Friday, 11 November 2011

Dear Leader/Prayer Leader

We are entering the final five weeks of what is the third year of continuous prayer in the Mersey Region.

Praise God for all the prayer that has ascended to heaven. Rev 8 says, “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand.” Incredible to be part of something that is a sweet smelling incense to our wonderful Father in heaven, which at the same time has answers from heaven here where we live.

The churches praying for the last lap are:

Nov 13 to 20 / Long Lane Church, Garston / Victory Family Church & West Derby Evangelical Church
Nov 20 to 27 / South Liverpool Vineyard C F / Christchurch, Oxton, Wirral
Nov 27/Dc 4 / The New Life Centre
Dec 4 to 11 / Garden of Hope Church
Dec 11 to 18 / Kingsway Christian Fellowship

Please pray for them as they hold their prayer weeks.

Praise God that this year sixty churches and groups will have been involved round the year in each taking responsibility for a particular week. 75% of the year was covered by churches in different areas banding together: these were in Toxteth, Halton; Anfield, St Helens, Bootle and Wirral, although churches from many other areas took part throughout the year. Three organisations also prayed for a week.

Churches from many denominations figured in the year: Anglican, Baptist, Brethren, Independent Methodist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, and URC, plus eighteen churches that were either independent or part of major streams of churches: Vineyard, Pioneer, Redeemed, Deeper Life, Chinese Gospel Church etc.

A number of churches have reported how encouraged they have been to be part of this circle of prayer. It hasn’t all worked out perfectly though: during August there were some weeks that were not taken up and one brave church stepped in to maintain the prayer over four weeks.

What about 2012?We are considering doing another year, with a slightly different emphasis. At the TFH Prayer Team meeting, as we were praying about what to do, we had the idea of a domino prayer year. That is, a chain of churches praying round the year as before, but with this difference. Each church prays for the next church in line as a major part of their prayer week. The two churches co-operate to ensure informed prayers. Prayers for the community, region and nation would continue as before.

Would you want to be a part of this. PLEASE EMAIL ME ON TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED.


For this last section of prayers we have not got a local area on which to focus. Instead, here are some events that are going on in the Mersey Region that you are asked to pray for, and some groups that are working here that we can pray for.

1. Accelerating Community Engagement

Please pray for the meeting on November 19that the Liverpool Lighthouse in Oakfield Road, Anfield (home of the Temple of Praise church) that aims to celebrate and multiply what the church is doing in the region in reaching out to needy people in our neighbourhoods.

John Manwell, the organiser, writes, “The Government is starting to ask important questions as to what can be done for our communities in the midst of financial turbulence. The collaboration of churches and networks with initiatives which bring hope and social cohesion is vital. Much has already begun – but how much more could be done if we find new partnerships and learn from each other?”

The Accelerating Community Engagement workshop and training day is specifically designed to address the need to connect to others as well as learning from those who are ahead of us.

Please pray than many church teams and groups attend, that there is good interaction between those who go and that the outcome is more and more churches putting into practice, “love your neighbour as yourself”

(Contact Martyna Chlost on 0151 475 4059 or for more information)

2. Narnia Team’s Nativity in St George’s Hall

The Narnia team, In Another Place is back at St Georges Hall, from Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th December (5.30 pm and 7.45 pm) following the sell out Experience in February 2011. This time they’re bringing a Nativity story with a Scouse flavour! Beginning with Mary and Joseph’s engagement party the plot follows the highs and lows of this incredible story. The wise men’s journey begins on film and ends in a multicultural procession at the stable. From angels and shepherds to the threat of the evil King Herod, this story comes to life with fresh energy and ideas.

Please pray: that this is a wonderful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas in this splendid building in the heart of our city to the people of the region. Pray that it is well attended and that the Gospel message is clear and compelling.

3. Local Groups Shortlisted for Inspire Awards 2011

Two of the nine individuals, churches and projects that have been shortlisted in the Inspire Awards 2011 are from our region. The awards are for groups that inspire change through innovative projects in their communities.

Ykids, Bootle and Green Pastures, Southport will be honoured by MPs and representatives of leading Christian organisations at a ceremony in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 15 November, where the winners will be announced. The Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, secretary of state for communities and local government, said: “Faith communities make a vital contribution to national life: guiding the moral outlook of many, inspiring great numbers of people to public service, providing support to those in need” Amen to that!

Steve Clifford, general director of the Evangelical Alliance, said: “As Christians, we are passionate about seeing our communities changed for the better. So hearing about the fantastic, innovative projects and initiatives being run by Christians in towns and cities up and down the country has been truly inspiring. We thank all of those who nominated individuals, churches and projects in the Inspire Awards.”The winners will be announced on Tuesday, 15 November, following the awards ceremony.

Praise God for the recognition of these two great works, and give thanks as well for the many inspiring projects by churches in our region that go on week in week in the name of Jesus. Praise God for the impact they are having on our society and the glory brought to the Lord through what they do.

Pray: for communities to be changed by the loving action of Christians.

4. Reaching The Next Generation Scripture Union Events

On November 16th & 17th Scripture Union are holding special North West regional vision events in our region: 16th12-2pm at All Saints Stoneycroft and 17th at 7:30-9:30pm Willow Tea HouseMiIlner Road, Heswall. Scripture Union's National Director Tim Hastie-Smith will be talking about the challenges as the church seeks to communicate the good news in today's world, with a focus on the significance of the Bible for a digital generation.

Many of those who make a faith commitment do so before the age of 18. These formative years are vital for instilling beliefs and values that shape a generation. Scripture Union exists to work with churches to enable even more effective work with children young people and families through our resources and our face to face work.

The events are for church leaders, children's and youth leaders, SU volunteers and supporters and others and will include an extensive display of resources to buy as well as the opportunity to hear from local staff about the work taking place in the region and sharing resources and ideas that could be effective in your mission.

Please pray:for the equipping of churches to reach the “digital generation”.

5. YWAM ship in Liverpool

The “Next Wave” - Youth With AMission'straining sailing vessel - docked in Liverpool last week and will be staying here until April.YWAM are running a Discipleship Training School onboard at the moment, and part of the course is for the students to go on outreach to Europe and North Africa in December. Then in JanuaryYWAM Liverpoolwill partner with the Next Wave torun a School of Evangelism.

Praise God for the workersfor the harvest that havecome into Liverpool. Please pray: for more YWAMers to come and join the Next Wave and training Schools over the next 6 months.

Please pray: for the Next Wave crew, staffand trainees to be welcomed by people, tofeel at home here, tocatch God's heart for the city and region and for great networks to be builtwith churches through the city.

Please pray: forboldness and anointing for the YWAM teams (Liverpool andNext Wave) to see many saved, healed and set free and for this to help initiate another wave of evangelism and the sending out of missionaries from here.

5. Other Events

Also Please pray for the following events taking place in November.

Duggie Dug Dug - Training for children's workers
November 16th10am until 4pmSt Andrews Church, Dentons Green Lane, St Helens

City Leaders Breakfast
'Broken Britain?' Monday, 28th November 2011 from 7.30am-9.00am. Keynote Speaker Lord Boateng,former British high commissioner to South Africa, MP, cabinet minister and civil rights lawyer.

Youth Alpha
Liverpool Cathedral, Saturday 19th November. The Youth Alpha Tour exists for young people, youth workers and church leaders who want to run Youth Alpha, have done Youth Alpha or just want to find out a bit more about Youth Alpha and get trained, get equipped and get inspired to run a course.

Please prayabout the approaching Christmas period. Consider all the many events that will be organised throughout the season aimed at communicating the message of the Incarnate Lord to those who do not have faith in Him, and pray for every one of them to be powerfully effective in telling people about the true meaning of Christmas.

Pray for Liverpool Council.On 9th November the Christmas lights were turned on. There was not a single element of the display that contained any Christians content or symbol! Companies asked to tender to do the lights were given the brief to produce “festive lights” (Christmas wasn’t mentioned), and the successful candidate was given a three year contract. Please pray against secularism in our local government, and pray for an increase of the influence of Christians in the council.

Keep on praying for Street Pastors in various locations: the Liverpool ones have been in operation for two months. Please pray for a reduction in crime as a positive outcome of this work. And pray for people to be transformed by the Gospel through it. Pray for the management committee.


1. Prison’s Week 2011

Prisons Week 2011 is 20th to 26th November. Please pray for those in prison, that the transforming power of Jesus touches their lives. Pray for families who are dealing with the consequences of a family member being in prison. Pray for prison staff and chaplains who minister in the name of Jesus. Praise God for those we know who have found a living faith whilst in prison.

The Prisons Week Prayer
Lord you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends, prison staff and all who care. Heal those who have been wounded by the actions of others, especially the victims of crime. Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly together with Christ in His strength and in His Spirit, now and every day. Amen.

2. European Prayer Day for Schools

The third Tuesday of November every year is Pray Day, when schools across Europe and around the world are the focus of prayer. This year it will be held on Tuesday 15 November, with schools across the UK taking part. This is a day set aside every year for people across Europe to focus on praying for their schools, with events taking place in many countries including the UK.

3. “Clearing The Ground” Parliamentary Enquiry

A parliamentary group of MPs and Peers from across the political spectrum has been formed to examine if Christians are marginalised. They will hear evidence on whether Christians are badly treated by the law and if they are being pushed out of society.

More than 50 individuals and organisations have already made written submissions to the inquiry, with many contributions suggesting that it is becoming increasingly hard for Christians to live out their faith in their every day lives. The idea that secularism is best was blamed in part for this trend as well as equality and diversity legislation and practice. The first session on 8 November heard evidence from the Evangelical Alliance, Premier Christian Radio, the Lawyers Christian Fellowship and Maranatha Community

Gary Streeter MP, chair of the inquiry, commented: “We cannot sit back and let the Christian values which we hold dear be eroded by often tiny minority groups clambering for their own rights at the expense of a common good. Religious liberty is the historical bedrock of all our other liberties; it is an affirmation that everyone in society should have their faith respected.A truly Christian vision for a truly free public square seeks to uphold people’s right to express their views with civility, however contrary or uncomfortable, without fear of public humiliation or prosecution.”

Please pray: about the two remaining sessions:

15 November, 5.30-8pm Committee Room 9, Palace of Westminster

22 November, 6-8.30pm Grand Committee Room, Palace of Westminster

Please pray: for the committee:

Gary Streeter MP (Chair);Jim Dobbin MP; Fiona Bruce MP; Gavin Shuker MP; David Burrowes MP; Baroness Berridge;Baroness Butler-Sloss; Baroness Brinton; and Lord Edmiston


According to the Metro newspaper, English premier league player Anton Ferdinand, who is known for his spirituality, explained that at his former club a group of players would get together to pray, and said he hoped he could bring this experience over to Queens Park Rangers. Ferdinand said: 'At Sunderland we had a group who prayed. There was me, Kieran Richardson, Stephane Sessegnon, Asamoah Gyan, John Mensah, Nedum Onuoha. Hopefully I will start building that here.' The Metro reported that the sportsman also revealed his religious background, but said that he didn't appreciate the Church as much as he should have in his younger days. He credited his faith with making him 'more of a man' than he was six years ago.