







Following the conclusion of the informal consultation stage, approval is sought to publish the Statutory Notice for the proposed enlargement of St John’s CE Primary School from a 1 Form Entry (210 place) to a 2 Form Entry (420 place) as from September 2014.


It is recommended that the City Mayor, in consultation with Cabinet:

(i)approves the publication of the Statutory Notice to enlarge St John’s Church of England Primary School from a 1 Form Entry to a 2 Form Entry Primary School by establishing a new 1 Form Entry School on the former Oakwood High School site by September 2014.This would result in St Johns CE Primary School operating as a split site school from September 2014 with Key Stage 1 (Nursery, Reception and Yrs 1& 2) to remain on the current St John’s site and Key Stage 2 pupils (Yrs 3,4,5 & 6) being accommodated in the new building; and

(ii)notes that the proposed enlargement will provide a permanent increase in the schools planned admission number from 30 to 60 across the reception year group from September 2014. The increase will be undertaken in a phased approach with the planned admission number being implemented in phases. As the year groups move up through the school the increase in the admission number will be applied within the relevant year group. If the proposal is agreed, it is envisaged that by 2019 both Key Stage 1 & 2 (Reception to Year 6) will have a planned admission number of 60.



This report describes the outcome of the informal consultation undertakenfor the enlargement of St Johns CE Primary School. The purpose of this report is to present to Cabinetin order for a decision to be reached for the publication of the Statutory Notice to enable the proposal to proceed.


BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS:(Available for public inspection)

  • Report to Cabinet on 22nd January 2013: Primary Schools Provision Programme (PSPP) – Progress Update and Approval of Indicative Budget Costs for Tranche (1) of the September 2013 Expansion Projects *
  • Report to Cabinet on 26th March 2013: Primary School Provision Programme (PSPP) – Approval of Indicative Budget Costs for Tranche (2) of the September 2013 Expansion Projects and to authorise the commencement of the informal consultation stage of the statutory enlargement proposals *

* The relevant documents contain exempt or confidential information and are not available for public inspection.




KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Every Child Matters, Community Plan, Green Space Strategy and Unitary Development Plan


EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS:All works and services will be undertaken in accordance with relevant Equality and DDA legislation and guidance.


COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT: The expansion of Primary School provision in School Planning Area 8 (Claremont Ward) will have a positive impact on those families living in this area and also on all communities as this will result in greater access to Primary School places for citizens and residents within the city.


ASSESSMENT OF RISK: If the city council does not increase its Primary School provision to meet the projected demand, then the city council would not be fulfilling its statutory duty in relation to the provision of sufficient school places.


SOURCE OF FUNDING: Basic Need Capital Allocation


LEGAL IMPLICATIONSSupplied by Tony Hatton, Principal Solicitor tel. 219 6323

As earlier reports have referenced, the City Council as local education authority has a duty under section 14 Education Act 1996 to secure that sufficient schools for providing primary education are available for its area, and schools shall not be regarded as sufficient unless they are sufficient in number, character and equipment to provide for all pupils the opportunity of appropriate education.

Following the four week informal consultation undertaken from Monday 16th September to Friday 11thOctober 2013 the proposal to undertake the statutory process to enlarge St Johns CE Primary School is noted. Legal Services have previously seen and commented on the earlier report of 26th March 2013 to commence the informal consultation.

The legal statutory process and timescales for the publication of the notice, representation period and by which the decision must be undertaken are contained in this report. Assuming the proposal is agreed, the next stage in the process is to arrange for the advertising of the proposal by way of the publication of a statutory notice. The publication of the notice will allow for a further four week representation period for people to make views/comments. Legal Services have been in discussion and communication with relevant officers with regard to preparing the correct form of Statutory Notice, should the recommendation be approved.


FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONSNot applicable (approval of the final project costs associated with the development of the new facilities on the former Oakwood School site will be presented separately for Member approval at a later date).


OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: Customer and Support Services, Environment


CONTACT OFFICERS: Paula Flynn- Tel: 0161 778 0447





  1. Background

1.1.At their meeting on 22nd January 2013, Cabinet approved the commencement of the statutory process to commence informal consultation on the proposed enlargement of St John’s CE Primary School from September 2014.

1.2.The proposal is to enlarge St John’s Church of England Primary School from a 1 Form Entry to a 2 Form Entry Primary School by establishing a new 1 Form Entry School on the former Oakwood High School site by September 2014. This would result in St Johns CE Primary School operating as a split site school from September 2014 with Key Stage 1 (Nursery, Reception and Yrs 1& 2) to remain on the current St John’s site and Key Stage 2 pupils (Yrs 3,4,5 & 6) being accommodated in the new building.

1.3.The proposed enlargement will provide a permanent increase in the schools planned admission number from 30 to 60 across the reception year group from September 2014. The increase will be undertaken in a phased approach with the planned admission number being implemented in phases. As the year groups move up through the school the increase in the admission number will be applied within the relevant year group. If the proposal is agreed, it is envisaged that by 2019 both Key Stage 1 & 2 (Reception to Year 6) will have a planned admission number of 60.

  1. Primary Numbers

2.1.In the primary sector Salford is currently experiencing an unprecedented demand for places, which is particularly intense in Key Stage One (Reception Yr1 and Yr 2). Statistical projections indicate a continuation of this and as a result, additional primary school places are required as these numbers move through the school.

2.2.In response to this increase in demand for pupil places,St Johns CE Primary School has created an additional class (bulge class for additional 30 reception pupils) for September 2013. A Statutory proposal however is required for a proposed permanent enlargement of a school which would increase the capacity of the school by both a) more than 30 pupils and b) by 25 per centor 200 pupils (whichever is the lesser).

2.3.The permanent increase from a one to a two-form entry school (420 pupils) will come into place once the new build accommodation is completed.

  1. Basic Need Programme

3.1.In January 2013 cabinet approved indicative budget costs of £2,838,000 in respect of the increase in capacity at St Johns CE Primary School via the development of additional 1 Form Entry Modular System build facility (to be located on the adjacent Former Oakwood Site) resulting in the school operating as a 2 Form Entry split site school.

  1. Consultation

4.1.The informal consultation stage relating to the enlargement of St John’s CE Primary School commenced on 16th September 2013.Letters and a supporting document explaining the proposal and the consultation process were sent to all parents/carers of pupils, staff and governors of St Johns CE Primary School, together with details of how they could take part in the consultation process and make their views known. Letters were also sent to neighbouring primary schools and ward councillors.

4.2.Two responses have been received. One from the Headteacher of an adjacent Primary School (St Luke’s RC), who is in favour of the increase. The second is from a Parent of a pupil in attendance at St John’s CE Primary School who although understands the need to create additional places, is opposed to the further expansion of St Johns CE. A Copy of the consultation response is included at Appendix 1.

4.3.Bothconsultees’ have raised the issue around the further impact on traffic.

4.4.It is worth noting that planning permission and a Transport Assessment will need to be submitted to support any planning application for the proposed new building and neighbouring residents affected by the proposals for the new school will be consulted as part of the planning application process, as and when an application comes forward.

4.5.It is also likely that any contractor would register with the Considerate Constructors scheme and would put the procedures in place to keep the local community informed and involved.

4.6.In terms of the question raised around the creation of a new school rather than the expansion of St Johns CE. The change in government legislation means that Local Authorities in the first instance are not permitted to propose new schools. Therefore in order to meet demand, expansion of existing schools would provide the solution. There is a need to create an additional 1.5 forms of entry (additional 315 places) across the area. The former Oakwood High School site is the only piece of land located in this school planning area that is in city council ownership and that would allow for the creation of a 1 Form Entry School. Approval has already been granted for the expansion of the adjacent St Luke’s RC primary School by a further 0.5 FE (105 places).

  1. Statutory Process and Timescale for the current proposal

5.1.The approval sought to publish the Statutory Notice would initiate the next stage of the statutory consultation process during which further representation would be invited. A programme of activities and decision making timescales is outlined below:

Process / Timescale
1.Report to Cabinet to consider outcome of consultation and authorisation to publish notice. / Tuesday 22nd October 2013
3.Publication of statutory notice for enlargement. / Thursday 31st October 2013
4.4 week objection period ends. / Wednesday 27th November 2013
5.Cabinet (as Decision Maker in a matter of school organisation) must consider objections and representations received and determine the proposal within 2 months of the publication of the statutory notice. / Tuesday 10th December 2013
  1. Conclusion

6.1.Following the conclusion of the informal consultation stage, approval is sought to publish the Statutory Notice for the proposed enlargement of St John’s CE Primary School from a 1 Form Entry (210 place) to a 2 Form Entry (420 place) as from September 2014.

  1. Recommendations

7.1.It is recommended that the City Mayor, in consultation with Cabinet:

(i)approves the publication of the Statutory Notice to enlarge St John’s Church of England Primary School from a 1 Form Entry to a 2 Form Entry Primary School by establishing a new 1 Form Entry School on the former Oakwood High School site by September 2014.This would result in St Johns CE Primary School operating as a split site school from September 2014 with Key Stage 1 (Nursery, Reception and Yrs 1& 2) to remain on the current St John’s site and Key Stage 2 pupils (Yrs 3,4,5 & 6) being accommodated in the new building; and

(ii)notes that the proposed enlargement will provide a permanent increase in the schools planned admission number from 30 to 60 across the reception year group from September 2014. The increase will be undertaken in a phased approach with the planned admission number being implemented in phases. As the year groups move up through the school the increase in the admission number will be applied within the relevant year group. If the proposal is agreed, it is envisaged that by 2019 both Key Stage 1 & 2 (Reception to Year 6) will have a planned admission number of 60.

Appendix 1 – Consultation Response

Dear Sir / Madam,

I write as theHeadteacher of St Luke's in respect of the proposal to enlarge St John's with the creation of an additionalbuilding on the former Oakwood Site. I fully supportthe creation of extra spaces, being acutely aware of the shortage of places for children particularly in theClaremont area.

My concern is one of traffic onPark Lane and theroad which would thenserve both schools. This road is currently congested before and after school and at times dangerous.This will be made worse with the increased volume of cars the new build would generate. My suggestion would be that double yellow lines be placed along both sides of Park Lane with an allowance for permitholding residents.

Paul Jameson


St Luke's RC Primary School

SwintonPark Road



0161 736 6874

Sent: 07 October 2013 13:04
To: PrimaryEnlargementConsultations
Subject: Enlargement of St John's Church of England Primary School
Importance: High

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been a parent of St John’s School for over 8 years, one child left in July to go to High School and my other child has just started in Nursery.

I list below my reasons why I think the school should not be extended:

  1. Park Street which is where St Luke’s RC is situated is a residential street which every school morning and evening is packed with cars. It is a very narrow road which bends round near Lightoaks Park and is dangerous enough as only one car is able to travel along it at one time. It is not a two way street, due to the cars parked outside people’s homes. Add to this an extra school and a larger school for St Luke’s and this will make it unbearable with traffic!
  1. The reason I chose St John’s for both my children is because it has more of a “family” feel, as it is small enough that all the children know each other as do the teachers. I think this will ruin the atmosphere of the school. Assemblies are lovely with all the children together, this will not a happen in a split site school.
  1. Daisy Bank Avenue, which is where the current school site is situated is a cul de sac and again gets really busy with traffic and already residents have complained about parking issues. If the Daisy Club is situated at St John’s, the volume of parent’s dropping their children off for breakfast and after school club could potentially double, worsening the traffic situation on Daisy Bank Avenue also.

I understand the need for more school places but do not think this is the answer and am sure that the residents of Park Street and Daisy Bank Avenue would agree with me. Could a new school be built instead?

I hope my views are considered and that cabinet think seriously about safety implications before approving this.

Many thanks

Joanna Arden (Mrs)

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