(Volume 23)

TITLE / Additional Keywords / Magazine/Page Numbers
2015 Fulton Awards / Concrete Society of Southern Africa; Gouda Wind Farm Precast Towers; Precast Coal Bunkers and Overland Conveyor at the Sasol Shondoni Colliery; Fairscape Precinct Office Tower; Cement and Concrete Cube; Chevron Project Core; Metolong Dam Pedestrian Bridge; Stafford’s Post Interchange on the N2, Section 21; Umgeni Road Interchange / 6/66–68
Community-based Projects
Cederberg Nature Reserve / Finalist; Cederberg Wilderness / 10/63
Cornubia Integrated Human Settlements – Phases 1A and 1B / Finalist; KwaZulu-Natal; greenfields initiative / 10/60–61
DAEA Stock Watering Programme – Umkhanyakude / Finalist; developing groundwater resources / 10/64–65
Evolving Design and Construction of Rural National Roads in response to Community Concerns / Highly-commended; Eastern Cape / 10/58–59
Phakamani and KhanyaEducare Centres, East London / Finalist / 10/68
SMME Development along National Route R61 / Finalist; Mthatha / 10/66–67
Upgrading of Main Road 100, The / Winner; Kwazulu-Natal / 10/55–57
Wallacedene Public Transport Facility / Finalist; Cape Town / 10/62
Institutional Awards
SAICE and SAFCEC Individual Awards / 11/79–81
Most Supportive Advertiser of the Year / Knowledge Base (winner); Voltex (runner-up)
SAFCEC Recognition Award for Outstanding
Contribution by a Member Company / Stefanutti Stocks Civils
SAFCEC Recognition Award for Outstanding
Contribution by a Member Individual / Albie Laker (Asla)
SAFCEC Recognition Award for Outstanding
Contribution to Industry by a Member Individual / Dirk Theron (Murray & Roberts Construction)
SAICE Branch of the Year / Amathole Branch
SAICE Division of the Year / Water Engineering Division
SAICE Engineer of the Year / Deon Kruger
SAICE Student Chapter of the Year / UJ-Civils
SAICE Technologist of the Year / Brian Kannigadu
SAICE Young Engineer of the Year / Daniel Avutia
SAICE Young Technologist of the Year / Bulelwa Leni
SAICE Division Awards for Project of the Year
(per Division): / 10/77–78
Environmental Engineering / Cederberg Nature Reserve
Project Management and Construction / Head Office for the Department of Environmental Affairs
Structural Engineering / Malapa Fossil Cave Cover and Visitors’ Platform
Transportation Engineering / First Full-scale EME Construction Project in South Africa
Water Engineering / Mndwaka Dam
International Projects
JorfLasfar Slurry Pipeline Project, Morocco, The / Winner / 10/70–73
Nacala Rail Corridor (Section 2) / Finalist / 10/76
Rehabilitation and Raising of Nacala Dam / Highly commended; Mozambique / 10/74–75
SAICE-Lafarge Annual Photo Competition / 10/82–83
The winning photos / Turbulence above and below: C Wise (winner)
Sasol RompcoLoopline 1 in Mozambique: K Kusel (2nd)
Jeffrey’s Bay Reservoir night pour: SJW Civils (3rd)
Pumping concrete at the new Christiaan Barnard Hospital Development: B Sutherland (highly commended)
Spanning the Divide, Metolong Dam: C Meintjes (highly commended)
Showcasing excellence / Overview; sponsors / 10/9–10
Technical Excellence Projects
Acid Mine Drainage – Witwatersrand Central Basin / Highly commended / 10/17–18
Black Rock Expansion Project / Finalist; Northern Cape; slip-forming / 10/51
Construction of the Stafford’s Post Interchange on National Route 2 / Finalist; Eastern Cape / 10/48–49
First Full-scale EME Construction Project in South Africa / Finalist; eThekwini / 10/41
Grade-separated Interchange at ZCCMoria / Finalist; Limpopo / 10/50
Head Office for the Department of Environmental Affairs / Finalist; Pretoria; energy-reducing measures / 10/36–37
Improvement of National Route 7, Section 1 between the Melkbos and Atlantis Intersections / Finalist; Cape Town / 10/34–35
Kirstenbosch Centenary Tree Canopy Walkway / Winner; Cape Town / 10/12–13
KwaDukuza Electricity Priority Projects / Finalist; KwaZulu-Natal / 10/24–25
Malapa Fossil Cave Cover and Visitors’ Platform / Finalist; Cradle of Humankind / 10/38–39
Medupi Substations and Process Buildings / Finalist; Lephalale / 10/20
Mndwaka Dam / Finalist; Amathole / 10/46–47
Newtown Junction / Finalist; Johannesburg; reuse and restoration of heritage resources / 10/28–29
Phoenix Wastewater Treatment Works / Finalist; eThekwini / 10/45
Preekstoel Water Treatment Works / Finalist; Western Cape; biological filtration treatment of iron and manganese / 10/32–33
Private Aerodrome – Eastern Cape / Finalist / 10/40
Rehabilitation of Main Road P398 (M4) / Finalist; Durban / 10/52–53
Rehabilitation of Mouille Point Sea Wall: Phase 1 / Finalist; Cape Town / 10/42–43
St Mary’s Hospital, Mthatha, Phase 4 / Finalist; Mthatha / 10/54
Sundays River Bridge / Finalist; jacking; Eastern Cape / 10/26–27
Trenchless Rehabilitation of the Egg-shaped Langa Interceptor Sewer / Finalist; Cape Town / 10/22–23
Umgeni Road Interchange / Highly commended; Durban / 10/14–15
Upgrading of the Dordrecht Wastewater Treatment Works / Finalist; Eastern Cape / 10/30
Steel Awards impress yet again / SAISC; Malapa Fossil Excavation Site; American International School of Johannesburg – Aquatic Centre; No 1 Silo; Tugela River Pedestrian Bridge; Isando Pedestrian Bridge; 30 Jellicoe; McDonald’s; Lutheran Community Outreach Foundation Recreation Centre; Bakubung Platinum Mine Main Shaft Headgear; Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation / 2/23–46
Striving for the best (SAICE Transportation Division Chairman’s Award) / Logan Moodley / 8/65
Geometric Design of Roads Handbook / Keith Wolhuter / 8/66
Leadership and Agency by Women Engineers in South Africa / HannelieNel; challenges of working as a woman civil engineer; solutions to retain technical women / 9/80
Megastructures and Masterminds / Tony Murray; construction of major structures in South Africa / 9/80
Vibration Analysis and Structural Dynamics for Civil
Engineers / A Zingoni; A Elvin; Essentials and Group-Theoretic Formulations / 2/48
Civillain / Jonah Ptak; cartoon / 1/83; 2/63; 3/79; 4/68; 5/77;
6/71; 7/49; 8/62; 9/72; 10/84; 11/74
Dispute Boards – Dispute Avoidance Role, Part 1 / Anton van Langelaar; standing Dispute Boards; FIDIC; standard form contracts; GCC / 1/69–74
Dispute Boards – Dispute Avoidance Role, Part 2 / Anton van Langelaar / 3/72–77
Alternative Dispute Resolution – using the President’s List / J du Plessis; SAICE list of mediators, adjudicators and arbitrators; dispute statistics / 4/50–52
An integrated transport strategy: what progress has been made? / R Holden; new dispensation on e-tolls; Gauteng 25-Year Integrated Transport Master Plan; hybrid funding model; / 6/69–71
Behaviour change at household level in the water sector / Richard Holden; water consumption / 3/69–71
How low can you go? How much can you reduce your household service costs? / R Holden; sustainable cities; densifying the core of cities and reducing transport costs / 5/72–74
Integrated transport / R Holden; economic apartheid; Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP); Bus Rapid Systems; Gautrain; Standard Gauge; Cape Gauge / 2/64–66
Student to engineer – easing the transition by way of the final-year design project / H de Clercq; R Walls; graduates better equipped for the design office / 4/43–48
Breakthrough in waste management technology / G Heron; Earth Probiotic; landfills under strain; in-vessel composting machine / 7/16–17
Development of the Nyamasoga Hazardous Waste Landfill, Uganda / S Louw; J Shamrock; Lake Albert; Cambrian Age; Basement Complex system rocks; double composite liner system / 7/9–15
How prepared is the water and sanitation sector to respond to disasters in South Africa? / Risks to water security; load-shedding; wide-scale blackouts; water conservation and demand management / 7/46–49
Hydroelectric potential in the Orange–Fish–Sundays Water Transfer Scheme / B Barta; hydro-energy potential; SHE installations; Gariep Dam / 7/26–35
Leading water treatment technology for SA coal mining / ExxaroMatla; modular approach to reducing water usage at mines; underground flooding / 7/18–19
Modelling of composite type variation of the Crump weir / A Maritz; P Wessels; F van Vuuren; measuring of flow in rivers; effective management and conservation of scarce water resources; compound gauging weirs; modular flow; non-modular flow / 7/36–45
PrimeComposite slab system drastically reduces CO2 emissions / X Destrée; B J Pease; B Meadway; transport of readymix concrete; environmentally demanding processes for the concrete construction industry; reducing required concrete slab thickness resulting in significant performance improvements and CO2 emission reductions; reducing shrinkage; steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) / 7/21–25
Bottom(s) up / Tendering; civil engineering prestige; engineering challenges; grading consultants; professional registration / 8/1
Bridge over troubled waters / Temporary structure collapse at Grayston interchange; increase in infrastructure collapse; Civilution / 9/1
Glory days / Brain drain; state of the industry; Standard for Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management; Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent; Public Protector; COGTA / 10/1
It’s mine / Service delivery; strikes; Malamulele / 2/1
Knock knock / Improving quality of life; reinvention and innovation; Civilution Congress 2016; future of engineering and construction business / 11/1
Nice try but no cigar / Cuban engineers; skills shortage; municipalities to attract and employ professional engineers / 6/1
Onssallewe, onssalsterwe / Transformation / 5/1
Rhodes must fly / Rhode’s statue; Cricket World Cup 2015; integrated strategy / 3/1
With a little help from my friends / Consulting; contracting; price discounting; industry complaining / 7/1
8thSAYGEC cultivated at Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch / Cultivating the future of geotechnics; Ken Schwartz; challenging young engineers; Luis Alberto Torres Cruz; Jean Potgieter; Marie Basson; Valencia Kuppusamy, AshmitaBoodoo; Ryan Freëse / 3/64–65
96 Mill Point Road development lateral support / Katy O’Brien; South Perth, Western Australia; design options for lateral support / 3/38–43
Engineering geological considerations for three dams in Nigeria / Gary Davis; Kashimbila Dam; Otukpo Dam; Karshi Dam / 3/21–24
Geotechnical research at Wits / Charles MacRobert; Luis Alberto Torres Cruz; Irvin Luker; internal erosion; mechanical characterisation of tailings; rapid pile testing / 3/62–63
Health and safety risks of geotechnical investigations in townships across South Africa / Steven Zaal; Hennie Barnard; illegal overhead and underground electrical connections; mitigation of risks; electrical shock; damage to property; public unrest; risk management plan / 3/52–54
Importance of practical skills in geotechnical courses, The / Elizabeth Theron; undergraduate geotechnical labs; balancing theory and practice; involving seasoned practitioners / 3/60–61
In situ pile testing – a tool for design and quality assurance on site / Gabrielle Wojtowitz; Eduard Vorster; Futila Sea Breeze development; pile behaviour / 3/26–32
Need for ‘hands-on’ geotechnical engineering, The / Philip Stott; Carl Terzargi; Jeremiah Jennings; SABS 1200; SANS 2001; responsibilities of the engineer; understanding and assessing soils; CUT Geotechnical Research Group / 3/55–57
Predictable granites? Not really / Mark Laughton; Riaan Jooste; Willian du Toit; Alice Lane Phase 3 project; Johannesburg Granite Dome; dolerite rock / 3/45–49
Road construction on expansive or low strength subgrades / Hannes Taljaard / 3/44
Rock engineering for Boschkop intake works / Alastair Morgan; Vaal Dam reservoir; inter-basin water transfer; Vaal River Eastern Sub-System Augmentation Project; extending and integrating geological and geotechnical modelling; design-as-you-construct approach / 3/15–20
Role of civil engineering materials laboratories / Wessel Badenhorst; understanding materials / 3/58–59
Role of the geotechnical engineer on site, The / Vian van der Westhuizen; Gouda Wind Farm; Acid Mine Drainage Eastern Basin project; Thukela River, Sahlumbe / 3/50–51
Tensar TW1 system used on major roads contract in Ballito / SamanthaNaidoo; Fernando Pequenino; Frans van der Merwe / 3/34–36
Construction of the Prieska–Kalkfontein railway line
1914–15. Part 1: A running start – from Prieska to Upington / J Haarhoff; German South-West Africa; World War I; wireless stations; General Smuts; William W Hoy; Arthur M Tippett; Charles Cocks; H J Walker; South African Rebellion; South African Railways; General Manie Maritz; tracklaying record; Nicholas KingswellPrettejohn; Transnet Heritage Library / 2/50–63
Construction of the Prieska–Kalkfontein railway line 1914–15. Part 2: A major obstacle – the Orange River at Upington / J Haarhof; Willam Tippet; Sir Thomas Price; William Hoy; bridge over the Orange River; Nicholas Prettejohn; James Greathead; pontoons for military purposes; train ferry floated on pontoons; slipways onto banks; train ferry; Transnet Heritage Library; James Mackenzie / 4/31–40
Construction of the Prieska–Kalkfontein railway line 1914–15. Part 3: The final dash to Kalkfontein / J Haarhof; Nakop; General Manie Maritz; Erskine-Murray; Engineer Walker; lack of water and water management problem; South African Engineering Corps; railway line as a military benefit; William Ingham; railway line a showcase for engineering excellence; conquest of new territory contributes to nation building; logistics and infrastructure in support of frontline activities / 7/50–59


Also see Presidential Address

SAICE’s 112th President

/ Malcolm Pautz / 1/1


At 50 Gedore is just getting warmed up

/ Gedore SA turns 50; hand tools / 4/55

CMA announces 2016 awards for excellence

/ Excellence in the use of precast concrete / 4/58–59

Coega undertakes R126 million sanitation upgrade at

Eastern Cape schools

/ 4/62

Construction of 544 litres per second gravity line under

way / Makhado West Bulk Water Supply Scheme Project / 4/54

Drought-stricken mines can benefit from water-wise


/ Drop in water reserves; surface stabilisation; RDC 20; dust control; water spillage prevention / 11/71

Educating role-players is key to sustaining SA’s


/ Monitoring groundwater use; addressing local groundwater challenges; catchment management areas; mentoring / 11/71–72

Franki’s specialist jacking at Wentworth Station

/ Pipe jacking / 8/67–68

Hydrostatic concrete dumpers ideal for tough

operating conditions / 4/59–60

New innovation from Atlas Copco makes loading

options an easy choice / Loading Optimizer; evaluating methods and types of equipment in relation to key parameters from the worksite and identifies most favourable option / 8/68

New research funding for CoMSIRU

/ M Alexander; P Moyo; H Beushausen / 4/57–58

Putting a dampener on fire damage

/ EXTINGUISHmist; water mist fire extinguisher / 4/55–56

R200 million Hallmark House to inhance expanding

generation of Maboneng precinct in Joburg CBD East

/ D Adjaye / 4/60–62

Remacon products’ flexible modular wall system

proves a winner / Precast concrete walls; YFEL / 4/56–57

Thermal imaging camera can avert disaster

/ Fires on conveyor belts / 8/68–69


2015: A geotechnical perspective

/ P Day; developments and challenges in geotechnical engineering / 11/14–17

Attitudes must change

/ T Marshall; SMEC; unattractiveness of local construction industry; export of infrastructure services; new challenges and new opportunities for economic growth; meaningful economic partnerships / 11/11

BCCEI achieves major milestones

/ N Faasen; national wage negotiation; strikes; BCCEI accreditation by CCMA; Dispute Resolution Centre; role-players in civil engineering sector / 11/36–37

CESA’sBECS reveals glimmer of hope in the consulting

engineering industry / W Mayne; upper turning point for earnings; improvements in profitability and late payments, employment, utilisation, competition in tendering; regulations issues; unrealistic tendering fees; fraud and corruption; unlocking greater private sector participation / 11/18–19

CMP and the National Development Plan

/ J Wium; F Hugo; Construction Management Programme; shortcomings of the construction industry; ideal future construction industry; Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Committee; Strategic Integrated Projects / 11/34–35

Franki Africa on firm foundations

/ E Braithwaite; R McLintock; Franki stable / 11/21–23

Is there a reason for South Africa to have a positive

outlook towards 2020

/ M Pautz; infrastructure spending; challenges facing South Africa in infrastructure; global and domestic trends; planning and decision-making / 11/24–31

Predicting growth beyond 2020

/ J van Wyk; SARMA; positive growth signs in construction industry; ASPASA; focus on quality, regulated products / 11/20

South African economy – not a pretty picture, The

/ D Roodt; state of the economy; leadership; factors for economic growth / 11/8–9

Why should business continue to invest in SA?

/ FW de Klerk; reasons for confidence in South Africa / 11/32–33

Year of introspection, A

/ R Vries; GIBB; market challenges; infrastructure investment; service delivery challenges; project delivery model; cost reduction measures; Africa expansion / 11/12–13


Apps for studying civil engineering

/ RemcoSteenstra; Monte Carlo Simulator; Flow and Waves / 1/30–32

Curing the ailing in detailing

/ Jean-Pierre Rousseau; WolterBijker; AddoSoft; AddoBar; rebar detailing; dwg platforms; AutoCad; Bricscad; CAD; AutoPads / 1/27–29

Data for a 21st century Africa

/ Peter Greaves; data consumption; data centres; mobile devices / 1/35–36

Disruptive technologies – 3D printing

/ ImraanLambat; CAD software; Spark / 1/33–34


NEC3 ECC target contract option – principles and

innovative applications

/ Ron Watermeyer; Activity Schedule; Bill of Quantities; compensation event procedure; X1; X17 / 1/39–45

Social innovation and mega cities: what are the

opportunities for business? / Dieter Rennert; John Raspin; uninhabitable spaces / 1/46–47


Al Khalij Power Plant recirculation assessment

/ George Gerber / 1/57–59

Assistance towards developing Nigeria’s Infrastructure

Report Card / Malcom Pautz; Nigerian Society of Engineers / 1/52–54

Destination: Eden Island

/ Deon Claassen; Phillip Grobbelaar; Hessel Dijkstra; Seychelles; reclaimed land; founding platforms and methods; Rockgrid; project management / 1/60–67

Infrastructure development for Nigeria’s greater Port

Harcourt takes shape / National Integrated Master Plan; GIBB / 1/55–56

Why should South African engineers care about the

rest of the world? / Martin van Veelen; FAEO; WFEO; engineering organisational scenario; ECSA; International Engineering Alliance; International Professional Engineers Agreement; Sustainable Development Goals; NDP; SIPs; Vision 2024; KandiaCamara; UNESCO; OA Ajibola; OOOruje; Nigerian Society of Engineers; UNESCO Conference on Access to Water for All in Africa; Abidjan; Yamoussoukro; Côte d’Ivoire; Millennium Development Goals / 1/48–51


Elematic SA doubles its capacity thanks to ongoing

demand / Precast hollow-core concrete slabs / 1/78–79

Environmentally safe dust suppression product

/ GreenBit; dust emissions and air quality / 7/62–63

Design software for engineering minds

/ Knowledge Base; software design tools; Civil Designer / 7/63–64

Future of air release: the airbag for water pipelines

/ Vacuvent; anti-shock orifice for air release valves; water hammer / 5/75–76

Geopile Africa expanding the footprint of the TRM

ductile piling system

/ 3/66–68

Kaytech introduces Concrete Canvas to SA

/ Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats / 1/80–81

M&D Construction – a company in transformation

/ Murray & Dickson Construction; regulatory challenges; BBBEE rating; competing in the building and civil engineering sectors; large diameter steel water pipelines; pipe fittings; water treatment plants and reservoirs for water authorities / 1/75–76

Safripol – recognised leader in the manufacturing of

HDPE resin for PE100 pipe / Polymerisation technology; pipe solutions; iMPACT 100® pipe resin / 7/61

Water-saving solutions for the South African industry

/ Water effluent management; evaporation of excess water on tailings dams; mechanical evaporation machines; water-atomising evaporators; misting canon technology / 7/61–62

Young Eastern Cape consulting firm flourishes