Year 8 STEM: Sustainability – a study in Energy

Year 8, Stage 4

and Rationale / As global pollution levels increase around the world there is a need more than ever for real energy solutions for the warming climate. Global and local governments are legislating to encourage changes to the way electricity is generated, and how built environments are designed with energy efficiencies in mind.
The Program aims to:
  • enable students to develop energy saving and greenhouse gas reduction proposals and action plans for their schools, linked to KLA syllabus outcomes and content
  • enhance student engagement and the learning of subject matter through interdisciplinary, authentic project-based sustainability work
  • embed learning for sustainability into the school curriculum
  • expand the participation of teachers in student-directed, project-based sustainability learning by providing structured professional learning and scaffolded teaching and learning resources
  • Provide students with the opportunity to direct their own learning in the form of a project based learning centred class
Learning experiences should be adapted to suit students at particular stages of schooling and to reflect different school contexts linking to relevant syllabus outcomes. Students will be supported to work at a stage-appropriate level through the following sustainability action process:
  1. Making a case for change
  2. Defining the scope of the action
  3. Developing a proposal for sustainability action
  4. Implementing the proposal
  5. Evaluating and reflecting.
  6. Presentation of the project.

Essential Question / How can I lower the schools energy bill?
Assessment / Assessment Task 1: Designing a Sustainable Solution (includes project milestones throughout each term).
The outcomes that will be reported on for this topic and assessed in the assessment task. Does not preclude teachers from applying other outcomes to class tasks. / Technology Mandatory:
4.1.1applies design processes that respond to needs and opportunities in each design project
4.2.1generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions
4.2.2selects, analyses, presents and applies research and experimentation from a variety of sources
4.4.1explains the impact of innovation and emerging technologies on society and the environment
4.5.2produces quality solutions that respond to identified needs and opportunities in each design project
4.6.1applies appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design project
SC4-1VA appreciates the importance of science in their lives and the role of scientific inquiry in increasing understanding of the world around them
SC4-2VA shows a willingness to engage in finding solutions to science related personal, social and global issues, including shaping sustainable futures
SC4-3VA demonstrates confidence in making reasoned, evidence based decisions about the current and future use and influence of science and technology, including ethical considerations
SC4-4WS identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on scientific knowledge
SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems
SC4-6WS follows a sequence of instructions to safely undertake a range of investigation types, collaboratively and individually
SC4-7WS processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends, patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions
SC4-8WS selects and uses appropriate strategies, understanding and skills to produce creative and plausible solutions to identified problems
SC4-9WS presents science ideas, findings and information to a given audience using appropriate scientific language, text types and representations
MA4-1WM communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols
MA4-2WM applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems
MA4-3WM recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning
MA4-4NA compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies to aid computation
MA4-5NA operates with fractions, decimals and percentages
MA4-6NA solves financial problems involving purchasing goods
MA4-7NA operates with ratios and rates and explores their graphical representation
MA4-8NA generalise number properties to operate with algebraic expression
MA4-12MG calculates the perimeter of plane shapes
MA4-13MG uses formulas to calculate the areas of quadrilaterals and circles and converts between units of areas
MA4-14MG uses formulas to calculate the volumes of prisms and cylinders and converts between units of volumes
MA4-15MG performs calculations of time that involved mixed units
MA4-17MG classifies, describes and uses the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals
MA4-18MG identifies and uses angle relationships
MA4-19SP collects, represents and interprets single sets of data, using appropriate statistical displays
MA4-20SP analyses single sets of data using measures of location, and range
Resource List
Teachers to select resources according to KLA in order to cater for Stage 5 Syllabus. / Books
Science Stage 4 Jacaranda
Cambridge Maths 8
Essential Maths 8
Connection Maths 8 / Software
Microsoft Sway
Microsoft Office Suite and 365
Google SketchUp / Online
Google Apps
/ Equipment
STELR kits (Casula HS)
Digital cameras
Student laptops
3D printer and plastic filament
Dynamo powered circuits
Technology classrooms (Electronics, timber and metal rooms)
Science classrooms
Electricity use testing equipment (power mate)
Internet access
TAS timber materials
TAS metal materials
TAS architectural modelling supplies / Human Resources
Guest lecturers
Science, maths and TAS staff to assist class teachers with project implementation and problem solving.
Due to the project being student directed equipment and materials may be needed as required.
One classroom for all theory lessons with storage.

General Capabilities: (See Teaching and Learning Program to identify links to General Capabilities)

Learning Across the curriculum used in this document are from the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) NSW

Cross-curriculum priorities
/ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
/ Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
/ Sustainability
General capabilities
/ Critical and creative thinking
/ Ethical understanding
/ Information and communication technology capability
/ Intercultural understanding
/ Literacy
/ Numeracy
/ Personal and social capability
Other learning across the curriculum areas
/ Work and enterprise
1R Connect Creating an experience
Outcome / Content / 4MAT / Learning Experiences / Evidence of Learning / Reg/Date
SC4-6WS follows a sequence of instructions to safely undertake a range of investigation types, collaboratively and individually
SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems /
  • WS6Students conduct investigations by:
  • a.collaboratively and individually conducting a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed(ACSIS125, ACSIS140)
  • b.assembling and using appropriate equipment and resources to perform the investigation, including safety equipment
  • c.selecting equipment to collect data with accuracy appropriate to the task(ACSIS126, ACSIS141)
  • d.following the planned procedure, including in fair tests, measuring and controlling variables(ACSIS126, ACSIS141)
  • e.recording observations and measurements accurately, using appropriate units for physical quantities
  • f.performing specific roles safely and responsibly when working collaboratively to complete a task within the timeline
g.assessing the method used and identifying improvements to the method(ACSIS131, ACSIS146)
  • WS5.1Students identifydatato be collected in aninvestigationby:
  • a.identifying the purpose of an investigation
  • b.proposing the type of information and data that needs to be collected in a range of investigation types, including first-hand and secondary sources
  • c.locating possible sources of data and information, includingsecondary sources, relevant to the investigation
/ / Week 1
Activity: What is Energy? Where does it come from?
Students play game / compete with each other using Domino
-Group students into three or four
-Each group to be given 1 set of domino
-Lay the dominoes on a hard and flat surface (not on carpet)
-While setting up, ensure that there are plenty of safety-breaks in the sequence (do this by removing a few tiles at key points in your pattern, which will save you a lot of heartache when a domino tile is accidentally knocked over, and stops the toppling chain-reaction from destroying all your painstaking hard work before you're ready.)
-Students can choose different domino formation or a combination of straight lines, turns, splits or splits-offs, on-ramps, spirals and diamonds
-Set up your dominoes squarely one after another. Don't have them at angles to each other or you may find they don't topple the one in front, and they may also fall and hit a domino in another line next to it. The only skill in this move is to make sure the dominoes are spaced at the right distance from each other. If your tiles are 1.5 inches long then you should space them about two-thirds of an inch to no-less than half-an-inch apart. Any farther and they won't knock the next one over. If they are too close then they'll topple over too fast and lose the satisfying effect you're after. There's no need to measure the precise distance between them, you should find your own judgement is good enough after a few tries.
-For turn formation, you can have any angle of turn you like from 90 degrees, 180 degrees, to any degree you want. The things to know about turns are that the distance between dominoes is closer on the inside of the turn, and to make sure the angle between each tile making up the turn isn't too great. Because the surface area of the hit on the next domino is smaller in a turn, you really want an angle of no more than about 30 degrees between each tile.
-For split off formation: A split-off is a single line of dominoes that branches off into two separate lines. These are key to most complex patterns and displays allowing .freedom in your designs. Split-offs are pretty easy to set up and just involve setting two dominoes side-by-side so they are almost touching, placed at the front-end of a straight line. You then line your subsequent tiles in two continuing lines, one for each of the initial two, branching out in turns or two straight lines set at an angle to each other. / Students participate in the actively
Students work collaboratively.
Students ask questions.
1L Attend Reflecting on an experience
Outcome / Content/ Learn about/Learn to / 4MAT / Learning Experiences / Evidence of Learning / Reg/Date
4.6.1 applies appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design project
SC4-1VA appreciates the importance of science in their lives and the role of scientific inquiry in increasing understanding of the world around them
MA4-1WM communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols /
  • ongoing evaluation of design ideas and decisions
  • use criteria for success to reflect on the design process used and the solutions
/ / Week 1
Reflecting on the activity:
Students analyse the experience.
How that does move?
What do you think will happen if we glue or fix a thin stick or strip to the end domino and push a sharp pin or tack through the top end and then fall onto the balloon which you can simply fix to the base surface with a piece of tape?
Could a domino small enough to hold in your hand cause a chain reaction that could topple something as big as 112-meter tall tower?
Teacher’s Guide – Reflecting on the potential energy in Domino chain reaction:
Could a domino small enough to hold in your hand cause a chain reaction that could topple something as big as 112-meter tall tower? It sounds like a plot hatched by a kooky domino-themed super villain, but a new mathematical model shows it's theoretically possible. A typical domino is just under 2 inches tall, 1 inch wide, and about one-quarter of an inch thick. These dimensions create a thin block that's just stable enough to stand upright yet unstable enough to fall over with the slightest nudge. Each upright domino is also full of potential energy. When the first domino falls, the force of gravity turns that potential energy into enough kinetic energy to topple a domino larger than itself. That taller, heavier domino stores even more potential energy, and that energy will continue to mount so long as each falling domino’s kinetic energy can overcome the potential energy of their more massive neighbours. Mathematicians have traditionally assumed that no domino could knock over a neighbouring domino more than about one-and-a-half-times its own width, height, and thickness, or a "growth factor" of 1.5. A growth factor of 1.5 leads to some extraordinary chain reactions. A series of 13 dominoes that grow at this rate will amplify the force needed to push the smallest by a factor of 2 billion. And it doesn’t need a particularly long series before the largest dominoes are the size of sky scrapers.

/ Students ask questions.
Students take notes.
2R Image Imaging the concepts
Syllabus Points / Content / 4MAT / Learning Experiences / Evidence of Learning / Reg/Date
SC4-4WS identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on scientific knowledge / WS4Students question and predict by:
a.identifying questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically(ACSIS124, ACSIS139)
b making predictions based on scientific knowledge and their ownobservations(ACSIS124, ACSIS139) / / Week 1
Imaging the concept:
Students conduct an experiment on Newton’s cradle / Newton’s ball
Watch video on Domino effect (

A domino can knock over another domino about 1.5x larger than itself. A chain of dominos of increasing size makes a kind of mechanical chain reaction that starts with a tiny push and knocks down an impressively large domino.
Extension Activities:
-If students are confident enough in toppling dominoes, they can terminate the sequence by having a balloon burst with a bang. This is done by having the last domino glued with fix a thin stick or strip and push a sharp pin or tack through the top end and then fall onto the balloon which is simply fix to the base surface with a piece of tape.
-Instead of using domino, student cab use different object to creatively have more magical effect
-Using increasingly size series of dominoes / Students perform experiment
Students make prediction based on scientific knowledge
Students ask questions and investigate.
Students make conclusion
2L Inform Defining theories and concepts
Syllabus Points / Content / 4MAT / Learning Experiences / Evidence of Learning / Reg/Date
SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems
SC4-6WS follows a sequence of instructions to safely undertake a range of investigation types, collaboratively and individually
MA4-3WM recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning
4.6.1 applies appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design project
SC4-1VA appreciates the importance of science in their lives and the role of scientific inquiry in increasing understanding of the world around them
MA4-2WM applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems
MA4-3WM recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning /
  • WS6Students conduct investigations by:
  • a.collaboratively and individually conducting a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed(ACSIS125, ACSIS140)
  • b.assembling and using appropriate equipment and resources to perform the investigation, including safety equipment
  • c.selecting equipment to collect data with accuracy appropriate to the task(ACSIS126, ACSIS141)
  • d.following the planned procedure, including in fair tests, measuring and controlling variables(ACSIS126, ACSIS141)
  • e.recording observations and measurements accurately, using appropriate units for physical quantities
  • f.performing specific roles safely and responsibly when working collaboratively to complete a task within the timeline
g.assessing the method used and identifying improvements to the method(ACSIS131, ACSIS146)
  • WS5.1Students identifydatato be collected in aninvestigationby:
  • a.identifying the purpose of an investigation
  • b.proposing the type of information and data that needs to be collected in a range of investigation types, including first-hand and secondary sources
  • c.locating possible sources of data and information, includingsecondary sources, relevant to the investigation
/ Week 2
Activity: Where does electricity come from?
Students are asked where the electricity at home comes from and as a class come to a consensus on the primary sources. Write the sources on the board (coal and limited domestic solar).
The class is shown the STELR kits (borrowed from Casula High) or science faculty dynamo driven circuits and are given the opportunity to use and experiment how they work and how electricity is generated.
Students will:
  • Explore how wind can be used to generate power.
  • Explore how electricity can be used to generate power.
  • Explore how motion can be used to generate power.
  • Explore how friction can be used to generate power.
  • Explore how water can be used to generate power.
  • Explore how electricity is measured.
  • Explore how electricity is stored.
Students are to record their observations with notes on an observation sheet, taking photos and videos for upload onto Edmodo next lesson. Renewable vs. non-renewable energy – students research and construct a table classifying energy sources.
The Teacher invites the class to the Edmodo group / Google class and sets the boundaries for its use.
Once students have completed experimenting with the STELR kits and recorded the experience the class will begin the reflection activity. Students are required to take part in a discussion analysing the experiment and share their opinion on the experience.
  • Students compare and define renewables and non-renewables.
  • Students list advantages and disadvantages of renewables and non-renewables.
  • Analyse how the STELR kit power sources work and why.
  • Analyse how the STELR kit power sources are more environmentally sound choices.
  • Students post their opinions and become involved in the online discussion on Edmodo.
  • Students can define where Sydney domestic power comes from.
The teacher is to lead discussion and show examples of why renewables are essential to the future of air quality and power generation on earth.