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Handbook 2015-2016

Table of Contents

Note from the Directors………….……………………………………………………………….3

Choir Forms Checklist……………....……………………………………………………………4

Choir Calendar……...………....………………………………………………………………..5-8

Our Mission

Our Goal……………………...…………………………………………….……………...8

Benefits of music………....…………………………………………….…………………..9

TEKS website………………………………………………………….…………………...9

Who We Are

Rowlett Choral Ensembles…………...……………………………………….…………..10

Rowlett Choral Staff…………………..…………………………….……………………11

Voice Instructors……………………...……………….………………………………….12


Student Expectations………………..……………………………………….……….…..13

Performance and Rehearsal Expectations………….…………………………………..14

Director Expectations………………………………….………………………………15

A Cappella After-School Rehearsals…………………...………...……………………..15

Use of Fine Arts Facilities and Equipment……………………...... ……………………..16

Choir Communication…………………………………………..……………………....16

Grading Policies and Procedures………………………………....……………………...17

Other Performance Opportunities……………………………………….……………………....18

2015-16 RHS Dress Code and Grooming Policy for clubs, organizations, etc…………………..19

Choir Uniforms…………………………………………………………….……………………..20

Award Jackets……………………………………………………………...... ……………………20

For Parents

Parent Volunteers………………………………………………...…………………..…21

RHS Choir Booster Club………………………………………...……………………...21

Financial Policy…………………………………………………………….……………………....22

Choir Activity Fees……………………………………………...……………………….22

Depositing Money……………………………………………..………………………...23

Cash/Check Payments………………………………...………………………..23

Credit/Debit Payments………………………………..……………………….24


Music Enrichment Program (Voice Lessons)………………….………………………..24

Choir Forms

RHS Choral Handbook Acknowledgment Form………………………………………25

Volunteer Program Application Form………………………………………………….26

Garland ISD Volunteer Criminal History Update………………………………….27-29

The GISD Music Enrichment Program Parent Information Sheet……………………..30

Student Registration for Music Enrichment Instruction……………………………...... 31


Welcome to the Rowlett HS Choral Department! Being a member of the RHS Choral Department is an honor and a privilege. We are thrilled that you have chosen to become part of our choir family and hope that the musical experiences we share will be a source of joy, a time for personal growth and a chance to develop life-long friendship with others who love to sing.

This handbook details the many facets of the RHS Choral Department and strives to answer as many questions as possible. It describes our goals and expectations for the school year. As musicians and teachers, these expectations are high. Students will benefit from these high expectations and grow musically through discipline, hard work and optimum performance opportunities.

After you have taken the time to read through the handbook, please sign and return the Acknowledgement Form by Friday, Sept. 4th. A grade will be taken based upon successful completion of this task, the skills of following directions and meeting deadlines are paramount to success in life and as a Rowlett High School choir member.

We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with such a fine group of young people and their families. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting all the new faces as we strive for success this year. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.


Karen Lewis and Sam Brukhman, Directors

School emails:

Choir office phone: 972-463-1712, ext. 62533

RHS choir on the web:

  • Login: rowletthschoir
  • Password: student 6-digit ID number

Choir Forms - ______

Student Name/Class Period



to be turned into the Choir Office by September 4th

______RHS Choir Handbook Acknowledgement Form (pp. 25)

______Choir Form CHECKLIST (p. 4)

______Choir Activity Fee (check page 22 to see how much you owe)

______Tuxedo Shirt Fee($17, for first-year male students only)

______UPDATE all student/parent Data on ; Login – rowletthschoir, Password: Student’s 6 digit ID number

Optional Forms and Fees

to be turned into the Choir Office by September 4th:

To be a Parent Volunteer (for an overnight event only)

______Volunteer Program Application Form (pp.26)

______GISD Background Check Form (pp. 28-29)

______Copy of a Valid US ID (Driver’s License, etc.)

To take Voice Lessons

______Music Enrichment Form (Voice Lessons Form) (pp.31)

______Payment for 1stMonth’s Voice Lessons ($68)


Through participation in the ensembles offered at Rowlett High School, students are afforded the opportunity to achieve the following goals of the program:

  • Attain a healthy sound through the exploration of vocal technique and proper posture.
  • Develop strong musicianship skills through the performance of “quality” choral literature, including the following:
  • Sight-reading previously unrehearsed music.
  • Singing with line.
  • Singing with proper diction and articulation.
  • Singing with expression.
  • Singing as an ensemble.
  • Sing in a variety of styles, languages and ensembles
  • Learn through teamwork, a sense of responsibility, and commitment through a variety of performance opportunities.
  • Achieve a better appreciation, understanding, and respect for choral and vocal literature through performance and experience.

Students are presented with the opportunity to build individual musicianship skills through small ensembles and solo performance opportunities throughout the school year.


In The Arts: An Essential Ingredient in Education, J. Buchen Millet states “research shows that when arts are included in the student’s curriculum, reading, writing and math scores improve.” Like all the arts, music has a profound influence on the academic success of a student.

  • PERFORMANCE IN A MUSIC ENSEMBLE IS A GROUP EFFORT.Members are required to shift from an “I/me” reasoning to a “we/us” concept. This means extending oneself beyond the normal consideration of much of our day to day living. Instead of the logic being, “what’s in it for me?” It becomes “what’s in it for us?” The values of cooperation, correlation, and completion come in to play each rehearsal and performance.
  • MUSIC BUILDS SELF-WORTH.Although we share many similarities with our athletic counterparts, music is a place for everyone. Rarely is a person serving as an alternate or a substitute. Everyone in the ensemble is in the “starting lineup”.

Studies by the College Entrance Examination Board show that:

  • “New research on intelligence and brain function point in exciting future directions that tie directly to music, while the continuing use of music as part of the curriculum is clearly associated with both academic skills and personal characteristics that are highly desirable for school progress and for developing the kind of well-educated young people we need for the nation’s well being.”
  • Students (1993) with experience in music performance scored measurably higher in both the verbal and math sections of the Standardized Achievement Test (22 points above the mean in Verbal and 18 points above the mean in Math).
  • The correlation between cognitive learning and musical understanding continues to prove they are linked, and improving one will develop the other. In fact, music is suspected to be the key for unlocking the scientific mind.


Parents and students can refer to the following web address to read the state curriculum for high school choral music:


Students involved in the Rowlett Choir program have the opportunity to participate in a variety of ensembles:

  • WOMEN’S CHOIR– Non-auditioned group for all women, grades 9-12. This non-varsity ensemble places special emphasis on the basics of choral singing, including music literacy, building sight-reading skills, solfege, and rhythm, as well as introducing the student to literature and performance opportunities. Choir will strive to participate in UIL Music Contest.
  • MEN’S CHORUS– Non-auditioned group for all men, grades 9-12. This non-varsity ensemble places special emphasis on the basics of choral singing, including music literacy, building sight-reading skills, solfege, and rhythm, as well as introducing the student to literature and performance opportunities. Choir will strive to participate in UIL Music Contest.
  • CHORALE – Auditioned Women’s group. Membership is open to all students in grades 9-12 through an audition in the spring of the previous year, or through the approval of the Director of Choirs. This group explores and performs SSA music and advanced repertoire in all styles and time periods. There is also a continued emphasis on sight-reading, solfege, and rhythm skills. Chorale will participate in UIL music contests.
  • A CAPPELLA CHOIR– This is the varsity choral ensemble at Rowlett High School. Membership is open to all students in grades 9-12 through an audition in the spring of the previous year, or through the approval of the Director of Choirs. This group explores and performs four-part music and advanced repertoire in all styles and time periods. There is also a continued emphasis on sight-reading, solfege, and rhythm skills. This ensemble participates in all UIL music contests.
  • R.S.V.P.– This ensemble is a mixed madrigal/vocal jazz/pop ensemble. Members are required to audition in the previous spring. Students in this ensemble display the highest levels of musicianship in sight-reading, improvisation, and showmanship. R.S.V.P. will perform for many events outside of school, and will serve as Rowlett High School’s premier vocal ambassador within the community.


KAREN MABRY LEWISis the Director of Choirs at Rowlett High School. A Kentucky native, she attended Belmont University, Nashville, TN, where she completed a Bachelors of Music Education - Voice Concentration and a Masters of Music in both Music Education and Vocal Performance from Southern Methodist University, Dallas.

Mrs. Lewis's teaching experience of 29 years encompasses the Garland schools of Webb Middle School, North Garland High School, Schrade Middle School, and the Richardson ISD - Lake Highlands Freshman Center, where her choirs are known for numerous awards at both U.I.L. and various national festivals.

Still an active solo vocalist, clinician, and adjudicator, she is a member of Texas Music Educators Association in which she currently serves as Region III Secretary, American Choral Directors Association, Texas Choral Directors Association, Sigma Alpha Iota, and Pi Kappa Lambda.

Mrs. Lewis resides in Sachse with her husband, Brad.

SAMUEL BRUKHMANis the Assistant Director of Choirs at Rowlett High School. A New Jersey native, he attended Westminster Choir College, Princeton, NJ where he recently completed a Bachelor’s of Music Education degree – Voice Concentration and Choral Conducting. A frequent participant in conducting master classes, he has had the opportunity to study with Gary Graden, Charles Bruffy, In-Gi Min, Simon Halsey, James Jordan, and Amanda Quist. In addition, Mr. Brukhman was selected as a 2015 semi-finalist in the National ACDA Conducting Competition held in Salt Lake City, 2015.

In 2012, he founded the Vox Mousai Women’s Choir, a collegiate women’s choir focused on the exploration and performance of women’s repertoire, Within 3 years of it’s founding at Westminster Choir College, the choir grew from 12 to 45 members and collaborated with such artists as the Princeton Girl Choir, Paul Mealor, Mitos Andaya, and Ola Gjello.

He is a member of the Texas Music Educators Association, American Choral Directors Association, Texas Choral Directors Association, and Phi Mu Alpha.

MUSIC ENRICHMENT TEACHERS – To be announced on Campus. Recommendations also will be given by directors upon request.


The Choirs at Rowlett High School are known not only for their excellence in the concert setting but also for the exceptional quality of the choir students in other aspects of their academic and extra-curricular pursuits. High standards result in students who achieve success. Choir students should be prepared to meet and even exceed the following expectations:

  • ATTITUDE: Come to each rehearsal with a positive attitude about working hard. You are expected to arrive in class on time wanting to sing and eager to tackle the task at hand . . . MAKING MUSIC. Remember, “There is no I in TEAM”, and we are a TEAM!

Choir students are expected to represent RHS choirs in a positive, mature manner—being the biggest advocate for choral music, your directors, and your performances.

  • DEADLINES: Turn in ALL items on time. Develop this life skill by keeping yourself informed of all dates, concerts, trips, and events. Resolve conflicts before they arise and communicate with the director ASAP.
  • TARDIES: Be on time, prepared and seated in the choir hall prior to the tardy bell. Hall sweep is the consequence of your failure to arrive promptly. Place all book bags in the assigned area.
  • USE OF CLASS TIME: Use the restroom prior to rehearsals. No cell phones allowed as per RHS policy.
  • CHOIR FOLDERS: Your choir folder and the music you are given serve as the textbook for choir. Students are responsible for paying the replacement cost for any music that is lost or damaged.
  • PENCILS: You are required to keep a sharp pencil in your folder at all times.
  • TIDINESS: Choir students are responsible for putting folders away at the end of rehearsal. A 25 cent “pick-up fee” will be assessed to any student who does not put their folder away properly in its’ assigned slot. The money collected for “pick-up fees” will be used to purchase Kleenex for the choral department. If 25 cents is not available, a student will be given their choir folder after arranging 15 minutes of after-school music library duty.
  • BEHAVIOR: Choir students are expected to follow all rules of personal conduct as set forth by Rowlett High School and the GISD school board. Consistent failure to meet behavioral expectations will result in removal from the program, Cell phones are to be put away during class time, unless the director asks students to utilize this technology for a purpose of the class. Choir department students are expected to be DRUG FREE and GOOD EXAMPLES OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL: no smoking or drinking on personal time. Students who make poor life-choices jeopardize their participation in RHS choir ensembles.


  • STAY INFORMED: It is your responsibility to keep informed of all dates for extra rehearsals and performances. The choir directors have made every effort to keep extra rehearsals to a minimum and to schedule performances around the major dates on the Rowlett High School calendar for the year. The choir calendar is part of this handbook, is available in the choir room and can be viewed on-line at (login is rowletthschoir; password is your 6-digit student ID).
  • PERFORMANCE ATTENDANCE: ALL STUDENT PERFORMANCES ARE A MANDATORY ELEMENT OF THE CHOIR CURRICULUM. Every choir student will perform. Your grade will reflect your participation both during rehearsals and at performances. Every member of a performing ensemble is vital to the ensemble as a whole. Never think otherwise. Failure to meet performance criteria could result in removal from the choral department.

Choral students will also be graded on their performance behavior. The following expectations are required for all performances:

  • Be seated or standing in place for the concert at the stated time.
  • Wear the correct uniform that is required for the performance.
  • Promptly check out and return uniforms/uniform parts within the required time periods.
  • Watch the director at all times.
  • No gum or cell phones.
  • Move between the stage and seating areas in quiet, single file lines based on riser position and row. MOVE WITH PURPOSE.
  • Always act in a professional manner. If you must question something you are about to do, then do not do it.
  • REHEARSAL ATTENDANCE: Rehearsals held outside of class time are also a mandatory part of the curriculum. Failure to attend these rehearsals not only jeopardizes your grade but our chance to achieve success as a choir.
  • COMMUNICATE CONFLICTS:Conflicts with the posted choir calendar must be communicated by a written note from your parent or guardian to your director 24 hours before the performance or rehearsal.
  • ABSENCES: A student’s absence from a required choir activity may be considered excused on a case-by-case basis provided that the student initiates communication with the appropriate director. A Remediation Project will be assigned by the director in the event of an absence.


The Choral Directors at Rowlett High School will commit to the following:

  • Announce calendar dates for choir activities at least one month in advance.
  • Provide an environment that allows students to enhance music skills in sight-reading performance, and appreciation of choral music through scholarly study.
  • Make arrangements and plan stimulating rehearsal and performance experiences.
  • Post grades weekly, using the GISD online grade book.
  • Arrange fundraising activities to assist students with choir financial obligations.
  • Make every effort to build qualities of self-discipline, appreciation, confidence, and responsibility in each student.
  • Approach every class period with a positive and nurturing attitude.


Students participating in A Cappella choir will be required to attend after-school rehearsals. These are outlined in the choir calendar and will be on either Mondays for Semester 1, while in Semester 2, women will rehearse on Mondays, and men will rehearse on Tuesdays.

These rehearsals are not optional, and are critical this year even more, due to our switching to the A/B Class Schedule. Students are responsible for giving 24 hour advance written notice to the director if a rehearsal must be missed.


CARE OF CHOIR ROOM: We need to make the care and maintenance of our choir room, its’ auxiliary rooms and the auditorium a daily priority. Please remember, the only drink allowed in the choir rehearsal is water. There is also to be no food or gum.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES These are only used for rehearsal purposes or for specific listening work once the director’s permission has been attained. It is the responsibility of the students to make sure that the equipment used is returned to the proper location. Cell phone calling, texting, using Twitter, or Facebook is not permitted within the Classroom setting.

PIANOS: NO STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO PLAY ANY OF THE CHOIR PIANOS without obtaining prior director permission.

CHOIR OFFICE: Please be respectful of this space and ask permission & knock before entering.

PHONE: If the choir office phone is not in use and is not an inconvenience, you may use the phone with director’s permission.


A successful choir program is built upon a solid foundation of timely, accurate communication between students, their families and the choir directors. To communicate effectively, we need to have the most accurate and up-to-date contact information for each student. Please take a moment to check your information in our choir database website sponsored by Charms: