Year ¾ History / Science based – ‘South America’ (6/7 weeks)

Children learn about the country in South America now and historically. They study location; human and physical features and explore what life is like in a region of South America, linked to financial capability. They create travel guides for visiting Peru using computing skills. They then look at Mayan civilisation in detail and create printed art work in the style of the Mayan traditions. Finally children listen and appraise tradition music and create working pan pipes.

Geography skills

Ongoing geography skills / Specific skills for this unit
• Use a range of resources to identify the keyphysical and human features of a location. / • Use maps and atlases to locate countries and describe features.
• Use the eight points of a compassto communicate knowledge of the wider world
• Name and locate the Equator,
• Describe geographical similarities and differencesbetween countries.
• Ask and answer geographical questions about thephysical and human characteristics of a location.

History skills

Ongoing history skills / Specific skills for this unit
• Use evidence to ask questions and find answers toquestions about the past.
• Suggest suitable sources of evidence for historicalenquiries.
• Use more than one source of evidence for historicalenquiry in order to gain a more accurateunderstanding of history. / • A non- European society that contrasts with British history- Mayan Civilization
• Describe different accounts of a historical event,explaining some of the reasons why the accountsmay differ.
• Suggest causes and consequences of some of themain events and changes in history.
• Use dates and terms to describe events:
• time period
Computing skills (old ‘Switched on ICT unit – we are travel presenters) / PSHE skills
  • Identify information and images from the internet that are most effective or relevant for my slide show
  • Choose photos that will most effectively tell the story of the visit.
  • Present images and narration so they tell a story.
  • I acknowledge the source of photos I use and ensure they are used sensitively.
  • know that we receive money through a variety of means, including paid work.
  • know ways to keep money safe, including saving it.
  • understand that some of the ways we use money can make it grow or involve risk.
  • understand that we make choices about spending for many different reasons.
  • begin to understand that the choices we make affect us, our communities and the wider world.
  • begin to understand that money may have different value and meaning to different people at different times and in different cultures.
  • know about the work of a charity and why we might need it.
  • be able to manage money effectively in real life situations.

Art skills / DT Skills
• Develop ideas from starting points
throughout the curriculum.
• Collect information, sketches and resources.
• Use layers of two or more colours.
• Replicate patterns observed in natural or builtenvironments.
• Make printing blocks (e.g. from coiled stringglued to a block).
• Make precise repeating patterns.
• Replicate some of the techniques used by
notable artists, artisans and designers.
• Create original pieces that are influenced by
studies of others. / • Identify some of the great designers in allof the areas of study to generate ideas fordesigns.
• Improve upon existing designs, giving reasonsfor choices.
• Disassemble products to understand howthey work.
• Cut materials accurately and safely byselecting appropriate tools.
• Measure and mark out to the nearestmillimetre.
• Select appropriate joining techniques.