ROOM 1 We are so glad that it’s June, because that means warm, nicer weather. Hopefully, we can start going on lots of buggy rides! We are still working on getting our family photos up, so please bring those in. The babies love seeing familiar faces during the day. During the summer months, we will be singing some of our favorite songs, such as “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “I’m a Little Teapot.” While singing with your child at home, get a pie pan and a spoon and hit it to the beat of the music, and then show your child how to do the same. Children love to hear noises and make music. We hope everyone will enjoy the summer—many of our families are taking vacations. Be safe and enjoy the warm weather!
Yeah! Summer is here! Finally the warmer weather has arrived. The children are enjoying being able to go out on the playground on a daily basis. We will be working on our Father’s Day gifts to send home to all of our great dads. We hope you enjoy your gifts and have a Happy Father’s Day. This summer we will be turning a wall in our room into a giant beach. The children will make fish, shovels and pails, beach balls, and paint a giant ocean. Also this summer, we will do a week on summer cookouts. We will make items you see and eat, such as hot dogs, burgers, grills, salads, fruits, and many other fun things. Summer is here, and that means it’s time for water play! Room 2 will participate in water play on Mondays. Your child will need a swimsuit/trunks, a beach towel, and sandals or water shoes. The children will go out Monday mornings before lunch. Parents, please remember to apply sunscreen to your child each morning before bringing them to school. Have a safe and happy summer!
Summer in Room 3 will begin June 16. On June 20, we will do our first water play, so please be sure to have your child here by 9:00 a.m. We will begin water play at 9:15. Your child will need a swimsuit, towel, water shoes or sandals, and sunscreen applied before arrival. Make sure all items are labeled—there will be a basket outside the door for your convenience. We will talk to the children about water safety and the importance of listening before we begin water play. Fun activities we will do during water play also incorporate learning experiences. Which things sink and float, how much water soaks in a sponge, and the difference between wet and dry are all different discoveries that will take place. We will set up a sprinkler and water table for the children to enjoy. If your child is afraid of water, please let us know. How long water play lasts will depend upon how warm or cool it is that day. Other fun, summer activities will include a beach party week, a camping week (we will set up a tent in the classroom), and a week about horses. During this week, the children will get to see real things involving horses, such as saddles and bridles. Summer will be a lot of fun. We will be playing outside a lot so please dress your child appropriately. Gym shoes or closed-toed shoes are recommended for their safety. Thanks and enjoy your summer!
Yeah, let summertime begin! The teachers have all been very busy planning a fun-filled, developmentally appropriate learning experience for your preschooler. We can’t wait! The summer will begin with new groups. Room 6 will become the Pre-K room with a lot of Pre-K readiness going on! Room 5 will be ages 3 and 4. Some of the preschoolers will be switching groups, some will not. Check out the list posted on each door. In June, we will begin water play and field trips. Keep an eye out for permissions slips throughout the summer. Our themes are very focused on summer and all it has to offer. We begin with beach week and a luau. Next, we will have the colors and shapes of summer. Many of our Pre-K’s will be going to Safetyville, also. They will love it! We are so proud to live in America, and we celebrate this privilege with our classes as July 4 comes around. Travel with us to our favorite vacation places as we share our vacation memories. As July continues, our rooms will become a zoo, and we will learn all about many different animals and how they live. Boonshoft will be visiting with animals, too! Healthy eating habits continue to be a main focus as “we get cookin!’” Summer foods, yum! It will be music, music, music to our ears as we listen and learn all about instruments and have a parade. We will recycle some things as we make our own instruments. Some special visitors will play for us, too! As summer continues, August will bring the Summer Olympics in China and at Cradles to Crayons. It will be a spectacular event with planned activities and a medal presentation to all your preschoolers. To end the summer, we will celebrate everyone’s birthday with a “very merry un-birthday” week. We are so excited!
A Few Reminders for Summer:
· Please put sunscreen on your child each morning.
· Keep an eye on dates for field trips and show-n-tell Fridays.
· Dress your child in comfortable clothes and sneakers for outdoor play.
· Provide water play clothes, towel, and water shoes for your child with his/her name on it.
· Label and bring a change of clothes for your child’s cubby basket.
Thanks a lot! We look forward to a super-fantastic summer!
Fruit and Vegetable Stamping
Wow! Summer is finally here, and what great times we will be having. We are really looking forward to field trips, water play, and hiking. Our outside time will be a time for the children to learn science and exploring. We will still make time for math and art in our daily schedule, as well. I am planning on a lot of reading this summer, and we’ll be pairing up the older children with the younger children. Each child will pick a book, and then the older children will get to share their reading skills with the younger ones, and vice versa. We will still have time for a few cooking projects, although we hope to spend most of our time outside. We will be getting ready for Father’s Day by making a special craft for Dad. Since we know writing and reading are very important for children entering first grade, we will work on this throughout the summer in new and interesting ways. As we are outside a large part of our day, please apply your child’s sunscreen in the mornings, and we will reapply it in the afternoon. Have a happy Summer!
Magic Show
June Birthdays
6/2-Mackenzie-Room 3 6/3-Ana-Room 5
6/3-Caleb-Room 4
6/10-Lauren-Happy 1st Birthday!
6/13-AJ-Happy 1st Birthday!
6/15-Teja-Room 4 6/16-Jacob-Room 3
6/19-Elyse-Happy 1st Birthday!
6/23-Caris-Room 5 6/23-Nathan-Room 5
6/26-Will-Room 5 6/26-Zach-Room 5
July Birthdays
7/1-Niyah-Room 3 7/16-Christian-Room 5
7/17-Nathan W.-Room 6 7/28-Jackson-Room 3
August Birthdays
8/2-Ryan M.-Room 5 8/5-Danielle S.-Room 3
8/5-Kate-Room 5 8/9-Caroline-Room 2
8/12-Emma-Room 3 8/12-Nicholas-Room 3
8/15-Sydney F.-Room 4 8/16-Kyra-Room 5
8/16-Natalie-Happy 1st Birthday!
8/24-Kalie-Room 4 8/28-Olivia R.-Room 4
“A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken.” -James Dent