Yearly Display Calendar

Date / Event /


/ Pg.
January / Back to School /

Welcome back

January 26 / Australia Day /

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi

February 4 / World Cancer Day /

Cancer is a word, not a sentence

February 14 / Valentine’s Day /

Love is in the air

February 20 / World Social Justice /

Grit lit

March (first Wednesday) / Mathematics Day /

More numbers than you can count

March 8 / International Women’s Day /

Go get ‘emgrrls

March 17 / St Patrick’s Day / Have a shamrocking day
March 21 / World Poetry Day /

Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings

March 21 / International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination /

Racism – No way!

March 22 / World Water Day /

Every drop counts

April 1 / April Fool’s Day /

Laugh a minute

April 7 / World Health Day /

Eat to live, not live to eat

April 23 / Shakespeare’s Birthday / To be or not to be
April 23 / St George’s Day /

Let there be dragons

April 25 / ANZAC Day /

Lest we forget

April 28 / International Day of the Dog /

Dog day afternoon

May 3 / World Press Freedom Day /

Celebrate your freedom to read

May 15 / International Day of Families /

Families are forever

May (third week) / Archaeology Week /

Digging around

June 5 / World Environment Day /

Save the earth

June 17 / World Day to Combat Desertification /

As dry as bones

June ( third week) / Refugee Week /

Walk in my shoes

July (first week) / NAIDOC Week /

Proud to be black

July 4 / American Independence Day /

Back in the USA

July 14 / Bastille Day /

Vive la France

July (last week) / National Tree Day /

Hug a tree

July 30 / International Friendship Day /

Friendship – Yes please

August 1 / Horses’ Birthday /

Happy birthday horse

August (week 3) / Children’s Book Week /

August (week 3) / Science Week
Astronomy /

Science - an imaginative adventure of the mind

Look to the stars
August 6 / Hiroshima /


September(first week) / Sea Week / Sail away
September 30 / Talk Like A Pirate Day /

Heave ho me hearties!

September (last week) / Banned Books Week /

Don’t read this! It’s been banned!

September 21 / International Day of Peace /

Give peace a chance

October (month) / Zootober /


October (first week) / World Mental Health Week /

Beyond blue

October 1 / International Day of Older Persons /

Keep on raging - to stop the aging.

October 4 / World Animal Day /

Fighting back from extinction

October 5 / World Teachers’ Day /

World Teacher’s Day

October 10 / Homeless Day / Give me shelter
October (second week) / National Nutrition Week / See World Health Day April 7
October 17 / International Day for Eradication of Poverty / We can end poverty
October 31 / All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) / Trick or treat
November 5 / Guy Fawkes Day /

Explosive reads

November / Recycling Week /

It’s not junk!

November 11 / Remembrance Day / Remembrance Day
December 3 / Eureka Stockade 1854 /


December / Christmas /

Season’s readings

Displays for any time

Dystopian fiction / Dystopian fiction
Fairy tales / Fairy tales retold
Fantasy / Escape reality
Film of the book / You’ve seen the movie - now read the book
Ghosts / The undead
Horror / Nail biters
Scary stories / Be afraid, be very afraid
Steampunk / Steampunk