Food technology: bread
PE / Dance : Create movements around Space theme
Tag rugby, netball, and gym. / Hockey, football, gym and dance / Athletics, tennis and rounders
RE / Guru Nanak’s BirthdayFind out about this important event in the Sikh calendar
Light at Advent - investigate the rituals and symbolism surrounding the Advent Wreath / Stories of the Gurus
Easter – celebrating new life. / Church – Specialness / Worship
God Talk – Worship and Prayer
Music / Hey you – Use Charanga music scheme to investigate pulse, rhythm and pitch, by learning song, Hey you.
Christmas Play: learn and perform songs for Christmas play / Charanga: Glockenspiel stage 1;Hands, feet, heart – African styles of music / Charanga: Zootime; Reflect, Rewind, Replay
PHSE / Getting to know eachother. Class charter.
Say no to Bullying
Who is in Charge / My body is important
Celebrating and recognising differences. / Taking Charge
Looking forward